MrsC999's JUDDD diary

MrsC999 said:
My 6 year old son has a very bad behaviour problem at the moment. He's been getting progressively worse for a couple of months now and it's wearing me down, I prefer being at work than home at the moment and I feel terrible for that. I could do with a visit from super nanny...

I'm really sorry to hear that, I hope that it gets better- has school said anything/given advice??
I hope you're ok!

Sorry to hear about ur son, Do they have some kind of behaviour plan in place? Does he see a paediatrician for his behaviour? My son sees one for his behaviour and sometime he is a god send!!

Hope u feel better soon and everything's calms down xxx

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My 6 year old son has a very bad behaviour problem at the moment. He's been getting progressively worse for a couple of months now and it's wearing me down, I prefer being at work than home at the moment and I feel terrible for that. I could do with a visit from super nanny...

u do not need to feel bad for needing a break, even without any concerns children are hard work. keep at it, i am sure u r doing an amazing job x
He's not been in trouble at school yet this year. His Reception class last year we were called in every other week, but I thought he had turned a corner.
If just seems to enjoy getting into trouble at the moment and he has an answer/excuse for everything
Aww just catching up hun, I know how difficult it can be. My 10 yr old son has behavioural issues, he is fine in school well behaved just slow and behind for his age ? But at home he bullies his brothers and sisters has a vile temper frequently breaks things in temper and flies off the handle at the slightest thing. It really depends on what mood he is in as to what sort of day the rest of us are having, we have been waiting over a year for a psychologist to see him ! So I do empathise with you hun x
I don't know how u manage with 5 Jo, I'd be to take away...
I don't feel so bad today but mainly because DS was at Beavers when I got home from work so there was an hour of peace and quiet before the usual bedtime chaos began (that I'm still in the middle of)
I don't know how u manage with 5 Jo, I'd be to take away...
I don't feel so bad today but mainly because DS was at Beavers when I got home from work so there was an hour of peace and quiet before the usual bedtime chaos began (that I'm still in the middle of)

I hope that you're ok!!
i hope that your DS enjoyed beavers!
I ran my own group when I was 18-20, my brother and I have always been really involved in scouting and love it! I would carry it on if I didn't work shifts and have more time to be relied upon! Saying that though, running a beaver colony and doing my a levels at the same times wasn't a good idea!!!

I hope that you had a lovely day!!!

He loves Beavers. He was much better behaved tonight and it was my 3 year old daughters turn to play up!
It's only my dog Toby that keeps me sane
MrsC999 said:
He loves Beavers. He was much better behaved tonight and it was my 3 year old daughters turn to play up!
It's only my dog Toby that keeps me sane

Awww I'm glad that he does!!
Good Im pleased that he was better behaved too! I had a lot of kids in beavers that got much better the longer that they stayed as we were quite strict and regimented so I think it's pretty good!
Awwww bless your daughter and your dog!

What an awful nights sleep I'm having;
Came to bed early because I was shattered but couldn't get comfortable and spent and hour on Minimins catching up with diaries
Just dropped off to sleep around midnight I think only to be woken by screaming... Wasn't sure who it was but leapt up and it was DS but not properly awake and talking nonsense about a pantomime between screams. Didn't know if if was just having a nightmare but the screaming really seemed like if was in a lot of pain. Finally managed to wake him up (at the same time the noise woke my 3 year old DS)
And he said is arm was hurting while still crying loudly. I guessed it might be a dead arm and we soaked it in a sink of make water which seemed to help but the arm was very red. Anyway got him back to bed but the DD was thinking it was morning and wanted to go downstairs.
Finally got them back into bed and I managed to get straight back to sleep.... Briefly. At 1am I was woken again by DD shouting. I am hard of hearing so had to go into her room to find out what she was saying. Her duvet was on the floor and she wanted tucking back in.
With a struggle after that I eventually managed to get back to sleep, it's was way too hot and I've got ear ache on both sides so have to lie on my back in bed which I don't find comfortable.
3am was woken again by a little voice shouting she'd done a poo and needed bottom wiping.
So I started writing this at 4am after 1 hour of tossing and turning. I've had at best 2.5 hours sleep but can't get comfortable cos ears hurt, now neck and shoulder hurt (old recurring injury) it's daylight outside and my alarm is set for 2 hours from now :-(
And now my tummy is rumbling really loudly but today is a DD so I can't get up and have anything to settle it down.... I'll be falling asleep at my desk by lunchtime, it's going to be a long day followed by my OH being on nightshift the next 2 nights which means coping the the kids by myself... OH the joys of parenting
So I've given up on sleeping and am now downstairs ironing... Yawn!
Oh bless you, you get nights like that don't you, just one thing after another , really hope your Sons arm is Ok today, he may well have had pins and needles one of my little ones get it quite often and it really freaks him out, take care x
aw bless you. take it easy today xxx
Hope u manage to get some rest tonight xxx

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I hope that you're ok and that you manage to sleep better tonight!!

Just typed a great long post about my day then pressed the back button on my phone instead of send and lost it...
Long story short I've had less than 300 calories for my DD :)
Aw, well done on the DD calories - that's amazing considering the 24hrs you've had! :clap: :clap:

And children, oh, they seem like such a good idea, don't they? ;) It does get better, promise. They're no less trouble once they hit their teens but you do get more sleep! :)

Hugs :hug99:
Excellent well done!!!

Eeek don't frighten me Lily I haven't had kids yet!!!

I was strong armed into the children, so he always gets the blame... Lol.
The best thing I ever did really :) but wish it wasn't such hard work ALL of the time.

I have to have another DD tomorrow unfortunately because I need Friday to be an UD. Don't think it will be as easy when I'm bored at work, but u never know!

Has the sun found u in Cornwall yet Lily?