Lynn's Diary - My Big Fat Weight Loss Journey

Congratulations on the loss Lynn.. see it hasnt stayed around long!

The Thailand holiday sounds amazing !!!! Thats is a brilliant incentive for you to make final push to your goal. I definitely think you can and will make it to your goal by February!!

Wow that is just so exciting, It was over 10 years ago that i went travelling in Thailand, but there is so much to see and do. Bangkok has an amazing floating market, where you can go on a small canoe like boat and buy herbs and spices and orchids. The Emerald palce is also incredible, we went to see the Bridge over the River Kwai and went on the death railway which was so interesting. Phi Phi is where one of the old bond films was filmed, cant remember which one but its such a stunning island, the sea is completely clear and it feels like heaven on earth.
Makes me want to start planning some travels too!
13.6 this morning! Wooohooo half pound down from pre holiday weight! Im going in the right direction now lol, only 1lb away from 4st loss, i might shift that by Friday.

Went to town yesterday and bought 2 longline sweaters for Cornwall, 2 new belts :) and a pair of outrageous knee high black leather boots with 3 inch heels. I showed them to my daughter and asked her if a 55 year old woman should even be wearing them. She said no, I should immediately give them to her haha.

Im gonna have to learn to wear the damn things, nearly went flat on my face in them. About 18 months ago I had a bad fall in a pair of high heel shoes and hurt my foot badly, it knocked my confidence badly too and since then i have really only worn flat shoes, so now i have to learn to wear heels again. The first thing i noticed is that i have to stand differenlty in them, they make me hold my back straighter and hold my stomach in to balance me properly. I intend to wear these at the weekend so im wearing them around the house to get used to the heels.

I am a bit nervous about them though, in that am i too old now? From the waist down i look about 20 from the bust up i look about 70. Losing weight is starting to make my face look saggy, and as for my boobs, well the less said on that the better. I have 20 year old legs and 90 year old bangers haha. Maybe the Thailand money would be better spent on a full facelift and boob job lol. On the other hand I could just take to wearing big collars and full face sunglasses, that would work lol.

Im only joking really, I can deal with the weight, but there is nothing i can do about the years, so be it. I am what I am. Mutton dressed as lamb, bring it on lol.
hey lynn, so glad to have you back, glad you enjoyed tunisia except the noisy complex, i have to recommend hotel kanta if you go again, they dont play loud music at all (well unless its changed since 2008), its ever so relaxing.
well done on the loss since getting back thats great.
Hi Sarah, not long till your holiday now, you must be getting excited! I looked out for the Kanto Hotel when i was down in the port but couldnt spot, i would like to have had a look round.
Hey Lynn, was just wondering how you're getting on. Hope everything is ok x
I spent the entire day at Nirvana Spa with my sister Sally yesterday, I slept like a log last night. My weight is still 13.6 this morning, but my brand new size 16 jeans are now getting a bit loose on me lol, and the belt i had on them is on its final notch, but i have new ones to replace it :).

Sally gave me some of her old size 14 jeans, and I can actually get them on and done up without too much struggle, but they are hipster jeans and Im not that comfortable wearing them, I like to have a belt that does up around my waist to keep my wobbly midriff under control. Being diabetic means that my body really really wants to store fat on my midriff, but i do have a waist now which im really surprised at.

When i was on holiday I mentioned to my daughter that I have an expensive Marina leather coat that is much too big to wear now, and I said she could have it, she mentioned that she had a leather jacket that was way too small for her so we agreed to swap. I took my coat round to her yesterday evening, and she gave me her 'jacket' so that I could have it for this weekend. Its not a jacket. Its an ankle length Matrix style black leather coat. It will certainly keep the weather out lol. It wont fit me for long, its already a bit big on me, but it will be great for Cornwall this weekend. Should look good with the boots.

I think Thailand is going to be a non starter. Im feeling a bit gutted about it today, but Im sure we will go eventually, its one of the places I really want to go to. Hubby heard yesterday that his work may be extending him by another 3 months at least. Im starting to get a bit pissed off about this, I feel that our life is on hold while his company cant get their bloody act together. He was originally due to be made redundant last December, that then got extended to end of August, then to end of this December. But quite honestly I only intend to work for another 2 years and maybe Thailand will be a better option then, maybe we could do the grand tour and go to Australia as well, go for 3 months or so and see everything we want to see. Hubby did say I could go to Thailand anyway in Feb, but I wasnt that happy spending a week without him in Tunisia, I dont think I could do 3 weeks.

