Monday always a good day to restart!

Just in general having a low day. Sticking to my plan although this morning I had half a 88cal protein bar.

Just got to keep busy and guzzle the water.
Still going okay. I've had 1 coffee lollie and a little milk in my coffee (decaf). Waterwise I have drunk nearly 2ltrs. A really good work out should sort me out tonight hopefully.
stick with it we all have crap days..... up the water it really works i'm currently doing 5l!!!!!
Okay had planned for 3ltrs today but will try and push it to 4!

Feeling slightly better today about things.

Yeah... get it done xx

I had a really good session with my counsellor (shrink) yesterday and basically I have become very obsessed and tight in my mind and body. I allow all my thoughts and energy to be put into my diet. Although even though I cheat with healthy food and am having very very very tiny losses, i am not allowing myself to live and have a life and freedom. As a result my body is not functioning properly and I am not allowing my body to loose the weight by holding in all this depression, angst and negative focus/continual focus and thoughts about food.... 24/7. I never ever shut it off and cant.

She has insisted that I give myself a life for 48 hours. It's a challenge and I need to relax. So it's been 24hours now and I have decided to stop following my diet but have eaten very healthily, 1350 cals for the day and have exercised at home for 40 mins.

I can honestly say today I have felt a glimse of freedom and a very slight weightless feeling in my head where some pressure has been taken away. Lets see how the next 24 hours go and I have a WI tomorrow with CDC so not sure on the damage of this challenge and I am very confused as to what to do with my diet plan?

Bren, Health is way too important to not get hold off, especially mental health. Even at 1350 calories you should be loosing not gaining or STS.... You'll get there, but remember the challenge was to have a life... what happened the weekly football outing you used to do? Have a date night with your hubby..... dinner, movie, theatre dvd whatever.... get the girls together.... it all helps mentally. I know you have been busy at work but oyu really need 'you' time, friends time, partner time and diet time!!!
I know. Sometimes easier said than done. I appear to have put my thinking into a very negative state, even though I may say the opposite out aloud. Inside i say something else to myself.

This morning, and I am now into my second stint of the 48 hour challenge and very relieved to say that my head is not consumed by food thoughts/diet or wanting to pick. In fact this morning I haven't picked at all. I have a WI with CDC and have prepaid for 2 weeks more of another program she does. I have already been doing it for 3 weeks nearly now, Ultra Life. Not sure what to tell her? Do I just continue on this path and tell a white lie that I am still following the plan ( I am 85% anyway ) and just continue to take the sachets (had between meals) ?

Advice please. Or do I tell her the truth and get back on the plan tomorrow. Problem is I think knowing that I am on this plan will only bring back my negative thoughts.

Bren, These diets require a strong state of mind..... depression can sink in!!!! Sounds to me like your challenge is working and although I know you want to loose weight perhaps a meal replacement programme isn't right for you just now????? You are the only one who can make that decision babe and I know you will make the right decision for you!
Thanks my offical WI is tomorrow at home and with CDC in about an hour. I've worked out at home last night and again this morning with a 1hour walk. My scales are reporting a 200gm gain but if that goes tomorrow then I'm not too concerned.

I'm going to persist I think with the next 2 weeks and finish off this Ultra Life Program which CDC also offers it's 3 meals and 4 sachets with vits. I have blown the past 2 weeks out of 3 (5 week program) due to my poor head space. I am pleased to report the past 48 hours have been like freedom and I have been cautious to calorie count (which i loved!).

So Ultra life for the next 2 weeks. Then i am off to Perth and have 2 weeks away. First week I am going to be calorie counting and the second when I work a carnival I am going to CD with 3 packs an apple and a meal (250 cal).

So better get in the shower and get ready and then after I must get my nails done they are looking horrific!

LOL All of that and you are still able to think about your nails.... pmsl.

Glad you have made up your mind.... and are feeling better in yourself..... have a great day.
nails are finely looking respectable.

i have eaten half an atkins bar and a small slice of bran loaf (home made by me) and 3 squares of choc. So bummed about not getting back into my Ultra Life. However thinking i could low carb (thats sort of what ultra life is) and calorie count. Personally I would just like to calorie count until I go away and take the 40 cal sachets (4 a day) that Ultra lite says to. But feel guilty as I am reporting to CDC. Still going to CD 810 for the week away out of the 2 that I will be working.

What should I do???

I will post a big post later and vent all my concerns. Off to have a bath as it is TOM and my tummy is bloated.

well theres a readon you won't have lost weight!!!! How's the fluid doing? are you getting the liquid down you???
well I have well and truly eaten too much today! Drinking usually 2.5 ltrs or more a day. Today only about 2.2 but I have had 3 green teas too.

Fresh start tomorrow as my thread is titled!!!

lol ... Bren to be honest on this diet I NEED a minimum of 4l per day.... that helps me!
Hey Bren,
Haven't popped in for a while because I've been so busy preparing for university. Hope all is going well! I still have every faith in you!

You're doing really well amm451!

Thanks shantel, hows the uni prep going? you got everything you need yet?
AM and Shantel thank you both.

Today is a new day and a new start to my approach to life I hope.

Have a great day Bren, and drink lots of water!