"Minimins Fallen Angels"

Well we start the 2nd day and I can't be bothered to make my cappucino shake although I know I need to.
I have already been ditzy I got an ice cube out of the freezer last night to crunch and ended up leaving the freezer open all night d'uh.
I also weighed this morning, I only weigh every morning for the 1st week as I can't resist but according to my scales I lost 3lb. We shall see how it continues to go.
Well, I'm not claiming a star for yesterday as I lost the plot at the cinema and ate six fun-size Bounty bars

Very, very annoyed with myself right now. :mad:
Well not wanting to break the trend, I will not be claiming a star for yesterday either....lol.
Sam took me to a friends birthday party last night, we had a few drinks before leaving and I was p****d before leaving for the party...lol.
I also had some of the buffet food as I hadnt had my tea time shake.
I'm on track for a star tonight, I just hope I can keep this up. I've been eating intuitively all day, small quantities, and already I have listened to Paul McKenna six times. :)

You're going great guns aren't you honey????...:D:D:D

Good to see you....xxx
Thanks Lacey!! :):):) I'm definitely on track for a star tonight and I feel very proud of myself today.

And so you should girl!!! :D I will also be back before bed to claim my next star :)

Never thought I would be doing my own "star chart" like the ones I do with my young clients but hey....if it works, don't knock it I say....lol;)

Feel so rubbish and let down....but only by myself!!
went to my cousins today fo r her dads(my uncles) 60th birthday party, the same old same old thing happened....couldnt find anythign to wear, felt very self conscience and hated myself for being so silly by gaining loads of weight again!!!!!!!!

Didnt manage to get any more than one star last week:confused:...supposed to be wi on tues, but fortunatly I cannot get there, so it will be delayed till later in the week....so tomorrow will be the start of a good week for me....I so want to loose some weight before our holiday on the 1st aug!

anyway off to feel sorry for myself! but getting geared up for tomorrow!

hugs to all you doing so well

Lou XX
I'm not claiming my star today because I had an unfortunate encounter with a bag of fun-size Bounties last night at the cinema! :eek:

It's my weigh-in day tomorrow though so hopefully I'll start collecting stars again after that :)
WTG Irene!!! :D