Maintaining with JUDDD?

Ps. I've decided to not stress about not stressing.
And fully intend to milk the recovery time! X
Have a wonderful time at wedding,knowing you look amazing. Enjoy a real upupup day!

Best of luck with the op too. You know you'll be able to get back to juddd as soon as you are ready, but no rush.
maccalenny said:
Have a wonderful time at wedding,knowing you look amazing. Enjoy a real upupup day!

Best of luck with the op too. You know you'll be able to get back to juddd as soon as you are ready, but no rush.

Thank you.

Eeeek I'm so excited! X
Enjoy every moment of the wedding and every compliment you're bound to receive, you've earn't it!
Hello hello hello. I can honestly say Friday was perfect. I've never been to a more intimate, relaxed, GORGEOUS wedding. I'm so proud of my big bro it was exactly what they were aiming for. And my new SIL looked like a princess! For the past 14 years that I've known her her uniform of jeans, vest, cardigan has barely altered so she surprised us all by choosing a very girly dress that she looked so comfortable in. Really beautiful. I cried lots. Ate lots. Drank lots. Got lots of compliments too. My bro called me a lollipop head and my Aunt told me not to lose anymore. Gotta love family :D
Anyway I'm happy, happy, happy. Slept from 7.30 last night til 8.30 this morning and feeling a bit more human.
Oh and my little girl is an angel. So proud. And OH scrubs up very well :D Will put some pics on when I remember where I've put the camera! X
My little girl is the one with the really poofy dress and the monkey surgically attached to her hand!
DSCF3491.jpgLove this one, my mum (in purple) looks so glam!
These are just a few that Matt took. Cant wait to see the official ones. Gorgeous day!
It sounds, and looks, absolutely perfect. I love weddings!

and you look gorgeous, bet you felt amazing.

and your little girl is so lovely!
It was one of the best days of my life and it wasn't even my wedding! I felt so proud of them both and I'm the little sis! :D
Thank you, my little one can be an
absolute monster (today!) but she's my angel really.
You look gorgeous!! You're little girl is stunning, have u thought of putting her into child modelling? My friends daughter is with an agency and had quite a few jobs (sainsburys, Huggies etc) x
Oh thanks DN and MissNic, obviously I think she's the most beautiful girl in the world but I think most people think that about their own :D
Not thought of child modelling, wouldn't know where to start. Might have a Google :D
Ooh I'm on the full site first time in ages, just seen my percentage weight loss 28.57% lost!!! That's ridiculous. I must have been in denial before! Ha. Oh well.
Anyways, diet talk, a couple of really good down days are very much needed after a couple of lovely days of excess.
As I'm planning a double I'm going to allow around 600 cals.
Just had greek yog and a drizzle of honey and a cuppa for 160, bargain :D
Crudites and a little humous later. Chicken salad for tea. Fab. Probs same again tomorrow, maybe tuna instead of chicken...Madness!!
Matt's birthday Saturday so I think we are going for a meal and a few drinks. Then my op next Tues...eek! Would be lovely if I could get through this week pain free then I'll never have to experience it again...yes I'm sure I've just jinxed myself too! X
Yeah I love to see a big plate of chicken salad, even with a cheeky bit of dressing and know it's only a couple of hundred calories.
I'm in the middle of a bright red dip dye. As you do :D

Awww thanks, I've been wanting to do brown to blonde for ages but was worried I'd go bald, my poor hair has taken a battering recently, so I've gone for the gentler option for now :D