MissNJ's diary! :D

huwiesmummy said:
I dunno I can't eat because of gallstones so I don't really notice. I would say if you make it weak it should be fine.

I just made a pint worth and used 1/2 teaspoon! Will check ketosis before I go to bed!

I know nothing about gallstones, but that sucks you can't eat? Anything.. Will you ever be able to eat? Xx
huwiesmummy said:
Yes once the NHS take the gallbladder out. At the moment anything meat or dairy sends me to the a&e so I started exante in hopes of being able to get the nutrients and its worked out very well.

Oh. Crikey.... I sure hope you can get it taken out soon.. Good that you've found a diet that keeps you out of hospital tho.. Xx
Never drinking a pint of bouillon again at bedtime... My tummy won't stop churning and I'm physically having to try and stop myself from being sick.... Not good! Haven't thrown up in about 4 years and I don't plan on doing so anytime soon...
Laying in bed trying to stop it.. Feel super dizzy too :-( left my beta blockers down stairs too.. And can't get up to go get them and all the kids are nearly asleep! :-(
Had an awful nights sleep.. Was awake at 12am thinking it was 5am!!!
Then woke up at 2am, 3am, 5am then stayed awake drifting in and out till 6am... I think I'm gonna have to start taking naps during the day... I'm used to getting 10hours sleep solid!! :-(

Had a strawberry shake with LOADS of ice for breakfast.. Was so yummy and refreshing! Have a killer headache today.. Hope it shifts soon :-(
I didn't sleep well either. Must be something in the air.

I think so, my sister had an awful nights sleep too :-(
prim already home and back in my pjs under blankets on the sofa! Hopefully gonna sleep for a few hours before I pick the kids up!!
huwiesmummy said:
That would be nice my son and I are.off to Ikea yuck. I'm hoping the rain will stop so I cam hang put the washing

Ooh.. Ikea is my fave place to go! We live no where near one tho :-( only go once a year or less :-(

It's just started to rain here.. :-(
huwiesmummy said:
It wasn't to bad it wasn't too busy got everything I wanted too. Now for a relax and maybe a walk later. Hope you got some rest before you had to get the kids.

Thank you!! I did rest till 2pm back in my onesie on the sofa watching crap tv!!!

Well today has gone from not good, to bad, to forking awful... I've not been this stressed in ages..

My tummy has been churning all day, I've been so hungry and craving food... I'm going insane!

I had my last shake at 6pm and it did give me a boost in energy, enough to cook the kids dinner.. But OMG I wanted to eat it.. :-(

I haven't caved in yet.. I'm determined to NOT be beat... I've got 4 weeks worth of packs left and I'm not wasting them!

I did buy some quorn ham (haven't eaten vegetarian foods in over 2 years...) I'm scared to eat it.. But I'm desperate and that's the highest protein/low carb food..
But if I eat it.. I've given in.. And not even managed 5 days

Today is day 5!

I don't want to drink the bouillion again., as last night it made me feel so sick and dizzy.. I was almost sick several times :-(
Day 6:

Have been feeling very tired today, no energy, woke up at 1am, 3am, 4am, then 5:15am and decided I couldn't be arsed to go back to sleep! So have nearly been awake for 12 hours and I'm already bathed and ready for bed!
I find every day now I'm willing bedtime to come, so I can lay in bed and not do anything.. 7pm can't come soon enough! My 11yo isn't happy about it, but he just sits in his bed playing Xbox whilst I sleep.. God knows what time he does fall asleep but he's up at 6am, so can't be too late!

Today I've had vanilla shake with ice for breakfast
Then 2 litres of water,
Lunch was a strawberry shake with loads of ice
And I'm currently nearly half way through my second bottle of 2litre water

Sainsburys delivered the wrong water tho.. They gave me still instead of sparkling, but I actually prefer it now.. I'm feeling a lot less bloated and I get less heartburn too! And seeing as they delivered 20 2 litre bottles, there's no way I'd be able to walk them all back for a replacement! Haha

I've not cooked food yet for the kids today, but have baked jam tarts for the kids, my sister and my mom. It was such a yummy smell.. Was so tempted to try. But just had a sniff and was happy! Also went to the local supermarket to buy more ice! I'm going through 2 big bags every 5/6 days! Ooops!! Although, kids have been having innocent smoothies crushed up with ice.. They love them!

