My 10 Week TS Bali Bikini Diet

Yes, it all makes such sense. I am so glad we have been able to spend these few months batting around ideas together, and formulating this plan ahead for ongoing weight loss and then maintenance. It's such a workable plan, and the biggest joy for me is that, this time the VLCD has not been just the 'quick fix' for my holiday, it is kick starting a healthy and slim future.
I just saw my reflection in a glass cabinet, I have no tummy, no hanging flabby bits. My hips are slim - THAT'S ME!!!!
So, I've been into town and got 2 buckets of peanut butter. Also, plenty of almonds and have already started soaking my first batch for almond milk.
Also, today I realised that boot cut Jeans look strange on me now. So I now have some super skinny ones. They look waaaaay better than I thought they would.

Have grated my cauliflower ready to make rice, and made 2 mini cheesecakes in tea cups. Something tells me I won't be able to eat much, but I'm looking forward to it.
It was all very tasty. The cauli rice was brill, although I'll make it slightly coarser next time. The cheesecake was super yum! I couldn't eat too much of either and stopped when I was full.
The cheesecake base was a bit of coconut flour, sesame seeds and ground almonds with melted butter. The topping was cream cheese, sour cream, lime zest, splenda. Between the two layers was a sliced strawberry.

Note to self - never let yourself forget how good it felt when you tried on a pair of size 12 super skinny Jeans and they did up! It doesn't matter that you didn't buy them, they blimmin well did up!!
Yesterday my food day looked like this:-

B: Exante shake
L: ultra slim bar
Snack: celery stick with peanut butter
D: chilli with cauli rice, small portion
Cheesecake made with sour cream, cream cheese,lime and strawberries, small portion.

It was nice, but I was just so not hungry after the celery and peanut butter snack. I could easily have not had the chilli, and I have learned from it.

Today I have had a shake and celery with peanut butter. Again I am stuffed.

I feel pensive and fed up today. Don't get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing to be down about. I may have a berocca soon or a bouillon, surely one or the other could cure all the worlds ills?!!

I have made my first batch of almond milk, it needs to sit overnight before I try it tomorrow. Am going to make some butter later.
I don't know if it's weather related, totm, stage of the diet or what. I'm not really interested in food, have got used to not using it as an emotional crutch so that's a good thing. Not only that, but I'm so full. Peanut butter is a miracle food!
Don't know why I used that exclamation mark, I'm not in that kind of mood at all.
I think we might rent the Muppet movie off the box tonight, it's about the only decent thing on there to rent at the mo.
I don't think I'm going to be able to eat my chicken salad this evening....
I've just eaten a piece of brie, a slice of ham, a lettuce leaf, half an avocado and a drum stick. I feel much brighter, still sated and happy for having it.
Bacon, egg and cheese muffins with coconut flour.


The muffins certainly smell good. Will freeze some as good staples if one of us is running out of the door without breakfast sometime.
I'm feeling much better now, probably because I'm upstairs alone, reading and with the proms on in the background. I've escaped the constant twittering of whatever Mr is currently watching, it's rather mellow up here. I'm not a TV fan really, preferring peace & quiet. The polar opposite of my sweet love, who would have it on day and night.
How are you feeling?
Good morning Sunday! I've just made a shake with almond milk, Tesco protein power powder (with BCAA's already in it, hadn't known when I bought it, bonus!) Ice and ground linseed. It was tasty, even though the linseeds do sink to the bottom. It's sweeter than Exante so will need to get used to it, husband doesn't seem to think it's any sweeter than slimfast.
I think we're off shopping today, I love the super skinny Jeans and fancy some more.
Morning, poorly tummy (popped 2 dulcolax last night and it's having the desired effect!), but other than that I'm ok. Just been reminded that we go away 2 Weeks today, it's all happening fast now.
How are you today?
I have never known myself to be less obsessed by food as I am now. I realise it's because I am now eating the right foods for my body, but I am finding it quite amazing. Eating more fats, less carb is clearly what works for me.
I cannot believe it but my breakfast shake has held me all day! I haven't had another thing and am not hungry. It is a miracle!
I've been out to the shops, got another pair of skinnies, and some control pants as one of my lovely dresses for holiday is very clingy and doesn't look right without them.
Have had a joint of beef in the slow cooker since I got up this morning, should be nice for tea with some broccoli.
Ooh la la, tonights dinner was A mazing!
The beef just fell apart, the cooking juices from the slow cooker were reduced down to half in the frying pan, then thickened with a tiny amount of Xanthan for gravy. I did broccoli and green beans and cheese sauce from full fat soft cheese, mustard and a splash of cream.
I didn't have too much, the husband thoroughly enjoyed his and neither of us missed potatoes. Yum scrum!
It's been a strange day, food wise it's been fine. certainly pleased with my breakfast shake, also glad to have seen aunt flo arrive. But, my oh my, she's caused me real pain today. Indeed, nearly floored me at times, most unusual.
I can't say I'm sad to see the back of the day really. Am looking forward to the week ahead, pain and pmt free. After this week the holiday becomes real, right now it feels rather surreal.