Total Solution Lynne's journey to losing 6stone and running 5k. Countdown to Philadelphia.

Thanks Harry. Haven't had the soup yet!
Good afternoon Lynne, hope you're having a good one. xx
That chicken dinner sounds yummy :drool:
Hi GP. I'm doing fine. My leg eventually seems to be on the mend. I'm still limping but it feels more stiff than anything else. Forgot to put the pedometer on but it's on now. Will walk the dog and go on the treadmill (walking) to get some steps in. I'm looking forward to that tea. I'll actually be having less callories than I've allowed for because the count is based on a third and not a quarter of the chicken crown.
Thanks Lux. Final tally for today: 1086 calories / 89 carbs. I was fine until my son brought some frozen yorkshire puddings home with him and I had 2 and now I've also had a glass of sauvignon blanc.
Thanks Carrie.
Still 11st 12lb this morning. Counting today as weigh in day as will be away over the weekend.
That is fantastic Lynne....brilliant
Well done Lynne, well in the 11s now xx
Hi Lynne

Thought I'd pop by to say hello :)

Well done for getting into the 11's lady you've done really well even though you've not been 100% health wise.

Get well soon hun...enjoy you're weekend away and we'll see you when you get back xx
Have you had a good weekend Lynne x
Hope you have had a great weekend
Hiya Lynne, hope your weekend was good xx
Hope the legs better and your being good while your not here ;-)
Huh, I'm back in the 12s now! Not been doing well. Ate an almost exclusively carb diet at my mum's last weekend and then had a stressful week at work during which I ate anything and everything in sight. Haven't even been weighing myself which is unusual for me as I usually weigh daily! Am dreading tomorrow's weekly weigh in!!!!!
Anyway, I've decided that enough is enough and a new approach is called for. I'm in danger of spiralling out of control if I don't do something about it. So.... having been inspired by Carrie's amazing progress I have decided to try 4:3. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays will be fasting days (strictly sticking to 3 exante packs a day) and on the other 4 days I will combine exercise and food ensuring a net calorie intake of 1200 - using My Fitness Pal. A lot of my exercise will involve step counting (trying for 10,000 a day) as my leg is still on the mend.I've even put this up as a new challenge if anyone is interested in joining me!
Nice to see you back Lynne, you were greatly missed. Sorry you've had such a stressful time at work, don't be hard on yourself were only human. I've been on these boards since 2011 I think and this is the closest I've got to goal. I've always wanted it but just wasn't quite there. I hope my journey shows that. I'm not going anywhere as there is very few maintainers on the boards. I want to be held accountable for everything. If I go off track I wanna show that I do, life is full of ups and downs.. ( my weight mostly ) I really do hope this time is for keeps but the realist in me says I will always struggle. Unfortunately I'm not naturally slim, gosh I wish I was. But the work its taken to get me to here proves otherwise.

Thanks for all your kind words. Hopefully that leg of yours will ease up. Xxx