I made this with the dorset cereal porridge (HEB), used both the cranberry one with a vanilla and choc chip muller light and the apple one with a toffee muller light - both were delicious - cant get enough of them!
My pleasure - I am so glad that you are enjoying it....
That sounds yummy, I am going to try that tomorrow
I made it before and found it really yuck :S
Its lush i like mine with raspberry and cranberry mullerlight :D x
I had this my first 2 breakfasts with cherry muller light

...even hubby had a bash too :)

The second day I ended up giving DD some as she pleaded so much lol

A great success... and a hexB to boot :)


Just tried this for the first time and was pleasantly surprised. I used a toffee muller light and put some strawberries and blueberries in. I'll definitely have this again.
Donnie I have been having your magic porridge since starting with SW but just wanted to say many thanks again for such a fab idea.

Hadn't had it for a while and this week I had three days where I had to leave the house at around 5am to drive miles and miles to an office I was visiting and this was so yummy to have for my breakfast when I arrived.

many thanks again xxxx :)
My first 'Magic Porridge'!

I've just had my first 'magic porridge' and it was yummy yummy yummy!

I'll be honest, the thought of cold raw oats in yoghurt was not appealing at first, but I'm trying to vary everything and try lots of new things. So last night I mixed the oats with Muller Banana and Custard, left in the fridge overnight, and then added chopped banana this morning.

Simply delicious! Creamy, tasty and very satisfying. I'll be doing this again tomorrow! :)

((Donnie)) - thank you again for posting this and to everyone elses tips on the thread too xx
I am giving this a go, have just popped in the fridge, ready for the morn used a muller light vanilla.
Had it this morning and it was lovely and kept me full till lunch.

Thank you Donnie and I am so impressed with your weight loss, well done!