Total Solution Mere's Diary

Oh sorry mere, thought it was you who's said a friend didn't think you'd stick to exercising? I'm subscribed to too many threads... Sorry :( xxx

My friend did say similar. She meant I would never keep up the amount of exercise I was doing as I was using up 700- 800 cals per day 5 days a week. I normally use 400-500 cals every week day. Have kept that up.
Mere x
Ah I see. Got a bit muddled there lol... Xxx well you're doing excellent! Xxx
Beautiful day here so I am going to work in the garden for a couple of hours then hubby and I will head to the garden centre to restock on plants killed by the long cold winter. Will take a bar with me incase I am tempted to have something to eat at the garden centre.
Mere x
Sounds like a lovely day :) I love going to garden centres, which is odd as I'm not a gardener by any stretch!

Hope you get lots of goodies for your garden x
Thanks. I love gardening but I am a fair weather gardener and only garden when the weather is suitable and after the winter we have had there is such a lot to do. It will be the home baking in the coffee shop I will have to avoid. :eek:
Mere x
Enjoy your gardening Mere, I have lot to do in a garden but I don't have a day off.Hope you enjoy day.
Thanks Harry
I got quite a bit done in the garden but ran out of bin space! Bought a chimenea and an azalea in the garden centre. Our son had given us money for our 40th anniversary last year. We got the chiminea for £99 instead of £149 as it was last years stock. So I am glad we did not buy it last year when we were given the money. All good things come to he or she who waits!
Mere x
Sounds like you've had a productive day Mere :) Enjoy your weekend :D
Thanks you too Minnie.
Mere x
Why oh why I am I having the most awful food cravings :( I am not even craving food I would normally eat. :eek:
My two staunchest supporters, hubby and daughter both think I should stop dieting now as I am thin enough. Their comments have really thrown me.
I really want to get down to 9st 7lbs but between the constant hunger, the food cravings and now their unsolicited opinions I just don't know what to do. :confused:
Mere x
Ahh Mere I can imagine thats really hard to contend with especially now youre at goal.

Only you know what weight you'd be truely comfortable with and if you want to get to 9stone 7lb then go for it!

You're only 3lb away for 9 stone 7lb Mere so I don't think getting to that weight will make you look significantly thinner if that is what your hubby and daughter are worried about- but for you mentally- that 3lb counts :)

That said, if you decide to eat something, it's not going to majorly impact your weight loss but you have just got to think is it worth it.

I'd also say to your hubby and daughter that you're glad of their support but would like to lose 3 more lb to give you a bit more freedom food wise when you go away. I'm sure they will understand and wouldn't want you to feel like you have to be more careful whilst on hol.

Good luck with the food cravings! xx
Good advice Minnie. I don't know if the problem with the cravings and hunger is because I have reached my stated goal but not the mental goal. I am normally a very determined person but that determination seems to have gone out of the window.
I will have a good think about what you have said, Thanks.
Mere x
You have been nothing but determined throughout this Mere.

I think we all know maintenance is harder than the actual losing weight side of this diet so don't get disheartened if it takes a while to adjust to a new regime.

We've lost this weight so quickly, it's no wonder it takes our head a bit longer to also adjust and sort itself out.

You're goal is the same as mine at the moment, but mentally I'd like to be in the 8's- 8.5 really because the WiiFit said so! We've just got to go with our mental goal not 'paper' one as we will never be happy and always think, 'We'll I'm X weight, but would like to be Y weight'.

Hope you come to a decision :)
Oh Mere, I can totally understand how you feel. But if you want to lose those 3lbs then you should do it, even if it's just to give you that extra leeway on holiday. It's all very well for your family to give their opinions, but you're the one that's got to live with it and if it's going to bug you that you could have lost those extra few lbs then you should do it. It's not a significant amount of weight, but if it will give you peace of mind. As for the hunger, is it real hunger or mental hunger? If you have a little of whatever it is, will that stop the craving? Personally I dont think I could get away with just a little of something, I'd end up having the whole lot, but you know what you're likely to do.
Hi Mere,

Difficult position to be in. You've done so well but only you know where you are happy to be.

Minnie and Jael had good advice. If you want to be another 3lb down then you go for it. Its your goal and mentally where you want to reach. I know it's not the same but I lost 8 stone a couple of years ago and still had 2.5 st to go. Friends and family started telling me I'd gone far enough and to stop and they became really persistent and sometimes angry. It made me question myself and I stopped focussing. I started seeing food everywhere and every food advert I saw i wanted it. I ate stuff I didn't like (child rebellion i think) and the weight started to pile on because I felt hungry. I really wish I hadn't. All that work wasted.

Maybe Aim to lose your last three but increase your intake with healthy protein options to maintain control and take the edge off the hunger. Coke zero makes me insanely hungry, I've tested it a few times thinking it was in my head but it really does affect me so I don't touch it. It might be worth trying without it ? You said you'd been hungry throughout?

Are your cravings salt or sweet? Maybe your body wants something it's missing and you can supply it without dropping the diet. Salt on porridge or if its fat then a couple of Brazil nuts ?

Hope you find a solution that's right for you. :bighug:
Glad you had a productive day Mere. I'm jealous, I really need to do a lot of work on our garden but OH hates any form of gardening and I'm scared of the lawn mower. Yes you heard right lol.

I was going to write a long reply to your questions but after reading WSM's comments I can say I agree completely with everything she said :) I have decided 10st is ideal for me, as I am happy with my shape now, I no longer think 9st is my weight but I plan to go lower simply to give me a few lbs to be safe while I start eating again. Do what you feel is right Mere :) xx
I have had 4 packs today which has helped. I think I will try that for a few days until WI on Wednesday then see how I get on. I have plenty of spare shakes. Thanks for all the advice girls. Knew I could count on you. :D
Mere x
Thanks Jael,
I have had 4 packs today and that seemed to get rid of the cravings. It means my weight loss will be extremely slow if not non-existant but I can't go on feeling like this or I will blow the whole diet. :eek:
Mere x