Im sure he will be happy about the extension though as he loves his job, but at his age (61) he is also lucky to be getting a really good redundancy package, so we dont want to lose that opportunity either, as the money means that we can achieve a lot of things. Im happy for him really, but I just want to be able to get on and make plans too. Come March, what will happen then? Another extension? who knows. We will be going to Tenerife next July come hell or high water as all the family are coming with us, its our big family get together and we havnt done it for 2 years now, so we still have that to look forward to.
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Just getting ready to go to Cornwall! Hope the weather isnt too bad this weekend. I could bash hubby over the head, after him telling me that he wanted to leave early to get down there he then announced last night that he has to go into work this morning.....grrrrrr, but he hopes to be ready to leave by 10am, so thats not too bad i suppose, we should be there by about 1 or 2pm. It means i dont have to rush around this morning.

I was still 13.6 this morning so didnt reach my 13.5 target but never mind, im just so happy to be the weight I am. I daresay it will go up again by the time we get back on Monday lol, but hey, its gonna be a lovely weekend with our friends as well, so im not going to worry too much, ill just do the byetta in the mornings and have a nice meal out in the evening. At least things will be back to normal next week when i get back to work.

1 funny thing about doing the injections now, im finding it harder to find a place on my stomach where the injection doesnt sting, not enough fat there anymore lol.
Heya hun, sounds like you're doing amazing! Hope that you have a fab time in Cornwall.
Wear those boots with pride! If you've got it flaunt it! If I could wear knee high boots I would, like every day, lol.
Lol Lynn, bash him over the head!

Hope you have a lovely weekend and you get good weather!
I wouldn't regret Thailand as it sounds like you have a lot of travelling to look forward to in the future and when the stresses of work are behind you both you'll enjoy it more.

Must have felt brilliant sharing clothes with your sister, that's obviously a big milestone for you. I'm really. Happy for you that you're enjoying being the weight you are for the time being as you've achieved so much, so quickly you mind probably needs to catch up with your body! Plus after your break, the weight will start falling off again. You look amazing on your picture, really slim and attractive so enjoy definitely enjoy feeling good about yourself!

Thanks so much for you lovely post yesterday, your support means a lot xxxx
Cornwall was lovely, and we had great weather all weekend, which was differnt to waht was actually forcast. In fact yesterday it was too hot to stay in the sun for any length of time. We spent our time mainly in Mevagissey which is a wonderful little fishing village, and in Polperro, which is another gorgeous little place.

I had no intention of taking injections or worrying about what i ate as it was only a weekend, but i have to admit that by yesterday evening i was starting to feel nervous about wht the scales would reflect, but when i got on them this morning i was 13.6, exactly the same as i was Friday morning, so i havnt gained an ounce all weekend! Fantastic!

I feel very ill today, like flu like ill. Ive had it on and off all weekend, but have kept it at bay with copious amounts of paracetamols, but i think its really making itself known now, which is bloody marvelous as im back at work tommorow. Hubby wanted to spend the day at NIrvana today, but im not sure. Ive just taken another dose so ill have to see how i feel in an hour.
im gonna write down what ive eaten this weekend as i have had some lovely food and it will be good to look back and remebr how delicious it all was lol. Its a long time till christmas now, and all my holidays are out the way until then.

On friday morning i had an apple before i left and another on the way down. I left it too long after having my injection before i ate and felt hungry on the journey. When we got to the guest house it was about 2pm, so we dropped our bags off and then went into St Austell, there is a pub there called the Hop & Vine which gets great write up for their food, so we thought we would try to find it but they had stopped serving food at 2.30.We found a Wetherspoon ( I think) that served food all day and i had a small plate of chicken nachos. I didnt eat the soured cream on top and i managed to palm about a third of it onto my hubby. In the evening we went to a pub local to the guest house and i had prawns and a really lovely salad, so all in all Friday was not too bad.

The Chapel Guest House is well known for its fabulous cooked breakfast, so i had some fruit salad followed by the full cooked brekky. We didnt eat lunchtime, i just had an apple. In the evening we went into Mevagissey to one of the fish restuarants there and i had the baked crab pot which was a heavenly starter of crab and avocado in a creamy sauce topped with melted cheese and served with a chunk of crusty bread. Then i had seabass and the freshest most delicious scallops i have ever tasted. it was served with butternut squash mash and steamed veg, but i was so full from the starter that i didnt manage to eat it all. My stomach was mad full, i felt like i needed to lay on the floor to relieve the pressure lol, so i went for a bit of a walk along the harbour while our friends finished their meal.

Sunday morning i had a yogurt with a sliced banana and the full cooked breakfast again, then i didnt eat again until we got home last night when we went to a local pub that makes a wonderful grilled fresh tuna nicoise.

Back to normal today, and back to the byetta, but i think i might get some yogurts and have one for breakfast along with my piece of fruit in the mornings. I need to increase the amount of calcium in the food im eating so that might be a good way to do it.

