My Atkins diary

Another good day so far. Although I had a really rubbish nights sleep last night so i am very tired today :( but no rest for the wicked. I think I must be in ketosis now, as I usually have trouble sleeping when I first go into it. Also don't mean to sound gross but does anyone else sweat alot more on this diet??? I kept waking up soaked in sweat last night and it wasn't even a hot night..was very strange.

Anyway my menu today...

B- Cheese and mushroom omellete
L- Tuna salad
D- mousaka and leafy greens

S- cheese strings and pork scratchings
W- will have 3 litres
Yes I've had the sweaty thing :(

If I eat meat after eight I also often have a terrible night's sleep (like last night)
Sweating and incredibly thirsty - first couple of weeks i think
Thanks for replies ladies, thats good to know, I was thinking I was getting ill or something with the amount I've been sweating.

Hmm think I will try not eating too late tonight then and see if I can get an early night, I am so tired today, too tired to eat even! I've had to force myself to eat, but that will also be the ketosis I suppose :)
Morning everyone.

Well I had a fab nights sleep last night, so feeling very good today :D and another good day on atkins yesterday, although I have had to make some sugar free jelly as have had a bit of a choccy craving lol, I wondered how long that would take!

Anyhooooo my menu today....

B- Bacon, eggs and mushrooms
L- left over mousaka
D- beef fajitas style things wrapped in lettuce leaves

S- cheese triangle, sugar free jelly and cream
W- will be 3 litres
Isn't the food great on this Way Of Eating? I love this lifestyle.
Oh, about the sweating, don't bury your nose in your armpit or you may pass out and use really strong deodorants. I found I suddenly smelt like a skunk crossed with a compost heap. Lol.
You are doing really well. Keep up the good work. :)
Haha...I have found that my sweat is smelling rather meaty lol! Yes I definitely love this way of eating, it can be hard at times but I must say once you're into it, it is one of the eaisest diets to do I think.

Thanks I feel quite proud of myself for even lasting this long lol :D
Sounds like it's going well smelly:D
ooh haven't updated my diary since Friday. I went to a friends for drinks last night, so don't feel great today, but I haven't just got hangover I have a sore throat and bunged up nose so think I am coming down with something :( or maybe allergies... who knows, but I don't feel great. Anyway yesterday my boyfriend made some pulled pork and it was gorgeous, he's been going on about it for days and I've been so bored of hearing about it, but I ended up liking it more than him lol. Hope everybodies had a good weekend :) my menus for this weekend....


B- None, had a bit of an extreme lay in!!
L- Cheese and bacon omelette
D- Pulled pork and leafy greens

S- None
W- about 2 litres
A- Quite alot!! :eek:


B- None, not hungry and can't eat much because my throat hurts :(
L- Pulled pork
D- Homemade sausages and savoy cabbage

S- maybe sugar-free jelly
W- gonna have 3 litres
A- Hell no!!!!

So that's my weekend, ooh weigh in tomorrow, I hope it's good!!!
Morning people,

Well today is not going great, although I weighed and have lost 6lb this week :D I also woke up feeling so ill, I am weak and dizzy, think I have a sinus infection I always get them, its such a pain I have the worst sinuses in the world! Anyway I feel so sick with it too and can't stomach anything I had a chocolate muffin and a sugar in my coffee it has made me feel abit better to be honest. My body must have needed sugar, but I feel so bad for doing it, felt abit like I really didn't want to eat it which is good because normally when I cheat I'm just like sod you atkins!! haha.

Oh well this doesn't mean the end, I will just get back on it tomorrow hopefully I will be feeling better by then. I am not going to over do it with the carbs for the rest of the day either, the muffin will do lol. I do feel so icky though I just don't know what to eat :(

Hope everyone else is having a good day!
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, and don't worry about your eating - just get yourself well and back on the wagon :)
Thanks Lady,

I feel so bad, it's like I've commited a crime or something, I'm so guilty :eek:

Oh well like you say back on it as soon as I feel better. May have to make a Drs appointment though incase I might need anti-biotics or something...I hate having bad sinuses it's like a constant thing with them any little thing sets them off!! :sigh:
You poor love, I take a hayfever pill every day and I have to say, this year has been the worst I've ever experienced for bad sinuses :(

Drink lots of water, that will help :)
Sorry you're suffering too, definitely my worst year for bad sinuses too. I had small polyps up there last time I went to the docs and was given steroid spray, so just hoping they haven't grown again!

Anyway look at me moaning on lol, feeling way too sorry for myself today I think! Gonna see if I can stomach some scrambled egg :)
Hope you feel better soon Kezzy! :)