My Countdown - 20 Weeks to go!

Ah thanks Nikki! I like being able to come on here and confess all, I dread the day somebody clicks I am on here and reads my heart to hearts. Like when my sister did! Eek!

did you sister not stick to it then?
I completely know it is the answer, going back to SW or WW just isn't going to cut it and I can't be trusted to not binge and scoff!

I just want this to work so bad! Maybe I am being too impatient, in fact I know I am being impatient, but it's getting me so p'eed off!
And that's why I love and miss zumba :( I can't have chewing gum I find it makes me starving hungry, my mum swears by it though. My stomach thinks it's getting food because my mouth is chewing but then when it doesn't it turns on me and rumbles and grumbles, I'm better if I give it a miss.

yeah, that can happen with some people but i'm fine with it. it stops me eating. that's what they use on BL USA to help with the massive reduction in cals and increase of exercise for them to cope.
No, Jenna didn't stick to it.
what happened with her then? was it too much for her?
Uh oh! My brain is saying sod it. Eat, eat, eat!!!! Just about managed to switch my hand from the malt loaf to a cheese string. Going to bed early :(
cornishkez said:
Uh oh! My brain is saying sod it. Eat, eat, eat!!!! Just about managed to switch my hand from the malt loaf to a cheese string. Going to bed early :(

Stay strong my lovely think of that gorgeous wedding dress and amazing you'll feel in it!! Xx
don't do it as you'll regret it and then you'll find it hard to get back on the diet.
Kez, I am in the same position! Apart from yesterday when I had a second bat I have been perfect! Have been having three shakes and a splash of milk! I'm walking the dog twice a day and my job keeps me on my feet most of the day! I am still on 14st 4, my Monday weigh in!

I think were both a little inpatient and resorting to ww or sw won't work! I'm passionate if we stick at it we will get results we both desire! Remember 2lbs a week will get u where u want to be! Monday weigh in is still 3 days away- still time for those scales to budge ( yours and mine)!!! Keep going kez, u can so this!! Xx
Soo....3 cd products, like a good girl...then, an extra CD bar, plus 6 slices or chicken, plus a cheese string. Nothing that'll put me out of ketosis, but extra calories I don't need. Feel so low right now :(

Swimming kit dug out and off to the pool in the morning, I guess its time to add some exercise into this!
Thanks Kimmi, I should listen to my own advice shouldn't I? Swimming in the morning will hopefully burn off some of those extra calories I've gobbled tonight.
don't worry kez, it might 'move' you. however, if it does move you on the scales.... do not take it as a sign to start eating more than the plan :):)

p.s not like me that then goes awol for 5 days.
don't worry kez, it might 'move' you. however, if it does move you on the scales.... do not take it as a sign to start eating more than the plan :):)

p.s not like me that then goes awol for 5 days.

I don't know about moving the scales, but it's certainly moved something! lol
i like it. moved something. lol.

any scale movement this am then?
This morning was the same as Monday weigh in, so lots and lots of water for me today. Didn't go swimming, slept in late... Oops !
Is this your third Weigh In? I always always have small or no loss at my third one I think it's when your body realizes "hey I'm not getting fed here, need to hang onto some fat, I might need it" but then by the following week it's worked out that it is still getting fed, just not as much and fat loss starts again. X
Hi Kez,

I am very sympathetic to your STS and slow losses. It is going so much slower for me this time, too. But, it is going... and yours will also.

Yes I must remember that any loss is good, Monday will be 3rd official weigh in. So I also know I am being impatient!
Iv noticed its coming off me alot slower then before :-s