That's still deprivation. "A little bit of what you want does you good". My favourite "treat" these days is a mini aero, it's basically 1/6 of a normal one in a separate wrapper & I have one in my lunchbox everyday. Because I have chocolate every day I don't crave it as much & it's only 59 cals so I don't feel the tiniest bit guilty about it either. Even if I had a "binge" I'd have to eat at least 6 to have the equivalent of a chocolate bar! Unwrapping too many wrappers makes me feel like I'm pigging out more than the taste of the chocolate - not good sitting on the sofa surrounded by wrappers!
Does that sound weird or what!?
My husband can eat chocolate like this when he used to eat it, he has gone off it altogether now and does not even like the taste of it.
Chocolate when presented in a shape of a box of chocolates to me only means one thing and that is...eat all the nice ones first and then go back and eat all the ones I don't even like.
I have seldom felt guilty about over eating...that happens when I put weight on and don't have something that fits or is nice to wear.
I do believe in being gentle and loving with yourself is a key to the whole process in keeping the weight off.
Having been reading the majority of self help books since my early thirties...I feel one of the dangers I have found is being over simplistic...if they held the answer we would not have some new self help book coming out every week...saying more or less the same thing...What I feel they can do is increase the feeling of uselessness and can once again lead to another way to set you up to failure!!!
If I can't love myself like the way the say in the books or I can't forgive myself or others as such an such a guru has done, then that makes me all wrong...
The cycle of failure is ingrained even further and is not alleviated.
For in order to love yourself you have to feel it and in order to feel it you have to feel you are worth it and in order to feel you are worth it you have to have self esteem and in order to have self esteem you have to have self respect and in order to have self respect you have to love yourself, it is hard to love yourself when you see little hope of anything ever changing...
Finding a thread into this dilemma begins by finding a thread to unravel the cycle failure and self-loathing...
In my case it finding a solution that actually worked in helping me shift my weight and that was Lipotrim it was working and then I got hope and from hope springs all possibilities.