Lynn's Diary - My Big Fat Weight Loss Journey

Lynn bet you look and feel great! I used to love having beauty treatments, they make you feel so good. I'm so jealous of your spa it sounds absolutely amazing, was thinking for my next stone off will go to a spa for the weekend with the girls for some pampering. Would have been too afraid before in case the gown wouldn't fit properly, but now I think it will be a perfect reward! Thanks for the inspuration!

The resort you're going to sounds so plush, all inclusive is definitely a good idea as there will be so much choice for you. I would just go and enjoy yourself and don't worry too much about the food, I just made sure I didn't snack on things and then had light lunches and it seemed I could eat a small portion of whatever I wanted and still lose weight. As soon as I stopped worrying about it, everything felt easier and the food stopped being such an issue for me. I'm sure you'll be fine though, you have such a sensible approach to your weight loss.

Have you done the swimsuit dance in front of the mirror yet? That was my favourite obsession before going away and then I got to the point where I didn't care lol! But you are so thin now you should strut your stuff like a miss world contestant around the pool ( I would)!

hey lynn, congratulations on hitting 13.9 so pleased for you!!
enjoy your holiday, i shall expect a weather report when you get back lol
Heya Lynn, congrats on the 13.9, and the 'overweight' and the good report from the drs, crikey, you're doing so well with everything all in one go.

I hope that you really enjoy your holiday! Don't worry too much about weight and what you're eating, just enjoy every moment!

Good luck with the M4, lol.
Daughter rang me today from Tunisia, she is in hospital! Doesnt expect to come out till Monday. Thank goodness her boyfriend is there, as she has her 2 daughters there with her on holiday. Bex is 18 so thats not a problem but Ellie is only 9. Just as well im going out tomorrow. Trish had severe stomach pains on wednesday and was taken to hospital yesterday. They have run a barrage of tests on her including an endoscopy, and have found some lump in her stomach, possibly an ulcer, i just hope its not worse than that. They did a biopsy and will have the result Monday. Trish actually sounded quite bright when i spoke to her today, so im not overly worried. She has had this pain before several times but not as bad as this time, but her doctor here has not taken it very seriously. I know its not gallstones as she already had that a few years ago and had her gallbladder out. Ill be getting to the hotel quite late tomorrow so wont be able to see her till Sunday. Im sure it will be ok though, this has been going on sometime with her so if it was anything terrible then im sure it would have developed by now. If its an ulcer she is gonna have to change her lifestyle a lot.

Roll on tomorrow.
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Have a brilliant holiday lovely lady, and enjoy looking and feeling great. Will miss hearing from you, but I hope your holiday is everything you want it to be. Look forward to hearing all about your holiday and don't worry about your weight, it will look after itself whilst youre having fun! xx
Oh no Lynn, just read your post, must have crossed over! So sorry to hear your news, as ever you see the positives in everything. I hope she is ok and you're still able to enjoy your holiday. What a nightmare being in hospital on holiday, such a shame.

Gutted for you Lynn, but I know you'll make the best of it and maybe all your weight loss will be an inspiration for her to follow your lead. Sometimes the worst things turn out fir the best. X
Wow! 13.6.5 this morning! Thats 4.5lb ive lost this week and 10lb in 2 weeks, is it any coincidence that we have been full members of Nirvana for 2 weeks, all that swimming and gyming is really paying off. £170 a month now seems cheap for the results lol. Having said that though we didnt actually go after all yesterday, the diarrhea kicked in again all day yesterday which no doubt helped, and i also felt sick all day from the Byetta. I havnt cashed in my new prescription yet for the higher dose byetta as im not gonna use it till i get back from Tunisia, but im not sure im ready for it.

Did not sleep well last night, worrying about daughter, excited about going away, stressing about whether i was gonna look like an oversized orange today after the spray tan. The damn booth wasnt working properly when i got in it, only 2 of the 3 spray nozzles worked properly. Im pretty mad about that , i told the manager that if it comes out patchy i want a refund, but really thats not the point, i dont want to go on holiday in a swimsuit with brown and white patches on me. Ive only just got up so i havnt had a shower yet to wash off the excess, it looks ok, so ill see what it looks like after a shower.

Cant believe its saturday at last! Im so excited about going away, but i really wish hubby was coming with me, I wll miss him.
Lynn another great loss!!! Well done that is amazing and the spa is clearly not a luxury but a human right !
Hope the spray tan turns out ok, they are scary things but if you have any patches just slap on a bit of holiday skin to tone it in a bit. I bet you're going to look amazing in your bathers, a slim, bronzed goddess! But I'd definitely get a free spray tan out of the place as the worry alone is worth it.

Really wishing your daughter gets out of hospital quickly, so you can enjoy your hols together, you'll be on that plane soon . How exciting!!!!! X
Lynn you look FANTASTIC! Wow!!!

