Total Solution May 2012 Wedding

Shwmae Laura, I know I keep banging on about water but have you tried peppermint or green tea, they take the edge off your hunger too xx
Shwmae Ali. I do like peppermint tea and have 3/4 mugs a day. Drinking definitely takes the edge off it but I acnowledge that it's going to take a while to work out the difference between tummy and head hunger. It's still early days and I'm very focused, the danger will come a month from now when I start thinking 'Hmmm, just one chip won't hurt'.
Bore da Laura, I have bought The Motivated Mind, Raj Persaud off ebay so I hope it helps. They say it takes a few weeks to learn a new habit and get used to head hunger rather than tummy hunger, it's usually thirst!

I have decided today is D-Day! Been feeling rather sh1tty last few days, full, fat and bloated so I must get this xmas gain off and back on the diet proper. Sooner rather than later :)
Have a fab hunger-free day xx
Think I've made a bit of a boo boo. Hope it's not too much of a problem. I've taken 4 antacids today but didn't realise they contained sucrose. I bought some Sainsbury's diet coke and find it's giving me acid so I guess I'm back to water.

Otherwise day 6 is going really well. I didn't feel at all hungry this morning but did have some hunger pangs this afternoon which made me a bit irritable.
Happy New Year, Blwyddyn Newydd Dda Laura. How's the heartburn? Dr Pepper does the same to me. I wouldn't think the antacids would affect K? I take ranitidine 150mg twice a day, you can buy it over the counter. xx
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda to all!!
My first week is up and I weigh tomorrow morning. Clothes are feeling looser already. Fabulous!
Can't wait to see what your first week WI is xx
I'm down to 16 4 so I've lost 11lbs this week. Feel really excited and positive :)

Taking kids out on their scooters this morning, which means mostly carrying my 2 year old's scooter but it's great just being out with them. Definitely going to miss their company when I go back to work tomorrow.

On the otherhand going back to work will give me more structure to my day and I won't be tempted so much to break the diet.
Happy new you! Well done fantastic first week well done keep it up girl. Xx
Congrats :)
Fab first week, well done on 11lbs :D
My 2 year old is refusing to go to bed (she's usually down by 8!). I'm desperate for my shake and I am trying to stay calm. Usually I'd eat an entire pack of biscuits when the kids are driving me nuts.
Just writing on the forum is helping me to stay calm but I can here her walking around in her room. Today is the first time I've really been tempted to eat food but it wasn't too difficult to resist. I'm thinking of getting some before photos printed and sticking them on the 'treats' cupboard and fridge.
finnsmum said:
My 2 year old is refusing to go to bed (she's usually down by 8!). I'm desperate for my shake and I am trying to stay calm. Usually I'd eat an entire pack of biscuits when the kids are driving me nuts.
Just writing on the forum is helping me to stay calm but I can here her walking around in her room. Today is the first time I've really been tempted to eat food but it wasn't too difficult to resist. I'm thinking of getting some before photos printed and sticking them on the 'treats' cupboard and fridge.

Before photos are a treat motivator just concentrate on the losses and you'll get through x good luck x
2 days into my second week and I'm still 100%. Work was fine today. I got stuck right back in, had half a bar at 2pm and the other half when the kids ate at 4pm.

I'm going to pick up my notice of marriage tomorrow to take to the registrars and then on Friday I'm meeting up with my OH at a potential wedding meal venue for lunch. My OH now wants to have an evening do but I'm not that keen. I'd rather spend the limited budget that we have on getting the best restaurant that we can afford to share with our nearest and dearest.

I'm thinking of starting an exercise class - Abs Blast. It's held at lunchtime at work. I may also do some walking/gentle jogging but I'm not sure how my body will cope on such a low calorie intake.
Sneaked a peek at the scales this morning and I've lost my first stone. :D
I can't believe it's only taken 8 days.

I'm feeling pretty comfortable with the plan now and am in a nice little routine. I usually get up at 6am drink a litre or so of water and make up my shake which I drink on the weigh to work at 8.30/9am. I get hunger pangs at midday but I'm able to hold on until 2pm when I have half a bar. I sit down with the kids for dinner at 4pm when I have the other half of the bar and then have my soup at 8pm when the kids have gone to bed. I'm trying to up my water and think I've managed between 4 and 5 litres today. I sometimes also have a glass of Coke Zero or a coffee just to keep me going until the kids go to bed! :family2:

I did 10 mins on my step today. Nothing too strenuous but with the weather as it is, popping out for a walk would be pretty miserable. I wish I had gym membership but I'm trying to save for the wedding and holiday. I weighing up whether to join the work scheme - £19 per month including pool, classes and gym. I don't want to waste money if I'm not going to use it but if it gets me closer to my goal quicker then it would be a definite incentive.

I am so tired, work has got stressful already and I just can't get my head in the right place to get enthusiastic about it. Not much fun to be in local government at the moment but I suppose that if there's not enough money then something's got to give, I'm just hoping it's not me!
Well done thats fantastic!! You have a great routine and your water intake is fab...thats where I struggle but trying my best!

Keep going x