My 128 lb Drop Diary [WEEK 67]

Weigh-in at 219.6, that's a 2lb loss! Very happy with that :)

Hopefully I can get the century this week!
Excellent, Alex! Fingers crossed for that century this week - I'm confident you can do it! :) xx

Thank you! Yes, 1.2lb isn't much at all. Should be able to do it comfortably.

Best thing is that the recent two weeks show that there is no plateau, or at least no any more. So I can crack on with some good weight loss again :)
Fantastic Alex! You are close very close! You must be feeling amazing! You certainly look great in your profile pic. Think this week will take you nicely under the 100lbs loss.
Fantastic Alex! You are close very close! You must be feeling amazing! You certainly look great in your profile pic. Think this week will take you nicely under the 100lbs loss.

Cheers! Yes if I could get 1.2lbs this week I'd be ecstatic! Shouldn't be too difficult :)
The century is yours next week Alex! :)
Damn, gained 2lbs. My own fault, in the latter part of the week I ate way too much salt. I drank a lot of water of the last day but probably needed a couple of days of water drinking to get rid of it.

A bit annoying but oh well, I'll try drink more water again this week and lay off the salty bacon haha

I definitely didn't over-eat anyway, so I couldn't have gained fat.
Sorry about the gain Alex, but like you say if you've stuck with the calories it'll all be water, sure you'll have a great loss next week to make up for things x
To be honest, I really do not care at all. Not just cos it's probably water weight because I've felt good this week. Looking in the mirror I could tell my face has lost some puffiness and I am starting to look leaner.

So despite the loss I will call this week a result!
OMG! Tracy! Only albs to go for you! you must be on such a high! You look tiny in your profile pic even though you are really tall! Does that make sense?!

Alex hope your week is going well and that the weekend bring a good loss! You are also looking great in your profile pic! Love the hair!
Kira said:
OMG! Tracy! Only albs to go for you! you must be on such a high! You look tiny in your profile pic even though you are really tall! Does that make sense?!

Alex hope your week is going well and that the weekend bring a good loss! You are also looking great in your profile pic! Love the hair!

Aww, thank you Kira, that's really put a smile on my face! I think my brain is still catching up with my body, so I struggle to think of myself as not being fat any more - weird, isn't it?! I hope everything's well with you? Not in a flood area? We're ok here, but I'm not half cold, lol. :) xx
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Gosh! You have lost half of your body weight practically! A whole grown up person you were carrying around! No wonder your brain is still catching up with you!

I am on and off and had a massive binge yesterday (haven't had a serious binge like that for over a year!) So trying to be positive and put it behind me and remain myself I can be binge free after all I did ok through out 2013 on whole.

Very lucky not to be affected by the flooding as in the north. It is just awful for so many people who are affected. Glad you are ok flood wise. You are cold because your so slim! Need layers to replace the fat cells! x
Kira said:
Gosh! You have lost half of your body weight practically! A whole grown up person you were carrying around! No wonder your brain is still catching up with you!

I am on and off and had a massive binge yesterday (haven't had a serious binge like that for over a year!) So trying to be positive and put it behind me and remain myself I can be binge free after all I did ok through out 2013 on whole.

Very lucky not to be affected by the flooding as in the north. It is just awful for so many people who are affected. Glad you are ok flood wise. You are cold because your so slim! Need layers to replace the fat cells! x

Lol, everyone does keeps saying it's because I've lost all my insulation - maybe they're right! Here's a little before and after I've done today, as my sister sent me some scary older photos (I did ask her to, she wasn't just being mean!):


Yes, we're north-ish too - Staffordshire - so not flooded here either, it's terrible in the south, isn't it? :) xx
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Wow Tracy that's awesome! You're looking so healthy, not just because you've lost weight but you have a nice healthy glow going haha

Right so I've made a decision that will probably screw up my weigh-in.

My best friends are going to a chinese restaurant today. We don't eat at restaurants very often, this will be the first time in fact. So I decided I'll go.

The salt intake is going to screw me over, but I guess I'm prepared for the consequences and that's all that matters. I'll weigh myself on Sunday this week not Saturday, so at least I can have a strict day tomorrow I drink plenty of water to try and get rid of the water weight.

I'll drink plenty of water today as well, hopefully it will help.
Alex that's a great approach and life it too short to put things on old just because we are trying to lose weight. Besides, you have done so well and the odd night out is not going to make you gain a stone of fat! Enjoy!

Tracy your pics are brilliant! Alex is right, there is a glow about you in the "after" pics though you looked pretty good before as you can tell you have great skin! You look younger in the after pic too and I think it's because you lost the weight gradually as the danger of quick weight loss (not for all) can be to look a little older in the face? Mind you it is all to do with genes I suspect and how ones skin is. Anyway, you were gorgeous before but I have to say you look amazing now! And very healthy.
REV23 said:
Wow Tracy that's awesome! You're looking so healthy, not just because you've lost weight but you have a nice healthy glow going haha


Aww, thanks Alex!! Isn't it nice to not actually hate looking at photos of yourself?! :) xx