Total Solution Lynne's journey to losing 6stone and running 5k. Countdown to Philadelphia.

I think that lb will be back on again after today. Went totally off the rails - 3 bags of French fries, 2 chocolates, a bag of pork scratchings and 2 pieces of pick and mix cheese. I wasn't upset or anything - just tired and hungry. Didn't leave work until 7.30 and got home after 10.00. Have so much to do. Our Summer Arts College starts tomorrow and a lot still needed to be done because I'd been away. Also have to do some additions to a report for our management board which is tomorrow afternoon so will be working on the train going to work. Will have to be up at 5 to make sure I'm there for the first Summer Arts College day which will be fun - a 6 hour day with some of our most challenging young people. To be honest I love doing SAC and have to fight every year to be able to be involved hands on rather than just managing from a distance. We all get very stressed but it is all worth it to see the changes in our young people! Anyway, now sat with a glass of wine! have decided to give today up as a bad job and make a fresh start tomorrow.
On a lighter note, I love this:
Me too. My weakness is proper Turkish food. Last time I was there we found a really good restaurant which did proper turkish meals. I MUST get back on plan to make space for this and all the raki, cocktails and effes I'm going to have!
Oh wow Lynne ! :D
What a difference in your photo's !!

Tiredness is a big, big trigger point for me to eat.
Start again tomorrow :)

I am also away to France at the end of the month, so aiming to get uber toned by then. A few pounds loss would be nice too, but after last week, I am not going to stress about it :)
Wow what a difference Lynne? you look so good now.
Holidays sound great.
Don't beat yourself over it, we all had a blips every now and then. main thing is to come back.
Hugs on your way...
Lynne don't despair! I did exactly the same thing last night!
I had a day out yesterday with some of my son's school friends and their mums. Walked miles and miles and got in tired, hungry and worst of all thirsty as I didn't take enough water. I felt like I had to eat or would fall down so made myself a bit of a salad with hard boiled eggs and cheese but it wasn't enough so I hit the carbs. Had two crumpets and butter, a bag of Hula Hoops, 2 jaffa cakes, a Twix and a Rocky biscuit :-(
Straight back on it today so hoping the damage will be minimal, and didn't really enjoy it as much as i thought I would.
Onwards and downwards (weight that is) we can do it!!
Slept in this morning - after effects of 3 glasses of wine - so didn't have time to get weighed. Had a shake for breakfast but due to rushing forgot to take bar for lunch. Therefore had lunch with the young people at Summer Arts College. Had 2 pkts of french fries and 2 bread buns with salad, ham and a cheese slice. Not too bad but now I've ordered a takeaway for tea (pizza and garlic bread) so today is going to be another day off plan. I think what I'm going to do tomorrow and Friday is have lunch at Summer Arts College but have exante meals for breakfast and tea. Eating with the young people is an important part of the college so I think this is probably the best plan of action.

Day 1 Sunday 4th August - Weight 12st 3lb - Loss 0lb - Target loss 15lb

Day 2 Monday 5th August - Weight 12st 3lb - STS - Target loss 15lb
Day 3 Tuesday 6th August - Weight 12st 2lb - Loss 1lb - Target loss 14lb
Day 4 Wednesday 7th August - no weigh in
Going to have to get a grip otherwise I'll never get back on track. Have just had a shake for breakfast and will have exante for tea then back to 100% over the weekend.

Day 1 Sunday 4th August - Weight 12st 3lb - Loss 0lb - Target loss 15lb

Day 2 Monday 5th August - Weight 12st 3lb - STS - Target loss 15lb
Day 3 Tuesday 6th August - Weight 12st 2lb - Loss 1lb - Target loss 14lb
Day 4 Wednesday 7th August - no weigh in
Day 5 Thursday 8th August - Weight 12st 5lb - GAIN 3lb - Target loss 17lb
Hey Lynne just be strong and knuckle down everyone has a bad time now and again but you have to put that behind you and just go for it again x
Welcome back Lynne, I got back last night so it is day 1 for me..had a wonderful time and ready to get back on the exante wagon..good luck with the first few days getting into it!!
Well done Lynne. Oh I loved Turkish food although found that I ate lots of salads.......and baklava. God I'm drooling just thinking of that now :) x

Baklava!!!! (say no more)
Lynne, I know how disheartening it can be to start a fresh day quite motivated and then end it completely off plan. But the important thing is that you've not just chucked it all in, you've decided what you want to do and what's realistic, with having lunch at the college, and you keep plodding on with it. I think that's a good example to those all-or-nothing people like myself who end up doing a lot more damage by going off the rails altogether.
So keep it up Lynne :) A slightly modified version of John Lennon's famous saying about life: Life is what happens while you're trying to lose weight ;);)
Me and OH used to sit and eat our way through a whole tray of Baklava whilst playing backgammon on the terrace of an evening. God when I think back to how mnay calories that would have been too?! :eek: x
Welcome back on plan Lynn ;-)
Lets do it...
Me and OH used to sit and eat our way through a whole tray of Baklava whilst playing backgammon on the terrace of an evening. God when I think back to how mnay calories that would have been too?! :eek: x

I know I know....only with baklava I hate to say it....I don't care! :D
Still not back on track. Went out for an Italian meal after work tonight and had 2 large glasses of wine. I know I will get back eventually but I'm struggling. I think it is because Summer Arts College is so intense (as well as being really rewarding). This is the 6th year we've done it and last year was the first year I didn't start smoking again!
Hi Lynne. You've obviously got a very busy and stressful time going on right now so I wouldn't be worrying. The programme will still be here when your ready to get back to it. I think what your doing at work at the moment is taking priority and so be it.

Hope tomorrow is a good day.
Thanks Hulllou. I think you're right. We're taking them to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park tomorrow.
This has got to stop. I'm piling the weight on! Have had a shake for breakfast - good start at least.

Day 1 Sunday 4th August - Weight 12st 3lb - Loss 0lb - Target loss 15lb

Day 2 Monday 5th August - Weight 12st 3lb - STS - Target loss 15lb
Day 3 Tuesday 6th August - Weight 12st 2lb - Loss 1lb - Target loss 14lb
Day 4 Wednesday 7th August - no weigh in
Day 5 Thursday 8th August - Weight 12st 5lb - GAIN 3lb - Target loss 17lb
Day 6 Friday 9th August - Weight 12st 7lb - GAIN 2 lb - Target loss 19lb
Good luck Lynn ;-)