Me, Myself & I... Lower carb, fasting, real live foods

I am feeling hungry and looking for sweet stuff, just remembered that my totm is due (how could I forget!) any day now.

No chocolate in the house ... Apart from OHs milk choc which I don't like so much normally - but it's starting to look good. Have been resisting, but still eating too much - I've had some fruit, also some dried pineapple rings (no sugar added), sliced ham, boiled eggs, sugar snap peas..

Dinner is chicken and veg
Just had dinner feeling better now :)

Taking the digestive enzymes with each meal, starting with 1 tab for 2 days and building up to 5 tabs at each meal and once I feel warmth below my breast bone it means my stomach enzymes are working and I can reduce slowly the tablets.

So far I've no warmth so recon my digestive enzymes aren't working properly.

It was also suggested that people with gall bladder issues or removals would benefit from them too ?!
Am feeling ok with what I've eaten today, ok it's over my kcals but the carb content is ok - not perfect but ok :)
Scales are moving down again yay! I drank loads yesterday which I'm sure helped.

It's also nice that its not as hot, I like it hot when at the beach, swimming, with a breeze and air con but being in a house with no air con and sweating at night was no fun.

What I do miss is the afternoon snooze after lunch ...
What enzymes are you taking and why Tara? Warmth beneath my breastbone normally means my hiatus hernia is acting up and I need to take my tablets to get rid of the acid. :( It's not a pleasant feeling so why would you want that?

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What enzymes are you taking and why Tara? Warmth beneath my breastbone normally means my hiatus hernia is acting up and I need to take my tablets to get rid of the acid. :( It's not a pleasant feeling so why would you want that?

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They are called digestive enzymes - they help to increase acid in the stomach for people with low stomach acid and weak digestion. I tend to bloat a lot in the area below my breast bone have just always called it my upper abdomen, I now know its my stomach area lol - it has been suggested in various books and online that because I bloat due to food intolerances that my stomach acid is low, and that my food is not being digested effectually. Low stomach acid means that the amounts released into the small intestines is not enough for effective digestion. Because I've not felt any warmth my assumption is that my stomach acid is indeed low and not working as it should.

When I went and saw the chiropractor he also suggested that my gall bladder was not working properly - which lead me to looking at how to help myself.

I generally do not suffer from acid reflux.

From what it says, you start with 1 tablet at each meal that contains protein, plants and fats - if you feel warmth with 1 tablet it means your stomach acid levels are normal or high, so you don't need the tablets - but if your stomach acid levels are low and you don't feel any warmth (like me) increase the tablets to 2 per meal checking to see if you get any warmth in the area below the breast bone - if still no warmth after 2 days increase the tablets again up to a maximum of 5 tablets per day until you start to feel warmth - once you do reduce the tablets by 1 tab per meal until your taking none as the warmth means your stomach acid levels are normal again and your digestion of foods is now working effectively.
Tara. Has a doctor told you to do this? It just sounds a bit dodgy. Too much stomach acid rots the stomach lining. My hernia tablets are to reduce the acid because if I get warmth/pain in my breastbone I know my stomach acid is too much and I need to settle it down.

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Betaine HCL Challenge Test for Low Stomach Acid

The most reliable test you can perform at home is the Betaine HCL challenge test. In fact if you do enough searching on the web, you'll find several health websites who will try to sell you a kit to perform the steps below (Don't fall for this duh). This test can be performed safely if you follow the directions below. It will cost you around $20 or less to do this test. Note: NASIDs and Corticosteroids increase the chances of ulcers in the stomach and together with Betaine HCL increase the risk of gastritis. Consult a physician before trying this test or supplementing. Each case of low stomach acid is unique and will require a custom dosage of HCL. But one way you can find out if you have low stomach acid is by using Betaine HCL supplements. Dr. Jonathan Wright suggests using (1) 650mg or less pill that includes Pepsin. To perform the test do the following: Buy some Betaine HCL with pepsin (I like these) Eat a high protein meal of at least 6 ounces of meat In the middle of meal take 1 Betaine HCL pill Finish your meal as normal and pay attention to your body There's really only 2 outcomes from this test. The first is that you won't notice anything, as you go about your normal life after the meal nothing will change. This means it is very likely you have low stomach acid levels. If as you go about your normal life and start to feel stomach distress characterized as heaviness, burning, or hotness - then these are signs that you don't have low acid levels. This test isn't completely fool proof either and should be repeated at least one more time on a different day to confirm the first test. One of the biggest causes of false test results is the amount of protein eaten at the meal, so make sure to eat a chunk of meat with the test. If you do get some burning, don't worry it will pass in about an hour. You can also mix up a ½ teaspoon of baking soda and drink it to help stop the discomfort. After getting 2 positive tests, it is time to start supplementing with Betaine HCL to get your stomach acid levels where they need to be for good digestion.
I have low stomach acid now what? If you do find out you have low stomach acid, the prescription is pretty simple. In the short term, you need to supplement your acid levels to allow the rest of the digestive process to work properly. Natural supplements options include apple cider vinegar and digestive bitters. But usually most people will need to supplement with Betaine HCL as a replacement for the low acid. It is thought that Betaine HCL will retrain your stomach to get to the correct pH levels overtime. What is known is it will allow your digestion to work correctly in the interim. Long-term you need to work on finding the root cause problem and taper off the supplements. But until then, Betaine HCL supplementation is a safe way to have great digestion and make sure your getting the nutrients you need from you foods.

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Tara you are a terrible Internet user!

I think in the history of everyone you have self diagnosed almost every possible thing imaginable.