Offered to buy the kids some Kettle chips (my BIGGEST weakness) but they turned them down! Was pretty impressed! Although they did ask for some jellybeans and bottled water! Hw could I say no!

I'm really bored now though I've done all the little jobs about the house, kids are playing the PS3 in the living room, so. Can't watch tv.. Suppose it's dinner time soon.. Spag Bol, which I don't like! So easy to resist food!

I've also been thinking today... My goal weight is my birthday.. I really want to do something on this day (food wise, as I will be eating foods by then) and I've not eaten cake in years.. I'm not such. Abig fan, but I'm petrified of foods containing EGG! I'm wondering, if I can get over my fear of this.. And actually have a slice of cake?!! I'm not sure if I will cave and have a vegan slice.. But I'm going to ask my sister to buy me one from our fave cupcake bakery and not let me know it's ingredients...

I'm also hoping.. That I can start eating quorn foods... As they all contain egg and milk.. They will become my main source of protein after I've given up this diet.. I've already bought some ham slices.. In case I physically can't cope and need to eat something, but as I say.. I'm scared to hell of trying food with egg...

Another thing.. My mum has invited us for Sunday dinner.. THIS IS A BIG DEAL... She never EVER EVER invites us over.. Last time we had Dinner there was Xmas day 2 years ago.. every Sunday she makes a roast.. And we're always the only ones out of the WHOLE family who never get invited.. (it's because I have 4 kids!) even though my twin sisters both have babies and partners.. They're invited every week! So... We're off for Sunday dinner.. I was going to just have my shake before we visited.. BUT.. As I have a weeks trial of Slim & Save, I thought.. I might have a day on this diet instead and have my 200g of veg and a cottage pie packet there.. So at least I'm sat at the table and eating with the kids.. As they'll find this strange, seeing as our being there is a big deal!
I'm kinda scared of my 7th day being one that involves actual food.. But as its all going to be "on plan" I can't see much damage being made.. And as I'm not weighing myself.. I'm not going to know if it has hindered a big 1st loss!
I may continue to do the whole week on S&S too, to get them over and done with (and to taste the difference) but was planning on doing this in week 3... But I suppose whenever I do it it will be an experience and I'll know which plan I'm ultimately going to follow..

Anyways. I talking waaaaay to much!
Day 7:

Forgot I was starting. Day of Slim & Save today! Oops! And had an exante banana shake for brekkie.. But I got the banana shake from the s&s pack and put that towards the exante ones do its replaced and hopefully ok!! I know it's not as many cals etc but I'm sure it won't hurt too much!

I bought some multivitamins yesterday too, so taking them on top of the shakes! Hopin I feel better for it too!!

Off to my mums for lunch, have my scales ready for weighing "allowed" veg and my cottage pie pack to mix up! Hope I like it!

Just did 1h 15m using my sisters slendertone.. My tummy doesn't feel much better for it, level 40 tho.. So might up it after a few times to feel more effect, but tomorrow will be the big test.. If I can't sit up! Hahaha! Have the arm attachments too.. Might do those later on at bedtime.. Bingo wings be gone!!!

Kids are driving me nuts today, they're all super bored.. But I have NO energy or money so can't take them out and off to mums soon anyway, will be home early, bed early and lots of trying to sleep I think later!
Just got back from my mums, I was worried about trying my first ever slim & save meal.. But I was pleasantly surprised! I had 200g of veg (white cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower) and slopped the "cottage pie" on top.. It tasted amazing! I did add salt and pepper tho, which made it yummier!!
i felt very full up though 3/4 way thru, but made myself finish it. I took a Truffa bar for pudding, but we didn't end up staying for pudding so I bought it home and just tried it now.. First time in over 2 years eating a chocolate bar.. Was scared of it.. But it was yummy too.. This is either very dangerous to know.. Or good that I know I can eat chocolate again!?!?
Later on I'm going to have the red berries shake for supper.
im feeling very very bloated now though.. Uncomfortably so :-(
kinda making me wonder whether or not I like the slim and save diet.. As my tummy was feeling good without food in it.. I suppose by the end of this week I will know if I wants to do shakes only on exante or S&S food inc diet instead?!
who knows...