My Atkins journey from 12st to 10st 7

Id love big hips and a flat tummy - I think its easier to look slim, my friend is that shape and looks much slimmer than me at the same weight. Im a really apple shape - big belly and boobs :( and no bum!
Hiya annie.. if I could give you some of my hips I will.. have you tried those slimming pants.. they really work. my ex-roommate is an apple shape and when she puts on those slimming pants under her clothes she turns into an hour-glass shape.. They are awesome.. but you know I think apple shapes can easy get that hour glass shape with wearing wide belts, but hey there is nothing wrong with being an apple shape..
Morning all.
Hi Morena and ShrinkingAnnie! Great posts! I don't know why people push food on you but it annoys me sometimes esp. when I am feeling weak and esp. when I give in! Your measurements sound a bit like mine Morena. But I am bigger : ( My hips are 44! Cant believe it myself. My waist is 30 and my bust is 40. I wear a lot of Aline skirts, high heels and tight tops and I get compliments on my figure which is nice but on the days i wear jeans and trousers, it's quite different!

Over the weekend and today i had so many cravinga- all psychological. V v hard to resist but i did because I keep thinking of where i want to be. I had a glass of red at the wknd and I was disappointed as I never normally stray during induction. I like to do it perfectlty for the best results. But considering all that I have wanted to eat and drink. I have done weel. been feeling a bit emotional for a few days too which is making me want to eat but so far, so good.

Today I had:

b- 2 sausages
l- tuna salad
d- 10 little polish sausages
s olives, mini mature cheeses
Well done you cc, I had 3 days last weeks after a bad lapse which were hell but if you can get through it its worth it and as you know the results definately are

Well done cc - you did great!
Morning CC, how's things today love.
Thanks so much Shrinking, Laura and Morena. Hi Jim.

it heplps to have all this positivity. I am a v femme person so I do dress up, do my hair and make up no matter what but often I catcth my relection and think veree nice if only I could be a bit slimmer.....

Today was craving city! I just want to stuff my face!! Had a birthday at work so avoided the cake but then decided I deserved a milky coffee with sweetners and tomatoes and diet cherry coke. Not very bad things but def cheating a bit with those.

I have decided to have a planned break over the weekend Poss. Sat or Sun. The plan is to drink all the red wine I want but only 60 carbs a day for any cheat days. I hope I only have one cheat day but my resolve is very week. I think i am going to weigh myself on Thursday ( my lucky day) I hope I am less than 11st 7. If not it will prob depress me for days- actually I dont want to weigh now!
Morning CC, bloody hell 60 carbs is a lot :eek: I don't have that many and I'm on maint. LOL :D
Hi cc first of all very good for resisting temp.. :)

CC I need to let you do a makeover on me.. I'm such a tomboy still and I have no clue about makeup and etc.. Since I've lost weight and etc.. and during my weight loss process I started to learn about my body shape and what clothes and etc.. would compliment my figure.. I love How to look good naked, Gok is the man, wish I could have 3 hours with him :D

Maybe you should start with OWL if you have already completed the induction phases, I'm not sure if you have or not, or how many pounds you are to your goal weight. This way your level of carbs is gradually increased. Now your weight loss will slow down but maybe this will help you. But if you need a day to eat whatever, please take it in order to avoid a binge. The hardest thing is to have a break then start back. Also look at the low carb friendly foods that you can order online when you out of the induction phase. Ive ordered a few things and they were good and hit the spot..:D
i would gladly make u over, Morena. I think the key is to show off your best bits and wear colours that suit you. And to dress femininely at all times, even if you are going to the gym wear a halter style top or a bikini top over your sports bra to add a girly touch.

Wear earrings, a necklace, femme shoes- not necc. heels but heels if you can. What I found good was to find one or two celebrities who resemble you in colouring and body shape and use what they wear when they are all styled up to give you ideas.

Since you are hourglass, like me I would wear tops that show the tiniest bit of cleavage- not a lot but that fit your bust and tummy well and then wear loose A line skirts or hipsters on the bottom half, wear heels or wedges or in this weather boots. Always do 3 quarter length or longer sleeves or vests with a cute shrug over the top.

Oh and be confident! Always give yourself positive pep talk even when you feel like people might be staring or women at work are wondering why you have changed your style. Another thing i like to do is wear a hairclip with a tiny flower on it above my ear sometimes. i mean small though- anything bigger than a five pence piece is going to feel silly unless u r on a night out.

Just little things like that really. One last thing i do is wear sheer stockings under my work skirts esp. the ones with the seam on the back. Even if only one or two inches are visible because you have on boots or a long skirt I think it just makes u feel pretty and then u act like it too! If you have to wear suits for work then add a pussy bowed blouse, and nice little jewelry. Let me know if u try any of these ideas!
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Wow thanks cc I will try some of these ideas. You have a knack for this.. I'm going to do some shopping in the next 2 weeks and the things you mentioned will be on my list :)
hiya Morena, glad u liked!

I agree guys that 60 carbs is a lot but i fancy a bar of chocolate and a mocha so so badly! I know people that maintain on about 80/90 a day and i would like to be one of those but I need to lose the weight first and see wht my tolerance is. I hope with a bit of exercise I can be about 40/50g.

I nearly cracked again today which isnt like me at all but i think its because I am the lightest I have been in years and my body is unsure about the change and prompting me to it.

Anyway i weighed this morning and I was 11st 8. i am happy considering I was 14st 2 in February but I got to 11st 5 in May and since then have been going between 12st and 11st 6 because i keep on having binges.

Any how I think I still will drink at the weekend and have day off but then I will get str8 back on the wagon as i would love to be 11st 2 by my birthday (24th).

Today I had:

b- lamb stew
l- nothing (didnt have time)
d- lamb chops
s- coffee, olives (not good)
I'm on 45 - 50 carbs a day generally CC, that keeps my weight steady on maint.
Morning CC, I'm on 45-50 carbs a day mainly, that keeps me steady on maint.
I have bought the lindt 90% cocoa chocolate....I have one square every now and again, it is pretty low (about 8gs per 100 grammes) very good for real chocolate....x
yes CC I really liked the ideas, thanks again. I'll have to get all dolled up like you suggested and send you a foto..

Jane and Laura gave soem good suggestions with the atkins bars or the dietabics chocolates. they are good but they do have side effects LOL.. like gas LOL.. but they do kill the spot...

CC what's your goal weight? you know once your body is in a normal weight range it will take awhile for it to move on down.. Maybe you should start with OWL and continue that way.. to avoid some of the binges.. but I like your motivation to remind yourself to hop right back on the wagon.. hugss :)
Hiya CC :D I forgot to ask you where do you suggest that I shop for clothes? you know some clothes are cut so narrow and aren't cut for hour-glass or pear shapes, just broom stick shapes LOL :8855:..
I'm going to be in London on Nov. 20th and if you can suggest some shops where I can get a real bargain and where a size 10 is a size 10 and not a size 4 LOL.. You've really motivated me to start dressing up more and show off my weight loss. I haven't done that officially. I'm walking around with pins in my clothes at the waist and they all are big and hanging so you can't see how small I am unless I put on my jeans, and I dont wear jeans everyday.
LOL More is going on a retail therapy jaunt. :)
Thanks Laura for reminding me of that( I'm wearing my size 9 jeans US size).. I have no clue about Italy. I generally buy blouses and tops. I know there pants are numbers like 47 and etc... :)