I think your looking for a cause or a reason for your problems. The problem you have like many of us is poor diet and too many calories. It's simple stop eating rubbish you loose weight. Having this one supplement isn't going to cure everything and make you loose.

Why don't you scrap all the radical theories. And just do simple calorie counting!

You make it all so complicated I think you start with a disadvantage. Xxx
Ok thank you all for your input! Theses are supplements not pills that will make me loose weight, I get that... I'm not using them as an excuse or as a "new" way to loose weight.

I get really bad bloating, puffing out of my stomach in reaction to certain foods I've eaten, I have spoken to the doctor about this in the past, even about the fact I think that i have an intolerance to wheat. They were not willing to do any tests as its not causing me a lot of pain - just discomfort. While I was away on holiday I was researching bloating and came across the test I mentioned above using the digestive enzymes, my selftest came back with no warmth in the region mentioned, suggesting that indeed my stomach acid is low, which also from the bits I've read means my digestion is not working at its Best. Theses tablets are a short term supplement to help with increasing the effectiveness of my digestion.

I will be discussing my findings with the doctor. But in my mind if my digestion is working better I should get less bloating.

I am also taking a probiotic to help with repopulating my stomach and intestines as I had taken a course of antibiotics 3wks ago followed by a course of steroids, I am assuming that the antibiotics killed off many of the bacteria in my stomach.

Because the probiotic is more well known you are not jumping all over that ?! Just the digestive enzymes ?

The digestive enzymes are a short term supplement! When I start to feel any warmth after taking them the tablets are reduced and then stopped !! End of!
My WOE is primal/ Paleo - this includes fasting. I repeat this includes fasting, in whatever form suits me.

I take various supplements to help with what "I think" is out of balance, if they help great :) using a protein shake meal replacement sometimes is mentioned in the primal blueprint and they sell it as well.

Yes I over eat, my portion sizes are to big. I do track my calories - yes I sometimes eat crap, and I like the crap I eat, which makes it harder to say No.

But most of all I struggle with my appetite, how much and how often I eat. I get cravings for various things at different stages of the month specially before my period. maybe its in my head, coming from my stomach.. where ever! it's very well to tell me don't eat it, just say no. Stay busy etc etc I find if I say no sometimes it goes away, but others it like a song stuck in my head for days - it's easier to have hopefully a little bit.

The things that have changed for me is that I don't have biscuits, cake, cookies, loads of bread everyday. The amount I eat now is much smaller, even my OHs family noticed I don't eat as much anymore.

My hope is that with a digestion system working better I am able to understand better when I'm full/ eaten enough.

If you find it complicated - ok - but I want to eat this way for the rest of my life. It is taking me a while to figure out, and yes I fall down - but I keep getting back up & trying again - I will do this, slowly maybe but I will get there!
Just read back over a few pages and I think you need to detox your body from all those pills and any other stuff you take.

But it's your body.And I still think if you have as many digestive or other problems as you say you do you need to see someone.

The best thing to have is live yoghurt when taking antibiotics.

Good Luck.I hope you get things sorted out sooner rather than later.:)

Since before August last year when I had my shoulder operated on I was using strong pain killers, which I did for at least 6 mths and then and now I use the occasional co-dydamol or Ibuprofen for shoulder issues, which stuffs up my ability to go to the loo, and I'm assuming my digestion.

I am happy with my supplement decisions. I've spoken to the doctor and they are not willing to do any more tests apart from the normal blood tests.

I have discussed most of my supplements with the doctor and they can't see any issues. I will mention the digestive enzymes on my next appt tomorrow.
The bloating could be due to the foods you eat. If i went McDonalds or KFC I too would bloat - and that would be my upper abdomen bc that's where my stomach is.

It's not an attack. It's not meant to upset. But I do think you look for reasons other than the obvious.

The doctors won't do tests bc your symptoms aren't detrimental enough to warrant the cost.

Eating fast food or large quantities will cause the "symptoms" or more probable side effects.

Eating almost 3000 cals a day will probably cause you to experience those problems.

Why don't you scrap the supplements bc ultimately all they do is give you expensive wee bc your body takes nutrients from food first any more than your body needs will just become waste.

Why don't you just do your primal with lower cals - good wholesome fresh maybe even organic eating. You've been away the children won't have had fast food don't reintroduce it therefore you won't have the "they wanted it"

Bc clearly going away and only putting on 500g shows it's been the way your eating. Perhaps take on what you've done on holiday and adapt a little more primal.

Diet theories work bc they're simple. The focus on ONE aspect of dieting. I think you read good research which makes sense but try and incorporate all of them.

I get its hard - I'm struggling. But it's my fault I've been eating poorly. Not bc my body isn't working. We could all develop symptoms if we read the Internet long enough. Xxx
I think most of the reactions you have are from eating junk... The more junk you eat the worse you will feel... I know that's the case with me and most other people.. You get into a habit of eating rubbish and then you feel rubbish . You don't need to spend money on all these supplements.. You did great when on holiday and stayed away from the crap.. Try to continue this at home.. It can't be good for you swapping and changing what pills you are popping and you must be spending a fortune Hun x
Theses supplements I'm taking have been the same for the last year, I've only added in the last 2 recently
Fish oil tablets
Aloe Vera gel/ juice

Garcinia and chromium - been taking for at least a month - I find they def help with craving and appetite - as long as I take them :)

Digestive enzymes - this is my only new supplement - I will take them as the research suggests that if your digestion is working properly then your not absorbing the vita and minerals etc your eating anyway. They are also a form of detox.
I discussed the digestive enzymes with the doc and he said that they work very well to help with inflammation of the digestive track. Gall badder issues, pancreatic issues and can be prescribed when needed. So I will continue taking them :)