Marie's Disney dreams diary

Are you forgetting I swinging by to collect your cast offs then were heading to cheekychick cafe for cupcakes when she opens it ;) x

Oooooh been cupcake ingredient shopping tonight! Doing done for a charity stall at work next week... Planning on some new creations!
Oooooh been cupcake ingredient shopping tonight! Doing done for a charity stall at work next week... Planning on some new creations!

I'm not liking that thought of cupcakes....I wanna dive into a huge pile of them right now xx
You have to open a cafe so we get to sample your scrumptious looking cupcakes. Failing that you have to deliver me a van full. A big big van you understand. Like the Christmas coca cola truck. That kinda size ;)

I best get baking quick then!!!
Saw this and thought of you...

just showed it to Sam and he howled with laughter...he reckons its a lie lol xx

Glad it's cheered you both up!! It's Friday tomorrow and I'm going to see scouting for girls who are my absolute favourite band in the world.... In sharing my happiness! Also just found out I'm seeing Robbie next month... Still more excited about tomorrow!! :)
Glad it's cheered you both up!! It's Friday tomorrow and I'm going to see scouting for girls who are my absolute favourite band in the world.... In sharing my happiness! Also just found out I'm seeing Robbie next month... Still more excited about tomorrow!! :)

She's so lovely, she's so lovely, she's so love-a-lee :)......x
He he he! I can't wait!!!!

Ooh how exciting!

im off to see Stereophonics tomorrow night....just need to find the tickets first...put them in that safe place I can never remember lol xx
Ooh how exciting! im off to see Stereophonics tomorrow night....just need to find the tickets first...put them in that safe place I can never remember lol xx

Is that in Leeds? My friend is going
Is that in Leeds? My friend is going

Yep...that's the excited...have a slight crush on's a 15min walk away which I'm dreading after all this squatting lark...or dancing even haha! Xx
Yep...that's the excited...have a slight crush on's a 15min walk away which I'm dreading after all this squatting lark...or dancing even haha! Xx

I nearly... Nearly I say... Did a Marie today and did done squats in the toilet... Then someone came in and I ran out... Still tempted to start today tho... Not home from work yet and will be least 8.30 before I am