Me, Myself & I... Lower carb, fasting, real live foods

Wahoo .. I stepped it up lol I'm just past you ;)

following primal blueprint and experimenting with the 5:2 fasting diet

I know :(
Only just finished working.. So no stepping lol

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Was happy with the scales this morning :) showed me back to weight I was before "cordialgate" lol So looking good for Sat .. Yippee :)

Had youngest son with temp - due to vaccinations .. Bit tired today assuming that why I'm hungry ..
Had a 1 egg omelette with Ham, cheese and cherry tomatoes .. Dropped son1 at school and and me and son2 walked round the rugby fields, in the sun shine . (Sneaky stepper hehe )

Just finished eating (again) chocolate arrowroot pancakes with mixed frozen summer fruits and yogurt .. Dribble of maple syrup ;). Yummy!!

following primal blueprint and experimenting with the 5:2 fasting diet
Had a good day food wise, not too much rubbish ;) feel like I enjoyed my food - not over full and happy with what I've eaten.

On the down side youngest son who had vaccine. Yesterday has got a hot red swollen arm and I need to take him to out of hours doc to check it out.. His temp has come down thank goodness and he had a big sleep at lunch time - so he's feeling ok in himself .. Just me worried about his arm!

following primal blueprint and experimenting with the 5:2 fasting diet
Well done with the scales, and hoping things were fine with the lo after the Dr. It sounds like your really in control with the plan your following now.
Thanks - Dr gave some meds and I'm sure he will be fine..

following primal blueprint and experimenting with the 5:2 fasting diet
Meds are yucky .. Son vomited all over the couch ... Including down the hole in between the seats ., sigh .. Couch smells horrible ..

following primal blueprint and experimenting with the 5:2 fasting diet
Meds are yucky .. Son vomited all over the couch ... Including down the hole in between the seats ., sigh .. Couch smells horrible ..

following primal blueprint and experimenting with the 5:2 fasting diet

Aw not good, wonder if it's an allergy to meds...
No .. Just the fact my OH forgot to tell me that my son had just eaten an apple .. And the meds were meant to be on an empty stomach or 1 hour after eating . Plus he gaged at the taste and then vomited once I got him to swallow ., this morning meds went down fine .. Empty stomach and added a bit of elderberry syrup to it ..

following primal blueprint and experimenting with the 5:2 fasting diet
Feeling rather crap this morning ! Lack of sleep .. Means grumpy, hungry .. Oh irritable me!

Just come back from Dr / checking Son2 arm as swelling has turned blotchy and is a bit of a larger area.. Temp has gone which I'm relieved about .. Advise was to continue with antibiotics, and the blotchiness is a good sign of swelling going down - son is too chirpy and chatty for my tired, irritable self - but am pleased that he's feeling better :)

Today is/ was meant to be a fasting day .. but treated son to McDs and as he had to go back to the scary doctors (loads of crying/ screaming) in the end he stopped.. What a drama lol so hoping he has got over fear of Nasty lady at the docs .. Sigh !!

My head ordered.. Chocolate Milkshake, grilled chicken salad, crisscuts .. Mcbites .. Managed to not drown in the milkshake only had a 1/3 of it .. Didn't like it much... Salad was nice, ate all crisscuts and a few mcbites .. So aiming for under 1300 kcals today !

following primal blueprint and experimenting with the 5:2 fasting diet
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Epic fail today on a low kcal day - I must remember that I can not focus on controlling my food on a day that I'm tired, and can't think straight! Just better not to attempt to do it as I will fail and then feel worse :(

So today is an up day :). WI tomorrow will be what it will be..

I am going to bed before 9pm tonight!

following primal blueprint and experimenting with the 5:2 fasting diet
Oh dear, I just find I avoid McDonalds, I have been in twice since I started dieting cos I can't say no if I go in, last time was 2 double cheeseburgers, a large fries & some mcbites hence why I avoid the place like the plague ;)
Poor kid, he's had a rough time, and poor you having to clean the puke up - I have never been able to get used to that. I can smell it just from reading the post! Tomorrow is a new day. I hope you get some rest tonight and get back on plan in the morning. You've been really disciplined following the plan you're on, this is just a blip x
Poor kid, he's had a rough time, and poor you having to clean the puke up - I have never been able to get used to that. I can smell it just from reading the post! Tomorrow is a new day. I hope you get some rest tonight and get back on plan in the morning. You've been really disciplined following the plan you're on, this is just a blip x

Uurrgghh puke :(
That's why I am glad that my baby is a furry baby hehe :)

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Uurrgghh puke :(
That's why I am glad that my baby is a furry baby hehe :)

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Haha, but furry babies puke too. My doggie was sick earlier in the week, all over the carpet. Poor thing tried to pull it's bed over to hide it!
Re: Diet issues... Of me, myself & I

Haha, but furry babies puke too. My doggie was sick earlier in the week, all over the carpet. Poor thing tried to pull it's bed over to hide it!

Yeah my cat was sick once and it was worse than human sick!!
He's feeling much better now thank goodness !

following primal blueprint and experimenting with the 5:2 fasting diet