Total Solution Lynne's journey to losing 6stone and running 5k. Countdown to Philadelphia.

Hi Lynne. Hope your on the road to recovery. A 4lb loss so far is fab. :)
Sorry you're suffering. You're doing really well to stay on plan whilst not well. Hope your day improves xx
Oh dear. Didn't manage to keep to 100% today. Had a shake for breakfast but then had 2 boiled eggs and 4 slices of toast for lunch because I thought it might stop me feeling so sick. Now I've just struggled to eat an onion bargee for tea because my throat is so sore. Goodness knows what my weigh in will show tomorrow morning!
I think on the cocktail of pain killers you are on you might be better to eat a little when you take them check out the packets and see if any of them say don't take on an empty stomach. That could be why you are feeling so sick
Have decided to have a couple of days off plan to see if I get any better. My leg doesn't hurt as much - probably because of the medication but I have an awful sore throat and can't swallow and I've also got a bad stomach which is also probably down to the medication. I don't usually get ill so am finding it really difficult not feeling sorry for myself. Back to work tomorrow but I'm going to have to see how I go. (I also hate being off sick and have a rediculously macho attitude about not taking sick leave!) Anyway, hopefully I'll feel OK when I get there.
Weight wise it was weighin day today. I'd gained a lb but that still means I've lost 3lb over the week which I'm perfectly happy with!
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Oh Lynne really hope you are feeling better soon take it easy in work - don't go in if you are not feeling up to it in the morning X
Thanks Tigs. I won't stay at work if i don't feel up to it. I have to go in because I'm hosting a big presentation evening on Wednesday night and am nowhere near prepared for it! I'm also behind with loads of other stuff due to having 2 holidays and spending 3 weeks running an summer arts college then being off sick for a week. I'll just have to take it easy and leave if I feel too ill. I'm hoping that going back to work will take my mind off feeling ill. I have to say that the pain killers have certainly stopped my leg from hurting so much and it might do it some good getting a bit of exercise rather than lying in bed or on the sofa all day. I'll just have to see how it goes!
Good morning Lynne. Hope you woke feeling much better this morning, take care xx
Thanks GP. Feeling a lot better this morning. Had a shake for breakfast but am going to have normal meals for lunch and tea. Off for the train now.
Good luck with work today lass. Hope your feeling much better soon. I think your sensible for adding in a bit of food at the moment. Health always comes first and exante will still be here when your body is feeling up to it.
Good luck with preping for the presentation etc..

Great to see you are on the mend. Have a good day :)
Glad to see you're feeling a lot better. Hope today's a good one xx
Hope your day was ok Lynne and you are not too tired after your day. I think you are doing the right thing by eating whilst you are on the tablets
First day back at work. I have to say I struggled. My leg still hurts (although not as bad as before I started taking the painkillers) and I was really tired. Food wise I had a bit of a binge. Over the day I've had a banana shake, an asda tuna and pasta salad, 4 dairylee dips, 4 muller rices and a fish finger sandwich with 2 slices of bread and 4 fish fingers. Not good! I'm feeling really tired now so going to have a bath and go to bed.
Poor you. You must be feeling really low. As binges go you could really have been way worse seems to me you are just eating stuff you can swallow and provides a goo base to stop the painkillers eating your stomach lining. You have to deal with the situations life has dropped you in at the moment and getting better is most important. Hope you have a better day today and if more fishfinger sandwiches are going have one for me too :) xx
I can only agree with the last two posts, Lynne, some time out to get yourself well again is the most important thing. At the end of the day, that is why you're doing Exante in the first place, so health needs to be on top of the list. Are you back in work today? I wonder if your running has done any damage to your leg perhaps?
I hope you are feeling better Lynne :)
I think a lot of people comfort eat when they are in pain and not themselves. I know I do. Get better first then worry about the diet :)
Good afternoon Lynne, hope you're feeling much better. OMG I would kill for a fishfinger sarnie right now.
I agree with the others, everything you ate is proper comfort food. Don't beat yourself up over it, you obviously needed it so be kind to yourself whilst you recover :hug99: xx