You are THIN!!!!!!! Wow wow wow , so pleased you you Lynn you should be so proud if yourself you look stunning!

You have a fab holiday, big hugs XXXXXXX
Sorry about your daughter, hope that everything works out ok. It is good that it's being taken seriously now though, at least it can be fixed now.

Well done for the loss! That pik is amazing, you look great! You've got some properly good pins there lady! I'd kill for legs like that!

Enjoy your hols!!
Lynn, hope you're having a really good holiday and your daughter is ok. Looking forward to you coming back as I miss your posts! I particularly miss hearing about your spa days and shopping lol. Looking forward to your return x
Im back! Tunisia was hot, and i had a good holiday but im glad i only went for a week. I found the number of people there and the constant noise from music being played all day just too much to bear. I retreated to the beach most days, just as crowded but at least i was away from the constant thumping of the music.

My daughter has an stomach ulcer close to her pancreas which could prove a bit tricky, but the good thing is that the hospital got to the bottom of her recent health issues which is more than her doctor here in the UK did. I tried to talk to her about her bad eating habits and her weight, im not sure if it did any good and i certainly didnt want to preach. I know from my own experience that she will only get it under control when she is good and ready in her own mind, but she needs to do soemthing. Maybe if she has to have an op to remove the ulcer, things may take care of themselves as it could mean removing part of her stomach. Time will tell on that score i guess.

I have no idea what my weight has done this week, my sensible head tells me that eating fruit salad and fish all week will not cause me to gain weight. On the other hand my panic stricken head is scared to death of what the scales might say on the subject. Ill brave them in the morning.
Welcome Back Lynn!!!!


Glad youre home safely, also that you had a good holiday. Shame about it being so busy and loud. Really pleased that your daughters condition has been diagnosed, has she been able to come home with you?

Youre definitely right about people making changes to eating habits and lifestyle when theyre ready. Whether she admits it or not, im sure she will have taken on board some of what you have said and feel bad for causing you worry. My mum used to say things to me sometimes and I would shrug off what she said, but inside I would hate that I was causing my family worry. Ultimately that is one of the biggest reasons for me to make changes..

Sounds like youve been eating really healthily in holiday, and irrespective of whether youve lost weight, sts or gained you will go back to your superb weightloss. Plus youve got your super duper double strength byetta to look forward to.

Hoping for a loss for you though.. you deserve it!

So good to have you back xx
My son is a ******* idiot grrrrrrrrrr.... but at least he is alive and well for which i can only look at him and be grateful.

Event 3. I woke up at just after 3am this morning to a house filled with acrid smoke. The whole house stinks this morning, ive got all the windows and doors open trying to get rid of the smell. I heard him come in late last night, I dont know if he was drunk or still suffering the results of event 1, he is still asleep so ill tackle him later. He put a load of food in the oven on high, and fell asleep. It must have caught fire in the oven. Everything upstairs and downstairs smells of acrid smoke this morning. I threw the black ashes of fatty food out the back door.

Event 2. When i got back to Heathrow yesterday evening the Valet parking had my car ready for collection outside their office. I was so happy to see my car again..... until i opened the boot, and the smell of rotting garbage hit me. There was nothing in the boot apart from a couple of empty plastic bags. I opened the driver door and the smell was far worse, so I went back to the office and demanded to know where they had stored my car or what they had done with it last week. The guy sat in my car and agreed the smell was pretty awful, but where it was parked was too dark to see what was causing it. I just wanted to get home in any case, so i filled out a report and he said someone will contact me next week. As i drove home i had all the windows open but the smell was gagging, so i stopped at the services and had a good look round the back of the car. What i found was a Tesco carrier bag with 2 packs of chicken livers in it, that had been shut in my car all week. When i got home, son was at the door. The first thing I asked him was had he lost 2 packs of chicken livers last week by any chance. Oh yeah he said, i wondered what happened to them. The smell still remains in my car.

Event 1. Last Saturday, just as I was leaving to drive to Heathrow the house phone rang. I waited while hubby answered it in case it was my daughter ringing me. It was son. He had been involved in a pile up on the M25, a lorry had ploughed into the back of the van he was in with his mate, and it had shunted them into the car in front. I saw pics yesterday of the results, and its a miracle that they both walked away from it, albeit with some whiplash and back injury. At the time son assured me he was fine and they were just waiting for the rescue to turn up to collect the remains of the van. My daughter was in hospital in Tunisia, my son involved in a serious car accident, I didnt know whether to stay or go, but he promised he was fine so I went. He is ok, has some problem with his back but has been to work this week.

My car stinks, the house stinks, but its a minor problem in the greater scheme of things. My daughter is ok and home again, my son is alive and well. When he wakes up ill no doubt give him hell about the fire in the oven, but i dont think there will be much conviction in it.