I was about 13.6 on the 28th August and im still 13.6 today on 13 Sept, so my weight loss overall has stalled for the past 2 and half weeks. I dont feel as though ive wasted that time though, ive been to Tunisia and Ive been to Cornwall. In 4 months overall ive lost 4 stone which is a fantastic achievement and im so pleased with the results and how i look now, so i cant regret not having lost overall in the past 2 weeks. Im really looking forward to getting back to normal though, and getting on with the weight loss. Its 3 months now until the Christmas party and i want to lose at least 24 lb in that time so that i can get down to my previous personal best of 11st 10lb. Im really excited about the prospect of getting there. Hubby took some pictures of me this weekend and at 13.6 i dont look too bad, its weird seeing pics that make me look normal, i may try and post some here. So anything i lose now will just be better and better. Onwards and downwards!

Polperro Sunday 12th Sept

Im wearing a beautiful amethyst necklace that hubby bought me in Mevagissey, its so gorgeous and i really love it!
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We went to Nirvana spa today and stayed about 4 hours. I went in the hot spa pool and the steam room, and had a bit of a swim in the relaxation pool. I still feel a bit fluey but im glad i went, im sure it helped me a lot. Made some delicious cauliflower and broccoli soup tonight as i dont feel like eating much.

Chopped a large onion and poached it in a litre of skimmed milk for about 10 minutes then added half a large cauliflower and a good sized head of broccoli, topped it up with water and a dessertspoon of knorr chicken stock granules and a small pinch of chilli flakes, simmered for another 15 mins then liquidised it and added black pepper and salt to taste. The whole thing comes to about 850 calories, but makes at least 8 good sized portions of really delicious soup.
Just finished reading your diary, great read, well done on the huge progress you've made over the past few months :) you must be very proud! I know there are other reasons apart from body image to lose weight, but you look great in your picture at polperro, well done! Nice to read your diabetes is at bay as well, here's to continued great progress with your health!
Wow Lynn you look stunning in the beach pic, how slim are your legs, I'd kill for a pair of legs like that!!

I have to say you look so much younger than your age, maybe I need to get myself a spa membership too!! Sounds like Cornwall was really enjoyable and your food sounds lovely, all of my favourite kinds of food. What a great result to sts, your metabolism must be in good shape. I went to Cornwall back in May, and had a lovely time , I was in the same area too. Keep thinking I'd like to go for a few weeks, as I loved going there as a child.

Hope the flu like symptoms are gradually going, I bet the soup helped. I will try your recipe, as cauli soup is a favourite of mine.

I'm certain you will get to your target, although, you do look fantastic in your picture and will look stunning at the Xmas party like you are. But there's nothing like reaching your goal and giving your confidence even more of a boost.

Well done Lynn you really are an inspiration xxx
Hi Healthy! Thanks for the lovely comments :)

Im just getting ready to go to work this morning, I feel a bit fluey still, but ive taken some pills and they are starting to kick in. I havnt worn my (only pair) work trousers since i last went to work 3 weeks ago. I didnt really give it a thought as i havnt lost much since then, but something has changed if not my weight, because i can hardly keep them up, i can get them on and off without undoing them, and i cant put a belt on them as no stupid belt loops grrrr.

So im going to have to find a shop before i get there to buy some trousers, either that or wear jeans to work haha. These are size 16, so am i now in a 14? must be i guess, just seems weird that ive got to that size already
I went to Matalan after work and bought a gorgeous suit, their suits are such great value, the fabric is really heavy and good quality and the jacket is beautifuly tailored and lined with purple silk. The whole suit cost just £32, amazing! At least I have some clothes to wear to work now anyway. Im kind of in between their 14 and 16 in trousers, so i got the 16 and ill probably go back at the weekend and buy the 14 so that i have them ready! They also have some really pretty silky blouses that i will no doubt come home with. I said a few weeks ago that I had to stop buying clothes, i dont think a week has gone by since then that i havnt bought something, my wardrobe is practically groaning lol (as is hubby haha).

I feel ill today, felt so sick this morning i thought i would throw up, but i got through the audit and im home now, I think ill just go to bed and hide under the duvet.
The new clothes sound awesome. You're right though, sometimes it's not always about the amount of weight you've lost, but how your body changes. You must be looking awesome luv :)

Sorry that you're feeling rough though, go have some quality time with your duvet.

Best wishes.
yayyy 13.4.5 today, so ive hit my mini goal at last. Need to make another one now for 12.13. Wow, im so close to being in the 12's wow wow wow. Its only 5lb away, i should be able to do that by end of Sept easily, fingers crossed.

Still feel ill today, im tempted to stay in bed and not go to work...... I hate being ill, and im working really close to home today as well. ohhhh i dont know what to do
Congratulations Lynn!!!! 12's are coming very soon!

Take the day off!!!!!!!! If you're not well, spend the day on the sofa with a blanket, a nice hot drink and some day time tv or a good book. X