MinnieMel is nolonger considers herself a CDer. One final post.

Well, started back on MMs and then caught a nasty cold. I tried to stick to the diet plan, but a few days I did very little other than cough... however, I am bit better now -- so what I am doing instead of eating:

Laundry (as always)
Sorted cracked windscreen (darn lorries)
walked dog with neighbour
cleaning out refridgerator
more laundry
checking and tossing adverts/magazines/odd papers
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Saturday, what I am doing instead of eating:

walked the dog with a friend we did about 3 miles
unloaded and reloaded dishwasher
cleaned out and reorganised the snack cupboard
laundry (never ends)
vacuumed play room
chatted on-line a bit with my sister in Texas
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Well, I think this is kind of my diary and I have not been very good about posting anywhere. I am still struggling to relose about 2 stone of the almost five stone I lost on LL in 2008. I kept it off for about a year, then it started coming back on -- and I managed to hold it steady most of this year at 1.5 stone regain -- then it crept up a bit more during the summer holidays. I am getting ready to spend four days next week in Spain with a friend, which won't help the "weight loss" effort -- but upon my return I have decided to really make an effort (not that I haven't before). I know that my biggest problem is not exercising, so I will have to set up a schedule and STICK TO IT.

Time to get busy with "what I am doing instead of eating" -- which will be Laundry, Vaccuming, shopping (for a school project, family meal, and I have started on my Christmas packages). I plan to also do some ironing -- and I have someone coming to dinner who will be here be tutored (I used to be a teacher and I am helping him with his college compostions). Oh, I should spend some time doing things with my DD and DH. LOL
Can this thread please be moved to CD diaries?


I am on Day 3 of CD Sole Source. It is going okay. Having a cold helps as I do have much of an appetite. However, focusing on things other than eating will be very important as I undertake (once again) to lose the weight I have regained after losing nearly 5 stone in 2008.

I have not weighed, yet, for a starting weight -- but I am guessing that I have between 2.5 and 3 stone to lose. I will weigh myself tomorrow - minus the gyclogen and water loss and get a starting weight.

I am working on a "ToDo" list -- and when I want to eat I will look that over and do something on the list or something else productive not destructive.

Happy New to Year to All,

I have moved your diary as request!

Well done on having three days done on Sole Source!

Happy New Year MinnieMel !
Hi --

Well day Four of SSing almost over and first day of the New Year.

Still poorly (cough and congestion), but I managed to get the tree disassembled and ornaments, etc. packed away for the most part. I need to hoover up the tree needles (and this is sad because it is a fake tree!) and get one more box from the garage for some things to go back into until next year.

I started on a couple of "to dos" form my list but they did not go as smoothly as I had hoped. But, I'll get back at them later tonight or tomorrow.

I still need to do some exercise and today is almost over... so, I better give it go. I'll repost later or tomorrow -- hopefully recording what I did.

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what I am doing

watching the Twilight Zone marathon on the sci-fi channel and basically lazing around and thinking of the good things I could do like go for a walk..oh well time for another shake..egg nog this time

Day 6 Started -- and going okay.
Feeling cold, but that's a good sign (ketosis).

Going to WiiFit with the DD -- and fix plans for ice skating and shopping tomorrow (day before she goes back to school). We have had a very low key holiday break, but I will make plans this week for February half term that should please her.

So far -- instead of eating I have been on the computer, shredding papers (decluttering), and doing some light housework. Not tons... but I am about get busier. Later.
Hi Shanny, et al...

I set up my DD's profile for the WiiFit My Fitness Coach and for someone who goes to gymnastics once a week term time -- she was poor upper body strength and flexibility. I was surprised. She is doing her first coaching session (Yoga). Then she will set me up to work out. ;) We're going to try and work out daily... maybe even get DH involved. No hope on roping in DS as he goes to the gym daily.

LOL --

Had DD set up my profile for the My Fitness Coach on the Wii and learned that my thigh is bigger than her waist! Okay, she is only 11... but she is also only about 2 inches (if that) shorter than I am!!!

