"Minimins Fallen Angels"

Tuna and salad is ok - you can have that on AAM or 790 - so don't beat yourself up about that. It won't effect ketosis .... so if that's all you had, go get your star!!
Yeah i know its not too bad but i want to do this properly and if i am going to ss then that means i get nothing :( so as my punishment i get no star but i have definately earned one today:)
I've had a busy weekend and i haven't awarded myself any stars as i have picked bit and pieces over the weekend(pickers wear bigger knickers)
Can i join :D

I have been struggling alot lately and i really have no idea why :(:break_diet:


I havent cheated all day :D
Hey Marcus

You've decided to join us, well done hun....

Oh Sh!t......I've just gone & ate a cheese sandwich

I don't know why i did it? Oh cr*p yes i do!!! I'm p!ssed off that work are not paying me my full wage for being off sick with a bad back.....And it was a patient that hurt my back. I know it's no excuse for eating but i did! And i can't take it back, so it looks like i'm starting day 1 AGAIN tomorrow :(
welcome to the angels marcus!

im starting over too! i just had my weigh in and ive gained! all cos i pigged out yesterday and had my dinner today b4 i weighed. d'oh! was such a good angel until then...sigh!!

well done to everyone getting their spinnys and other stars. none for me! im wiping mine so i can start over tomorrow. ho hum :)
Hey Marcus

You've decided to join us, well done hun....

Oh Sh!t......I've just gone & ate a cheese sandwich

I don't know why i did it? Oh cr*p yes i do!!! I'm p!ssed off that work are not paying me my full wage for being off sick with a bad back.....And it was a patient that hurt my back. I know it's no excuse for eating but i did! And i can't take it back, so it looks like i'm starting day 1 AGAIN tomorrow :(

never mind hun....tomorrow is another day....:)

Debz x
What time can I claim my first shiny star ????

is it too early now ???......pleeeeaaaaase ??!!!! :rolleyes:

Debz x
Well done Debz! Think I'm gonna claim mine now! Been good on cd today, even if i did need to have 4 packs!

Claim it now debz, well done bex on another star...xxx

Oooohhhhh....got it !!! 2 more packs to go....save mine for when kids in bed.....am so chuffed that I got thru' day 1 :)

Well done to you too Bex....

Thanks you guys for your support :eek:

love you all !!!

Debz xx
I'm finally here!!!!! Done me ticker!!!! Look!!!!!!

Can i have my 1st star now? or do i have to wait untill later? lol
Good to see so many stars gained!!!!!!!!!!Well done everyone....:)

I've had a bad food day today and I've not been able to get to the gym to earn my extra calories!!!:eek: so it's back to day one for me tomorrow......feel sore and tiered after the weekend and hormones are kicking off big style!!! Ho hum.... :(

Love xxxxxx:)

Sorry to hear about your accident Mandy, hope you're feeling better soon! :eek: Not surprised you've had a bad food day after that shock! Hugs, xx
. better to treat a bin like a bin than to treat urself like one.

i will have to remember that one

well I am here claiming my spinner fro 7 days without hitting the voddie and coke zero
alchoholic moi???:D

well done to everyone who got a star , and for all of you that didnt feel you deserved them, tomorrow is the start of a new week so you can get a spinner this week for sure
come on girls and guys we can do this
nat xxxxxxxxxx