MinnieMel is nolonger considers herself a CDer. One final post.

MinnieMel said:
Thanks Illa -- It went well.

I managed to get over 3 litres of water in -- and be 100% with the CD programme. I also worked out a bit at home. I was hoping to do an Aquafit but could not reach DH to confirm that he would pick up DD from the pool (she has a swim lesson right before Aquafit). I did book a Fitball class for tomorrow morning -- so, planned fitness! :) Not tons done here in the house (lots of fruit cut up for DS, some ironing, some laundry, dishes, a couple of phone calls), but I did get some errands accomplished. Tomorrow after Fitness and before DD gets home from school (as she has a project she needs to work on) -- I'll have to make a real effort.

Wow sounds like a very productive day :)
yeah if only drinking water did not face us with the consequence ;););) I'm a bad drinker too, I wish I'd live in Germany where you can find some toilets in every store, here you can only dream about this. Today's plan is getting some huge watercolor paper for an art journal "class" I have on sunday. well it's more of a friend's meeting and will be fun. Wonder why I said I was going to make a pecan pie, never did one in my life ! should have said I'd bring the bread...Did not fit the shred in yesterday, there was parent meeting at school yesterday. Hopefully today ! What are you plans Mel ?

Wonder why I said I was going to make a pecan pie, never did one in my life !

These are very easy to make but expensive, if you do not have a pecan tree! ;) I used to live in Doroughty County, Georgia -- the world's largest producer of Pecans. (Pronounced: PEE-CAN in Georgia.) These also have to be the most calorific pie imaginable: all those nuts and sweet syrup.

Pecan Pie - Southern Pecan Pie Recipe - Delish.com

I need to get going... I should finish my first litre of water and get dressed to go do Fitball at 10:30. CFF (Cheese Fiend Friend) just called to try and back out, but I guilted her into going.

Then, it is home to shower, dress, run some errands -- and get back here to get cracking on the chores (behind as always).

I also have to book some appts. (Lelly has inspired me to get on this), and make some other calls.

Your art class sounds good -- I need some sort of group creative outlet. I should check and see if the scrapbookers ever meet anymore (I used to go -- got a job and couldn't -- they actually moved the day so I could, and I seldom did because I had to do the house stuff -- quit my job after two years -- and never went back. And, it was only once a month!)

Morning Miz PP and Gemma --

I hope you are well. Day 2 proper CD810 going okay! Thanks!
@Illa --

The appts -- just things like getting the boiler serviced (which means being stuck at home waiting on a housecall all day). Our 6 month dental cleanings (long over due) -- that kind of thing. Tedious, but necessary.

Time to go get Fit (ball). I love this instructor. I have to fight not to giggle. She does this, "Come on, Girls!" Encouraging shout out -- that makes me want to laugh! (It is especially funny because of the "girls" are in their 50s and 60s!)
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@Illa --

The appts -- just things like getting the boiler serviced (which means beign stuck at home waiting on a housecall all day). Our 6 month dental cleanings (long over due) -- that kind of thing. Tedious, but necessary.

Time to go get Fit (ball). I love this instructor. I have to fight not to giggle. She does this, "Come on, Girls!" Encouraging shout out -- that makes be want to laugh! (It is especially funny because of the "girls" are in their 50s and 60s!)

lol as soon as i read "come on, girls!" all i could hear in my head and picture was richard simmons! lol i actually tried to find some of his vids on the net when i was starting out.. i should still look i think lol

i fouuuuuuuuuuund youuuuuuuuuuu :wavey::wavey::wavey:
Evening MizPP and Emz --

I did not know I was lost! ;) Today was okay, a bit stressed over not getting much on my todo list accomplished, but I will try to make a dent in it this evening and do "better" tomorrow.

CD810 good: over 4 litres of water in (and lots of loo time). I still have one more shake to go. I did Fitball and have booked Aquafit for tomorrow at noon. I will go to my piano lesson, then pick CFF up and go to Aquafit. As I will be showered and dressed when I leave the gym, I can drop CFF (or drag her along) and get some of those errands accomplshed. I will book the boiler thing online tonight and call the dentist now, as they work late on Tuesdays.
Day Two Down -- 68 more to go! ;) LOL (I hope!)
Well done on CD chuck - amazed you get so many things done given the time you spend in the loo! LOL xx
Well done on CD chuck - amazed you get so many things done given the time you spend in the loo! LOL xx

Great! I laughed so hard at that I didn't make it to the loo! I am going to have go out and get some Tena ladies.
Hi Illa,

I hope that you have a good day, too. And I will do -- thanks for the motivation. ;)
LOL -- Great minds think alike.

I have already internet shopped this morning. I bought a dreadlock wig for my Halloween Costume. I am going as "Dreadful Dorothy" (as in from the Wizard of Oz) -- my Little Dead Riding Hood was big hit a few years ago!

I ordered some boots to have sent to someone in Canada (a favour for a friend who could not get her UK credit card to work on the American website).

Am about to get sorted for Aquafit, make my errand and shopping list, book those appointments I planned to do yesterday -- and so forth.

What do you have in mind for your birthday gift?
Hi Illa,

I think my DH may be making that same swap soon.