Oh well... instead of eating...

We opened and set up and even did our first workouts (only 15 min) using the My Fitness Coach -- that I was given last Christmas!!!

I made dinner -- simple one -- but I could cook finally.
Cleaned up after dinner.

Played a little Wii with the DD, and have been on this forum. I should get back to my chores, etc. It is getting late.

What I am doing instead of eating...

Last day of school hols for the DD. I took her and her BFF ice skating and I skated for about 90 minutes. Slow and steady... nothing impressive, but I did not fall once!
Afterwards, we went shopping got a few bargains and I took the girls to Burger King. I had a coffee with Splenda and was just fine with that. So, the ketosis is doing its part... but, I am sure my breath is dreadful and I have the furry taste in my mouth. Oh well... worth it!

What I am doing instead of eating...

Got up... miracle after a couple of weeks of little or no schedule.
Spent time with DD and saw her off to school-- went well. :)
Had two coffees and 1/2 a shake (I am going to try splitting my CD power into six small drinks and spreading them evenly through out the day. Someone suggested doing this and I think it is a good idea.)
*Need to start on the water.
Started cleaning the kitchen (dishes, table top, changed cloth, ... I need to do the floor, now).
Washed and am Washing some laundry.
Checked email, made a couple of important calls, and have been on this site for a bit.

... time to get busy ...

I'm soo bored! I have realised how much food took away boredom! So watching couples retreat with hubby lol
Hi Belle (I'm jealous -- what are you looking to buy?)--

Hi Kimmie -- Food is good for many things... I've never seen "Couples Retreat". I am, however, looking forward to the 4th series of "The Good Wife" that starts tomorrow!!

What I was doing instead of eating...

Cleaned my son's room with him and recleaned the bathroom he said he cleaned.
Did more laundry.
Vacuumed the kitchen floor and mopped it.
Unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher.
Then, I...

met with my UK CDC today and I do not think this going to work --

a) she only has evening appointments and since I currently not working I'd rather "take care of business" when my family out.

b) she was not very informative and had another client booked right on top of me, so we felt very rushed. (And I was a new customer that came with a friend --so two for the price of one!)

c) she did not have a list of products, any information about the products, etc. (and she has been a counselor of over 20 years!)

d) it was difficult to find her house and the parking was very poor.

e) worst of all -- she was more overweight than I am!!!

In this area there are loads of CDCs, so I will call around and find someone with daytime appts. and if I like them I'll make the switch.

Otherwise, I think I will stick with the American CDC and join weight watchers for the support and weigh-in obiligation.


Note: I did have a choc mint shake for dinner and it tasted lovely. I am interested to see if it has any ill effects since I have been using soya based replacements for a week.
What I am doing instead of eating...

Made a bunch of business calls --

Dentist Appts
Car repair
Check on activity
Booking an appt with a different CDC
(we'll see her Monday morning -- as she does daytime appts, has only been a CDC for about a year, lives in a easier to get to location with good parking, and has a bmi of about 26).

Laundry (it never ends)
Walked dog with neighbour
Cleaned loo and broke vase, glued vase
Cleaning, clearing, sorting, etc. upstairs desk -- need to dust and oil it
Planning menu for family/defrosting meat for dinner
Made Shopping/Errand List
Sent emails
On this forum
*one shake -- Choc Orange (yum)

To be continued...

What I am doing instead of eating...

Lunch -- butterscotch CD shake

Cleaning DD's room -- she has WAY TOO MUCH STUFF. We are going to have to do a big clean out. Plus, she has shot up so we'll need to go through all her clothes. I had to make her change her uniform shirt this morning -- it was a belly shirt!

Need to finish remaking her bed (changing and washing sheets) --

and get ready to do the gymnastics run. DD will come home, have a snack and change. Then we pick up her BFF at afterschool care and then take them both to the gym. BFF's mum brings back.

But, I'll come home, make DD and DS's dinner -- then go up to base laundry to dry all my wet wash -- and maybe hit the library, food store and other shop. It'll be too late for most errands.

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