MsRSimpkin's Inductions Diary

I've been very lax with my diary recently. I haven't even been writing it down as I eat /prepare meals! I need to kick myself up the backside because as I discovered before on SW, it's very easy to overeat and not realise it if you're not keeping note of it.

So, here's a reminder to myself to WRITE IT DOWN! Hehehe.

Today will hopefully be...
B - Cabbage & Mushroom Omelette
L - Tuna Salad
D - Pork Loins w/ Cauli Mash & Green Beans
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Morning :) Not sure if you can overeat on Atkins, I ate/Eat plenty, but I do only eat if I'm hungry, i don't force myself.
Jim said:
Morning :) Not sure if you can overeat on Atkins, I ate/Eat plenty, but I do only eat if I'm hungry, i don't force myself.

Hehe. That's true! I guess by overeat I meant more like going over your carb allowance. The main thing I liked about this and SW was that you're encouraged to eat as much as you like, as often as you like. Which suits me perfectly because I simply can't function when I'm hungry! Hehe
Hello Mrs... I completely empathise on your cheese and pâté encounter !! Bless you!! I'm wondering when, if ever , those tendencies will vanish lol ... They haven't for me yet ... Xx
Oh dear on the cheese and pate - probably much better than crisps and really:D
Morning love, ah, I see what you mean about going over the carb allowance.
I seem to be on a mission today! I couldn't sleep so I got up early and decided to have a good clean while DH has a lie in. I need to sort the cupboards out too! Chuck out all the out of date sauces, dried up spices, etc. 'Cause I just know there's going to be loads in there!

This is the first time I've sat down, and that's only cos I've got some courgettes that need using and wanted a good recipe for them.

I really need to organise myself, maybe write down a weekly menu planner. I find that, because I'm doing Atkins and DH is doing Low Cal, I'm having to buy so much different food for both of us. Which, if that wasn't expensive enough, means some stuff gets pushed to the back of the fridge and forgotten about until you pull it out and realise it's gone bad! Like that lovely, big, thick, juicey steak, that's just gone in the bin! Argh :(

So, more planning, and less waste!
Morning, That's a real problem if you're on totally different diets isn't it. :(
Yes, Jim. It can be a real pain sometimes, mainly because I do all the cooking in our house (DH can't cook to save his life, bless him. Last time he tried, he ruined my brand new frying pan!), so I'm having to make two completely different meals most of the time.

He attempted Atkins with me at the beginning, did about a week an a half, but he couldn't kick the carb cravings. I explained it would pass, but I think he just missed the food he was use to. So he decided to just go low calorie.

It shocked be actually. I didn't really get any major cravings from the word go, despite me being a huge bread addict! And I loved my pasta! DH was a take it or leave it with most carby an sugary foods, but he started craving things he normally wouldn't eat. Like cereal bars and crisps!

Weird what our body does when it's going through withdrawal, huh?
I almost forgot to mention... Happy happy day today! I managed to get into a top I bought a while ago that didn't quite fit properly, but I kept because I loved it!

It's probably a bit tighter than I'd normally wear, but DH said it was really flattering and he like it. So I wore it out to visit some family last night and got loads of compliments! Hehe.

And I didn't wear a big bulky cardigan over it like I normally do, in attempts to cover my lumpy bumpy bits. Which seem to be slightly less lumpy and bumpy than a month ago! Yay!
Sorry to jump on your thread but have just been browsing !

Jim can I ask how long you have maintained for ? and how you do it ? I have put a stone back on and Hubby slightly more ;) Since last April when I got to my lowest.
We do low carb, I did go over to Dukan to drop my last few pounds but Hubby does Atkins. How do you stay foccused ?
Morning Mrs S, we were lucky I suppose, Colleen is a skinny minny and has never had to diet, we just cooked normal meals and I substituted extra veggies instead of the carby stuff.


I stay pretty much on Atkins OWL I suppose, I allow myself one carby meal a day, i.e. bread OR Potato's OR rice OR pasta etc. and that seems to work for me. I know I can never go back to eating the way I used to, I'd be back to way over 25 stone in no time if I did. The other thing I think, is Atkins changed my perceptions of what to eat. I quite often have left overs for breakfast, stew or casserole or whatever there is, not a mile high stack of toast like in the old days. Most days, though I don't count them any more, i'd say I come in around 50 carbs +/- a couple.
DH was very skinny when I met him (26" waist!), but a few home cooked meals later he ballooned to a 40" waist! Oops! He's lost a bit now, though. He's between a 36" and 38" now.
Morning, I was quite skinny when we met, but then I was a young soldier then :) I'm a 36" now, but I was a 32" when we met.
Oops! I think I've done a silly! I've got a party to go to tonight and been trying to bleach my hair white ready for the party, but I think I may have gone a bit too far with the bleach!

It's all breaking off every time I touch it! Normally I'd never bleach my hair 3 times in one day, but I was desperate and didn't have much time. It's my own fault, though. No one to blame but myself.

Currently sitting here with a conditioning mask on my hair and hoping I'm not going to be bald for the party! Haha.

Unfortunately for me though, it's going to be a pizza party! Literally nothing I could eat! And I'm not even going to entertain the though of just eating the topping because I know that won't happen!

I know that the hostess is planning to order a load of takeaway pizzas, so maybe I could be cheeky ask her to order me a kebab (sans pita, of course).
And annoyingly enough, pizza is the only thing I've had a craving for since I started Atkins.
It did respond to the mask, thankfully. It seems a lot healthier now, a lot less breakage and a lot less frizz from the dry, damaged ends.

The party, however, wasn't such a success. I ended up eating 2 and 1/2 slices of pizza and a cupcake! Which I came to regret later because I had unbelievable headache all night and woke up with a horribly bloated and painful stomach this morning!

Next time I'm tempted to cheat or "have a night off", I'll remember how crappy it made me feel! On a lighter note, though, I've jumped right back on the wagon today and going to do a few days of just meat and eggs to kick start myself back into Ketosis.
Morning Mrs... Well done for jumping back onto the clean and green woe... It will soon come off once you're in ketosis xx
Morning Mrs, ah yes, carb poisoning i call it. :(