My 128 lb Drop Diary [WEEK 67]

Kind of spamming with posts today but screw it. Just played 45 minutes of basketball and probably burned a couple of hundred calories. Was sweating hardcore when I was finished.

The important thing about today was that I ran quite a lot without much leg pains like I used to get. I can finally start running and sprinting a decent amount. It is actually really liberating. Just being able to run a distance at all. At 318lbs, a 20m sprint would have knackered me out.

Now I am going to read in the evening sun, smoke a few cigars or menthols and relax. Don't worry, I only smoke on some weekends!

Okay this is the last post hehe Roll on weigh-in #35. Oh and I updated the first page of the thread. A new part explaining my method for weight loss so far. I feel like I have lost enough weight now to feel like I actually know what I'm talking about. And it gives any new viewers a bit of perspective on my choice of weight loss.
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4.2lbs loss :)

Most of it water weight from last weekend of high salty and alcohol goodness. But 4.2lb is a good result to make-up for the birthday gain!
Well done, Alex, another great result! It's my birthday a week tomorrow, so next weekend will be one of indulgence for me - can't wait, lol. :) xx
Well done, Alex, another great result! It's my birthday a week tomorrow, so next weekend will be one of indulgence for me - can't wait, lol. :) xx

Indulge yourself however you want! Enjoy it!
Alex that's a great loss! Well done! I really need to muster up some of your enthusiam and positive approach to get rid of my ast13lbs. Finding it such a struggle. One minute I'm determined and feel I'llnever be able to get rid of the last bit! Sorry having a feeling sorry for myself moment!
Alex that's a great loss! Well done! I really need to muster up some of your enthusiam and positive approach to get rid of my ast13lbs. Finding it such a struggle. One minute I'm determined and feel I'llnever be able to get rid of the last bit! Sorry having a feeling sorry for myself moment!

How are you feeling physically? Do you feel you really need to lose 13 more lbs?

Funny how difficult those last few pounds become. Maybe just have a 100% month and apply yourself for 28 days. It worked for me when I slacked, get into a really determined mindset and exercise every day. Keep your food strict too and I bet you will lose a large chunk of that 13lbs!

Oh and thanks, it was a decent loss!
Ouch, 3500 calories on today's cheat day.

But I was out all day playing football and basketball with friends for like 5 hours. Must've burnt at least 1500 calories... at least. My body hurts and I have sunburn :(
Usually after my Sunday cheat day I weigh myself again to see the water weight increase, and it's usually 1-2lbs.

But today I weighed myself again and I was 256.8... another two lbs lighter. I feel like I have kind of cheated but now I know I have lost 2lbs, I might aswell just add it onto my weigh-in loss.

It's probably all the sweat I lost yesterday. I was out for hours, sweating like a pig. So yeh... Week 35 weigh-in result has changed to 256.8. 6.2lbs lost.

Considering my week hasn't even started yet, I think it's fair to add it on to it.

Edit: Also I am only 2.8lbs from being 50% through. I want to hit that this week, I am going to work hard for it.
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Okay, I have decided to go for it again having completed it once before. Last time it was great. It tested my discipline and determination. I knew once I completed it that I could do anything.

The 100% month returns. 28 days of solid, strict dieting. No pushing over my calorie deficit at all, and I must exercise EVERY DAY. Whether it be a workout or do something outdoors.

I joined the July challenge to lose a whole stone, which is going to be a tough ask. But if I could be 242.8 lbs this time next month... that would be incredible.

So here we go, 28 days of pain begins haha

Starting today. Weigh-ins will be weekly this time though. Cheat day is pretty much gone, but I guess I will just treat myself to something that day and keep the rest of the meals strict.

I think I am going to take up Muay-Thai. There is an academy/gym quite nearby. It will be great for my fitness. Also, I hate the idea of not being able to defend myself. I know one day the time will come where an idiot is going to attack me or my friends. So I made an enquiry about beginner courses. Exciting times ahead :)
Alex I'm going to join you on being 100%. I've been having a personal trainer 2-3 times a week for a while (though only 2 this week) and I need to exercise or at the very least walk on the days I don't see him. I know that I have been over eating (comforting eating for stress) on and off for a few weeks and hence a 6lb gain having previously maintained around 8st 8lbs. I am 5ft 2 and with a very small frame and I do need to lose this 13lbs or at the very least 7lbs. I can really feel the extra weight and it doesn't feel comfortable.

So I will focus on the rest of July and drop by to keep inspired by you! I am going to London on 26 July for a wedding on 27 so I will focus on doing 100% to the morning of 26 July at the very least.
Some of those Muay Thai conditioning workouts are brutal mate, you'll really enjoy it when you can walk again... :D

31 days isn't long to stick to something 100% in the grand scheme of things, so I'm sure you'll do it - especially as you already know what to do. A whole stone is a big ask but definitely within reach :)

There is a month long beginners course, which takes place every Sunday. I'm sure they'll be kind to me hahah

Well it's 4 weeks so 28 days ;) It just happens to be a coincidence that I have started on the 1st day of a month!

It will be tough like last time but I know I can do it. I am usually at 80% normally so that extra 20% isn't too hard. But the results will be great. A stone will be hard, but it's a challenge after all. I know it is possible so I know I can do it.

Thanks for your support brother!
Alex I'm going to join you on being 100%. I've been having a personal trainer 2-3 times a week for a while (though only 2 this week) and I need to exercise or at the very least walk on the days I don't see him. I know that I have been over eating (comforting eating for stress) on and off for a few weeks and hence a 6lb gain having previously maintained around 8st 8lbs. I am 5ft 2 and with a very small frame and I do need to lose this 13lbs or at the very least 7lbs. I can really feel the extra weight and it doesn't feel comfortable.

So I will focus on the rest of July and drop by to keep inspired by you! I am going to London on 26 July for a wedding on 27 so I will focus on doing 100% to the morning of 26 July at the very least.

Awesome Kira! When are your weighing in? Every week or not until the end of the month?

Hmm yes I can imagine every excess pound of fat being aggravating at 5' 2'' /w a small frame. I guess we both just have to follow what I did last time. Keep the eye on the prize and apply ourselves fully.

Have fun at the wedding! Yes have a nice bit of morning exercise before hand, then you can be at peace for the rest of the day! Good luck!
I just did possibly the toughest thing I have done in the past 8 months. And it isn't impressive at all to normal people.

I jogged one mile.

Although I can do 60 minutes of interval speed training on a rowing machine - which is difficult to achieve - running one mile was harder. Funny isn't it? My legs couldn't bare the pain. I almost got a stitch. I was sweating extreme amounts. Jogging is the toughest kind of exercise for me and it always will.

Jogging one mile may not be impressive but for me it's an achievement. Great way to start my 100% month hahah
I can't run for sh1t mate! Any exercise where you're supporting and moving your entire body weight is going to be harder than exercising sat down.

1 mile is a decent start, more than I could do last time I tried lol.

To be honest I only went for a jog because I didn't feel like rowing and the basketball court is taken.

So I just made an spontaneous choice to jog and bam! Probably won't do it again any time soon, at least until I have shifted another 30lbs.
Next time you fancy it, you could try and incorporate interval training in too. Jog for 6 lamp-posts, sprint for 2, repeat. You may have inspired me to get my knee supports on and have a bash when I next have enough time :)

Dunno man. I simply do not enjoy jogging at all, at least at this weight right now.

With rowing and cycling there is an element of enjoyment, and most of all no pressure on those poor legs haha