Moosh's S&S diary

Hi Moosh

Good luck today. I feel hungry when in ketosis anyway I have found. I just find I get used to feeling hungry though. Well almost.

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins

Yes me too, I mean I was always hungry anyway when I was having a million cals a day so I'm used to it!
Plan- I need to do these sausages, out of date yesterday so they need using. So am cooking in oven then putting them in a leek bake. Less tempting than sitting in the frying pan! Even dry-fried they get all.... blah anyway the trouble will be cutting them up and not stuffig in gob! Will have a mint and use mouthspray :D
Sausage crisis averted, I shoved a mint in, sprayed, even put on mint lipbalm and none of it went in my mouth! Double hard badness, the damn things were a bit crispy so I had to peel the skin off. Few weeks back, that skin would be in my gob and the day continued as normal. All in the bin now though! If I started counting all the cals I would eat durig the day, if I weren't dieting, I would cry!

Just had 180g cucumber (not on purpose you know, thats just what was left!) as I really really needed to chew! Sipping coke zero, yes the last glass of the 2 litre bottle I bought today. Don't know why I thought I could make it last till tea time, I know me better than that! ad a big glass of water with my shake, a 500ml bottle of water on schoolrun then this 2l bottle and thats it so far so thats good going for me!

I'm going to do the ironing now, wee one is asleep phew. She's a bit teethy and grim right now, refusing all the lovely food I make her. Gave her pork curry with broccoli for lunch, refused to even try it. So I ended up giving her veg like cucumber and pepper, and cheese and bread just to fill her up! Refused to even eat satsuma, breaks my heart cos she usually loves it. Poor thing.

Friday friday............ Tomorrow got grand plans, the local gym is having an open morning with a few free classes! I used to be a member but a mixture of my knee going mental and general can't-be-arsed-to-go mean't I quit. I'd weep if I worked out out how much my 5 visits cost each.... but I'll do a free session and if it's good I'll go each week but not join, it costs like £5 a session so not too shabby. Or with my student card, maybe will be cheaper to join who knows.

Thing is it's first come first served- first class is 9.30, it's 30 mins walk from me so I need to get up early! On a weekend! Woe woe. Least it's free. Second class is 10.30 (not even considering the spinning class, I'd die!) so will be a looooong wait if I don't get in the first! Good job the gym has the local library attached!
i would love to do a spinning class, but would need an ambulance on standby,

Ha, one for me too! I have an exercise bike at home, I can do ten mins if I really push myself! I can walk for hours, I can even jog if needed, I can do an aerobic DVD and love it but bikes just don't mesh with me!
Coke all gone, No liquid now till after school run.

Had porridge for lunch, it's not my fave but slowely coming round to it. Had mixed spice on it, yum yum.

Had a FB convo with middle sister, good to speak to her. I only see my family twice a year and we don't really phone much. She's going to university in Sept, all excited!
Hi Moosh, it has taken me all day inbetween sorting kids but I have read your entire diary. I just want to say well done on how amazing you have been. I look forward to reading more of your successes.

Cupcake xo

Sent by Cupcake using HTC
Hi Moosh, it has taken me all day inbetween sorting kids but I have read your entire diary. I just want to say well done on how amazing you have been. I look forward to reading more of your successes.

Cupcake xo

Sent by Cupcake using HTC

Oh good grief, your brain must be melting away! The diary was a log and now it's my stress-ball, I'm always writing crap!
MiniMoosh said:
Oh good grief, your brain must be melting away! The diary was a log and now it's my stress-ball, I'm always writing crap!

That's what a diary's for Moosh :)

I've just deleted my 114 page diary ready for my new start!

Sent by Cupcake using HTC
Sorry to hear you've had a bit of a tough week moosh. Haven't had much chance to come on her and post much! Fingers crossed for your weigh in! Hope it's all going well too xxx
Is good! Last night was 12st 10lb, which is a 4lb gain from last WI. Goes to show the body is mad mad mad, I'm 12st 4lb today so thats a 2lb loss on last WI THANK GOODNESS!

Off to post my mum's birthday gifty then to a gym class- Woop!
Well done moosh!! xxx
Well done hunni, thats another 2lbs in the right direction :)
Yay 2lbs in the right direction
Hurrah, gym was fun but oh so hard.... twice as long as any I'd done before, and I really don't get the whole sit up thing but I did it. I went and asked the teacher, you know all the stupid stuff- what do I do, do you use mats etc. She said the class burns 700cals! Blooming nora.

Anyway off to town now, going to have FUN FUN FUN discussing pension plans at my bank. FUN.

Porridge before gym- best idea ever, the small portion (for me. In the past a class would require 6 slices of thick toast with marg and marmite!) meant no sloshing, no thickness of waist. Very happy! Will be ordering more porridge when the new stuff gets in, going to order more strawberry shake and muesli bars too. Funny how my taste has changed!

Shower time, shower time, so I don't stink up the bank. Woop!
Well done Moosh, good result and I'm sure the gym work will pay dividends too.