"Minimins Fallen Angels"

Day 2, 100% for me, and i am soooooo pleased. Feelingreally chuffed with myself but i am sooooooo hungry. Just popped on to collect my star then off for an early night.

Hope evryone else is doing ok?

Love Busy XXX

P.S 4 litres of water drunk today.

P.P.S Really looking froward to getting my spinning star!!!!
Another day over ... I see a spinny star on the horizon ;)
Wow well done everyone, you are all doing so well I am so proud of you all.
I have had another great day today so will collect my star.

A big welcome to USA girl too.
Ive collected my third star as i have been a fab fab FAB angel today. dietwise i had only my 2 shakes and my protein bar but theres 100x the rec daily allowance of nutrition in each shake so my body has everything it needs. have been out all day and mostly busy so i just didnt get a chance to eat dinner. fitness wise i have done 1 hour of body jam (it nearly killed me!!) and a solid hour of swimming straight after. i have never been so good or focused and i think its all down to fundraising...have so much to organise with sonkie for that and will get to it tomorrow. right now im knackered and need my ugly sleep lol.

hope everyone is ok. goodnight angels. xxxxx
:) thanks so much Russiandoll. Because I am doing a combination of Paul McKenna / Beyond chocolate I am trying to hold off on the weigh in until the end of the 90 day journal. I weigh in again on September 22nd.

I had a rotten day yesterday though...no little star for me :sigh:
Hi you lovely people

Glad to see everyone is doing so well,so many stars earn't well done. Although i have given up CD i hope i can still be a part of the 'FALLEN ANGELS' as i'm using step 5 as my guild to healthy eating also i still want to shift that final 9lbs. I will post as offen as possible, as you are probably aware i've returned to work after 5 weeks off with a bad back, unfortunately now i'm back on night shifts getting on line regular isn't going to be so easy now.

Continue the great work, love you you all....xxxx
Well I am feeling hungry today, got a stuffy head too.
I am drinking through it but think its time for a hot one as the hunger is not good.
Sorry to hear you're not 100% today Sonya ... have a go at the hot banana custard I posted on the cinnamon thread - that'll warm the cockles of your heart! :)
Just checking in.....Hope you all having a good day?!

worked last night & back on again tonight, my tummy is so bloated, i look pregnent...:eek: :eek:. This used to happen to me before when i first started night shifts, until my body got used to it. I'm sure this bloating is due to me not working night for 5 weeks & it's just my body having a go at me for putting it through cr*ppy shifts again....lol

Good luck to you all, i'm sure many stars will be earn't again today?!

:wave_cry:Arggggghhhhhhhh!!!! Why oh why i am i soooooo useless at this?????? I was doing so well, then i go and pinch a couple of my DD crisps, then i finish off a hot dog my DS left then ate a biccie, Fell totally and utterley sick and so upset withmyself i could cry!!!! What is the matter with me, I hate myself sooo much at the moment and i was feeling so good about myself this morning:break_diet:

Oh well No star for me today,:cry:

Hope i can do it tomorrow, i know i am not doing myself any favours by eating but its soooo hard sometimes, dosen't help that its totm, i know thats no excuse!!!!!

Love Busy XXX
And another good day so 5 stars now

4busybee don't worry about it. I would have been tempted to eat those. Hope tomorrow is a better day for you

Irene xx
Just popped in to pick up my spinny!! I had a small tin of tuna today but I don't consider that a 'failure' in any way: I think I deserve my star ... especially considering I've got yet another stressful situation on the go with my eldest daughter being admitted to hospital earlier today.

My first spinny ... I feel like Muttley after getting a medal! :)
