My Diary

Love the sound of the chub rub! I have no plans to get back on the bike just yet, I was disappointed with the calorie burn (as per endomondo) compared to walking. I managed to walk 8.14 miles today somehow or another and have ended up with more calories on MFP this evening than I started out with this morning, it was the same yesterday. My husband thinks I've gone mad but it can only be good for me, hoping to pull off some big numbers to get the ball rolling properly.

KB x
A funny sort of day today. Mostly good on the exercise front-about 5 miles walking done but didn't get an evening walk as I have orchestra on a Thursday. Food was all good too-I ate more today than usual because I was feeling hungry but still within my allowance so that was fine. Tomorrow could be odd too, normally I walk small son to school and then keep walking with the dog, then I eat breakfast when I get home. Tomorrow there is a football tournament and I have volunteered to transport some of the team so need to take the car to school, no walk. Not sure when I'll get back so will have to have breakfast early and see how it goes...

KB x
Well done!

following primal blueprint and experimenting with the 5:2 fasting diet
Thank you ladies. Haven't posted here for a day or 2, don't know why although I have been bust trying to buy summer clothes for a picky 15 year old. Enough to drive you to drink. I did have a couple of vodkas Friday and Saturday night but all within calories etc and I am keeping the walking going too, 3.5 miles this morning in the freezing gale force wind and rain. Lovely. Thank God for waterproof trousers!

KB x
Still here, haven't posted for a day or 2. All well on food and exercise front, I am doing between 5 and 8 miles walking a day, hoping for a good loss at weigh in tomorrow. Would love to be under 200 but would have to lose 5 pounds for that, a big ask so I'll hope for that one for next week. Going to weigh in on Thursday next week as my brother, his wife and their wee daughters are coming over from England and we are going out on Thursday for dinner (here for dinner on Friday, out for lunch Saturday, out for dinner Sunday!) It's going to be a challenging few days but hoping to make all the right choices and keep things moving in the right direction.

KB x
4 off for me this week taking me within a squeak of the 100s 0.4 over! So that's for next week. Well pleased, all the walking is paying off,

KB x
Fantastic ! Your doing amazing with all your walking :)

following primal blueprint and 5:2 /4:3 fasting plan
Thank you. It's going to be a challenging couple of weekends. My husband is away this weekend at the North West 200, when he is away that's usually an excuse to eat. So far I've been fine so fingers crossed. I'm about to set off to the market in Belfast, they are having a Coeliac event today (smallest son has Coeliac disease) so of course there'll be food everywhere. Then as I have said my brother, wife and kids are over from Thursday and it will just be food, food, food! Hoping to make mostly the right choices....
Made theses yesterday - very nice even my OH liked them :)


following primal blueprint and 5:2 /4:3 fasting plan
Oooohhh thank you, those look gorgeous! I got him some gluten free chocolate courgette cake as a treat, it is gorgeous, really rich so I just had a tiny corner. No walking today, husband away but I would usually take the kids on their bikes but it is lashing rain here, couldn't do it to them! Will have to manage without until tomorrow and find something to do around the house instead.
I ended up playing football in the hall with the dog and a child. I also ended up eating pizza for dinner, not so good. A really picky day all round, being stuck indoors didn't help. Anyway, back on it today, about to set off for my walk, going to try to make it a long one and see how we get on,
I ended up playing football in the hall with the dog and a child. I also ended up eating pizza for dinner, not so good. A really picky day all round, being stuck indoors didn't help. Anyway, back on it today, about to set off for my walk, going to try to make it a long one and see how we get on,

Well done on the footy, no broken windows I take it.... Don't worry about the pizza I did it too :( my best mate came & it was her hubby's bday & he chose the takeaway & my plans to have a chicken kebab went out the window x
4.2 miles walked this morning, more to come this evening. I also downloaded a "squats" app and an arms one and a abs one. Won't be able to move tomorrow! Back on form again anyway so all good, one day off isn't going to kill me, (or you either, Lexie!)