Munchies and Madness- my food diary.

I love those mini daim bars! And the jammie dodger style biscuits (I bought 2 packs of those too- I'm sure I can keep in my syns)

I am proud of myself- hubby offered to get a takeaway last night, seems I was off plan anyway and I resisted!

Yesterday's food (16/02/17)

B- Half a banana
L- Ikea hot dog (12.5syns)
D- Ham and coleslaw sandwich (hexb, 1syn for EL mayo) Watermelon. Muller light. Boiled eggs. Satsuma.

Snacks- Grapes.
Drinks- Costa latte (hexa+3syns for syrup) Tea (1syn for milk) Fizzy water. Coke zero.

Syn total- 17.5syns
Been an odd day today- hubby has been off work with a dodgy tummy and mine hasn't been 100% either :(

Today's food (17/02/17)

B- Nothing.
L- Pasta n sauce. Satsuma. WW yogurt. Cheese sandwich (hexb+2syns for 2 LC triangles)
D- Chicken and mushroom stir fry with noodles (0.5syn for spray oil)

Snacks- 2 pink and white wafers (5syns). WW yogurt. Satsuma.
Drinks- Costa latte (hexa+3syns for syrup) Tea (1.5syns for milk) Fizzy water.

Syn total- 12syns
Thanks Vic!

I wish I could say that I was on plan today but I wasn't. Me and hubby have been poorly all night and morning- without going into too much detail we've had bad tummies.
Come dinner time we were both exhausted and thought we were feeling a bit more human so ordered in a chinese takeaway- although that didn't stay inside for long.

Feeling hugely bloated and uncomfortable- I look like I'm 9 months pregnant again!

Back on plan tomorrow- I got some frozen fruit and Muller lights to try and make overnight oats :) Everyone raves about them but they sound a bit odd to me but always willing to try!!
Ruined my day today as well- went to a kiddies party and indulged in party food. White bread cheese sandwiches, trifle, humous (with cucumber and carrot!) and a couple of rocky road squares...

Lunch was completely on plan so I am disappointed in myself :(

Going to change weigh in day to Friday as I tend to do the damage on a weekend and have no time to rectify it before I step on the scales and then I get terrible food remorse and guilt.

Back on it tomorrow- for real this time!!!
Good day all round today- had a lovely day with my boys! Whilst Riley was napping I made cupcakes with Reece (box mix!) and he loved it! He was so proud of his cupcakes and of course I had to have one to celebrate with him (only 3syns each for ACTUAL cake!!)

Today's food (20/02/17)

B- Nothing.
L- Cheese & broccoli pasta n sauce (0.5syn- made with water) with added broccoli and spinach. WW yogurt. Ham. Kiwi. Apple. Strawberries.
D- Chilli con carne (colemans packet mix and spray oil- 9syns but made 3 portions so 3syns each! Added extra onion and peppers) Rice.

Snacks- Alpen light (hexb) 10 mini marshmallows (1syn) Satsuma. 30g SF fruitella gums (3syns) Cupcake (3syns)
Drinks- Tea (hexa for milk) Coke zero. SF squash.

Syn total- 10.5syns
Challenging day with Riley today- he has been really unsettled and it's frustrating and upsetting because I don't know what he wants...

Tried overnight oats for the first time today- was reasonably impressed! Was expecting them to be dry but it definitely does moisten them. A lot more filling than I expected too! I was stuffed having them with lunch!!

Today's food (21/02/17)

B- Nothing.
L- Chilli and rice (3syns) 30g SF fruitella gums (3syns) Mango. Kiwi. Overnight oats with berries (hexb)
D- Baked eggs (tinned tomatoes, bacon, peppers, spinach, eggs, spray oil 0.5syn)

Snacks- Pink & white (2.5syns)
Drinks- SF squash. Tea (hexa for milk) Coke zero.

Syn total- 9syns
Tough day today- it's the 1 year anniversary of my nanna passing away :( I've been up and down emotionally and have been snappy at my poor boys and hubby.

Took Riley to a playgroup (Reece was at nursery) and resisted the massive chocolate cake! Even took my own sweetener for my tea!

Today's food (22/02/17)

B- Nothing.
L- Mugshot. Satsuma. Cheese sandwich (hexb+ 2syns for 30g philli light) WW yogurt. Ham. Tomatoes.
D- 3 asda chicken sausages (3syns) Scrambled egg (0.5syn for spray oil) Bisto cauliflower cheese (1.5syn) Kale. Tomatoes.

Snacks- WW yogurt. Ham. Grapes.
Drinks- Coffee shop mocha (hexa+3syns for cocoa) Diet lemonade. Tea (1.5syns for milk)

Syn total- 11.5syns
Hope you're feeling better today Lisa, it sounds like you've had a difficult few days. How's Riley?
Glad you liked the overnight oats- they are definitely very filling. When I have them for breakfast they always keep me full til lunch time. My favourite it strawberry yoghurt and chunks of chopped pineapple (but I think you're allergic?!)
I find as well that I get a better loss when I have them instead of porridge- odd but true! If you've a Holland & Barratt nearby they do bags of Jumbo Oats which are delicious for them too- they go really chewy :)
Grrr my photo of dinner didn't save on my phone- turns out it's a bit full with over 2,000 photos plus downloads, videos etc!!

Much better today thanks Poppet- it's been a tough few days but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Riley has now got medicine (infant gaviscon) for his reflux so hopefully that should perk him up and help with the clingy behaviour (crossed fingers!)

Confession time for tomorrow- hubby has the day off so we are going for a pub lunch and softplay... I won't be on plan for lunch- I don't eat steak and the healthier options just don't appeal! Big fat burger please!!
AND I have a night out planned for Saturday with my group of mummy friends- food and a fair few tipples...
Good job I've moved weigh in day to Friday (tomorrow!) so I have a week to repair the next two days haha!!

Today's food (23/02/17)

B- Nothing.
L- Multigrain ryvita (hexb) topped with 45g philli light (3syns) and cucumber. Boiled eggs. WW yogurt. Apple. Strawberries. Kiwi.
D- Pasta with 2tbsp low fat green pesto (4syns), spinach and mangetout.

Snacks- 2 x Muller light. Mugshot. Frozen berries.
Drinks- Latte (hexa+3syns for syrup) Tea (1.5syns for milk) Diet lemonade. SF squash.

Syn total- 11.5syns