mocha mmmmmmmmm


Full Member
well im on day three doing ok now first 2 days were quite bad but feeling the benifits already . Well i just had my first mocha and wow how nice was that splitt it in to 2 so gonna have another one later cant remeber who suggested it but thanks im soooo gonna live of them yum yum
Good you enjoyed it!!

I havent tried it yet, was going to today but dont want to til i get bored of the shakes etc
good thinking but have done it before so was glad of the change and wanted some hot im soooooooo cold just had me second one mmmm lovely i like the whole splitting it in to did it this morning with a vanilla one so i ahve had 5 today and havent been that hungry today yippee
Spliting is a good plan!! When your spliting what times do you take it at??