Miss Mac diary - A fresh start!

This looks great.!
I know people add things to the meal packs but in all honesty I think I would be sick if I did!
The consistency of the packs alongside any normal food just turns my stomach
I have to concentrate just to get some of the packs down lol!

I'm the opposite the packs are so much like baby food I gag!! I have to add veg so I have a bit of texture!!
What suits u best as were all different what we can stomach lol

Skinny women inside me somewhere!!! Oh maybe I ate her
Day 15 and what would be second weigh in.
Still not doing it :eek:
I am actually finding it very easy not to weigh.
And, I found before that I would often have food thoughts on weigh day. Kind of like the old 'treat day' on weigh in day. Also found myself struggling on a Thursday. This I think is down to having weighed the day before and there being such a long way to next weigh in!
All psychological stuff but it happens and they are the kind of things that make me fall off.
So for now not weighing is going fine.

Middle of the week, the weekend is in sight
Came on from work really hungry so I've had spag bol and made porridge biscuit things in the oven.
Haven't eaten them all but they were OK. Got the plain porridge, sausages and blueberry pancakes left to try. Have to say, overall I'm not too impressed with the meals and think I will be more than OK just having shakes again!
I wish I didn't weigh I'm a serial scale jumper! Can't help myself. Might have to put them in the shed as it's a fab idea. I get dishearten when it's not going down as fast as I like!:(

Skinny women inside me somewhere!!! Oh maybe I ate her
I wish I didn't weigh I'm a serial scale jumper! Can't help myself. Might have to put them in the shed as it's a fab idea. I get dishearten when it's not going down as fast as I like!:(

Skinny women inside me somewhere!!! Oh maybe I ate her

Yes I know what you mean.
The way I am looking at it is if I am on plan 100% then I can't do any better so I don't need to look at the scales.
I guess at how much I could have lost but I don't need to know for sure.
I just hope I'm surprised in a good way when I do eventually weigh and not be shocked at the lack of progress!
Your'e boud to get a good result after TSing for that amount of time MM. Think I may give monthly weighing a go once I'm back from holiday which will avoid the disappointments of slower weeks.

Don't think I could just have shakes though. I would miss my daily porridge pancake too much x
I used to weigh only once a month. I did so to avoid become scale-obsessed and to avoid pressure to get very fast results. At the moment I am weighing weekly but even that can be too stressful for some. I'm considering fortnightly WIs - but no rush. Weekly will do for now. Please don't jump on the scales every day. Fluid levels, hormones etc go up and down all day, every day and they affect the number on the scale (nothing to do with fat lost or gained!). If we see a disappointing result at 8am we can end up sabotaging the whole day because we feel gutted. Why risk it? Scale hopping becomes just another potentially damaging addiction x
I was a terrible daily weigher then I did weekly with the odd sneaky peak but now I'm in a position where I can't weigh myself and I actually feel free and excited because I know if I stick to plan then it's going to go and I haven't got the pressure of reaching a weekly target.
I used to weigh only once a month. I did so to avoid become scale-obsessed and to avoid pressure to get very fast results. At the moment I am weighing weekly but even that can be too stressful for some. I'm considering fortnightly WIs - but no rush. Weekly will do for now. Please don't jump on the scales every day. Fluid levels, hormones etc go up and down all day, every day and they affect the number on the scale (nothing to do with fat lost or gained!). If we see a disappointing result at 8am we can end up sabotaging the whole day because we feel gutted. Why risk it? Scale hopping becomes just another potentially damaging addiction x

I don't weigh at all serial slimmer. It's been over 2 weeks now and I am happy not to weigh so I'm not planning on changing that!
Day 15 and now in week 3
Oh and forgot to say but yesterday I resisted the home baking man's breakfast muffins!
They were my downfall when I tried a little TFR stint before Xmas! Didn't break me this time though and because lots of people are on January diets I didn't look bad for refusing them
All seems to be going OK so far. Still just going 1 day at a time but I have nearly made it to the end of January! Woohoo
On my Iphone and cant see how your day has been MM. Hope its been a good one x
On my Iphone and cant see how your day has been MM. Hope its been a good one x

I don't know why people can't see my posts susie.
Carrie downloaded the new minimins app but not sure if it solved the problem.
I posted on the tech page but no one has replied yet.
It's so annoying
I can read this one so don't know whats going on x
I can read this one so don't know whats going on x

There are 2 ways to reply with the new app.
It looks like if I do a normal reply, you can see it but if I do 'quick ' reply then for some strange reason you can't!
Are you using the minimins app susie?
I will just have to remember to normal reply from now on
Having a really tough time.
Since I finished work I have done nothing but think about food :confused:
Been fine all day at work so I don't know whats triggered it off!

I am now thinking that I can't do 2 more months of this and I should go to weight watchers!

Meeting sis in town tomorrow and she wanted to go for lunch. My plan was to just have a coffee but don't think I could resist food if I still feel like this.

Got online shopping coming soon and I ordered eggs so if I really want to eat I can have an omelette. That will tell me if I am hungry or if this lapse is pure greed. I suspect that it's the latter :eek:

Oh what to do!!!
Why not weigh? Might keep on you on track when you remind yourself why your doing this and see the results so far? Xxx
I did think about that carrie but as it's only been 2 weeks I am guessing I have lost a stone. That means I won't be in the 12's yet which may have given me some motivation.

Had a coffee, glass of pop and now a cup of tea. Have made a shake up and it's in the fridge.
I'm waiting for shopping to come then I'm going to have a bath.
Problem is my most dangerous time is evening so even my delay tactics may not help me!
What about trying on some clothes? Xxx

Good idea carrie, well not trying them on but looking for a new dress for my night out at my goal weight :D
Will do that after my bath to keep me occupied.
Thanks chick xxx
There are 2 ways to reply with the new app.
It looks like if I do a normal reply, you can see it but if I do 'quick ' reply then for some strange reason you can't!
Are you using the minimins app susie?
I will just have to remember to normal reply from now on

When I am at work I use the App but at home I use my laptop.

Hope the need for food has passed MM. It will given time so hang on in there x