A much smaller matter is that my weight is up 2 and half pounds. I could laugh really, how is it possible to live on fruit fish and salad for a week and put on weight. Just think how much i would have put on if i had really indulged in the food lol. I think it will dissapear pretty quick, probably just fluid retention from the heat.

Im hoping to see my sister today, she lives just outside Manchester, but is down this way this weekend. I think the last time we saw each other was about a year ago, so it will be good to catch up. She sent me a message a week or so ago to say she was coming down, and also that her son will be getting married in Thailand next Feb, and did i fancy going. Yes i think i do :)
Wow Lynn you've certainly had an eventful week, before, during and after your holiday. You make me laugh though, the way you put things is hilarious. I can't believe you're being hounded by bad smells lol. Your poor son, I've a feeling he will be regretting filling your house with smoke now!! What a day... You're so lucky it didn't turn into something more serious.. What a scary thought. I think you've had your share of bad luck now.

I definitely wouldn't worry about a few pounds weight gain, it's most likely fluid after travelling and that's a fab achievement after going on holiday. Considering you donyvkmoe how they cook the food you're eating, and you were all inclusive. I think it's amazing. I'm sure by the end of this week the pounds will be gone.

Hope the rest of your day improved xx
Oh meant to say, Thailand !!!!! What a brilliantly exciting place to go and so soon. I've been there twice and travelled around a lot, it's a fabulous country, the food is exceptional, landscape stunning and a brilliant place to visit. February is the perfect month too, I went the first time from Feb to May and the weather was amazing. Just think by February you'll be skinny!!!! What a brilliant incentive and reason for a new outfit.
It was really good to see my sister Lita yesterday, we had a chat about Thailand and she is going to send me some details of where they will be staying. Even hubby seems quite keen on the idea of going, so we may be booking it soon! Ive always wanted to go to Thailand, so its very exciting. I love Thai food, and cant wait to try the real thing!

Lita has always been the skinny sister, but when she messaged me a week ago she said she had put on weight and is trying to lose it in time for Thailand. Hubby reckons im thinner than her now lol, but i think we are about the same size, she is a bit shorter than me and currently weighs around 12.10 having already lost a stone (she is normally around 10 and half stone), she has a much smaller frame than me, her wrists and ankles are really small, whereas mine are big. I inherited our fathers frame, he was a very big very tall man, whereas my 3 sisters Lita Sally and Louise all have our mothers much smaller frame, so I could never be as small as they can be, but it means that i carry any excess weight much better than they do, so I think sizewise Lita and I are pretty much the same at the moment. Thats a first lol!

The house still smells of smoke, but not as bad as yesterday and my car still smells a bit. Son is keeping out of my way. I would have made him clean my car and the oven yesterday but he really is in pain with his back, and im just not that mean.

Was 13.8 this morning, still 1.5lb over my pre holiday weight. I have a streaming cold since coming home and spent most of the day in bed yesterday, catching up on all the episodes of Big Brother, but today im going to Nirvana. We are off to Cornwall at the end of this week, and I want to see if i can get some nice boots today to show off my slim legs for when we go away lol.

Im still on holiday this week, originally I had planned to go to Isle of Wight for a couple of days and stay with my father In Law Dicky. He is a lovely man, 84 yrs old now and i love his company, but i dont want to take this cold to him. Ill see how I am tommorow, maybe ill go then.
Got the Thailand details from my sister today, they are going for almost 3 weeks from feb 9th to 27th and staying in 5 different hotels during that time. It all looks so wonderful! its gonna cost a furtune though! Luckily hubby gets his first part of his redundancy package at the end of Sept. so i guess we will book it then.
6 nights at Muang Samui spa at Ko Samui
3 nights at Radison Plaza in Phuket
3 nights at Dusit Thani Phuket, the wedding is being held near there i think
3 nights at Phi Phi Island Cabana
Then back to Bankok to stay at the Grand Millenium Sukhumvik for 1 night before the flight home, but the flights for 28th seem to be much cheaper so we might stay there for 2 nights and get the cheaper flight back. 12 and half hour flight, ive never been on a plane that long before. Also Ive always wanted to go the the Maldives, so i might have a look at maybe going there for the last week instead of the last couple of hotels. ohhhh its so exciting!

Im going to put on sooo much weight when im there! All that wonderful food, and im not going to miss a single bite of it! So now I guess I have to think about what weight i need to get down to to allow for it. Im thinking maybe 10 st. My initial goal is 11.5 by end of December, im 13.8 now so thats just over 2 st, maybe i could do that by end of Nov, i think i would have to if i wanted to be 10 st by Feb. Could it be possible? Ive got 5 months to lose 3st 8lb, it should be possible.