My diary

Lol hubby been at work today, he's rang me twice to make sure I know to ring him at work if I go into labour bless :) I've had lots of cramps yesterday esp when baby is moving its quite sore but again I've had this on and off for a few weeks although it's more consistent now. I've got mw Wed hopefully she'll say baby is fully engaged. I've also eaten loads today I don't know where my hunger has come from since I feel sick. Hopefully we will be soon x
All thus morning I felt sick I had my breakfast at 7 then coco pop bar then sandwich yog crisps choc now rest of spag bowl il prob have something later on ! I think she's fully engaged Terri do u get pressure painful sore pressure and p pain x ur hubby so sweet calling u twice give him my oh number lol he needs sorting out lol he's happy down pub right now that's a first on list grrrrr
Yeah I've had loads of pressure on my bladder and as if baby is pushing against the front of my pelvis area, I've had it on and off for a couple weeks but getting it and cramps more frequent. I didn't get any of this the first time. I think it's just her getting more and more further down, hopefully it means she'll get fed up though and want out on time and not send me too far over he he. Hubby wouldn't dare go to the pub, but even then he wouldn't want to go anywhere and leave me alone at this stage :)
Sparkle1978 said:
Just make sure you really take it easy and keep drinking lots :) Hope your hubby is home from work soon so he can pamper and look after you :)
Yeah I really want a home birth. I had one last time but that was unplanned. No pain relief or anything I thought I was going to die lol They sent me home from the hospital saying I wasn't in labour but they were wrong! I was consultant led last time and this time because when ny son was born he had shoulder dystocia which is basically where the baby gets stuck. It was very scary. He was a big baby but my little girl born ar home was 'normal' size luckily. At the 36 week scan if baby looks normal size I can have my home birth if he looks big then they'll induce me at 39 weeks as they don't want to risk baby coming quick again with no midwife etc. there. It was scary having the baby at home last time with only my husband but amazing after to just get in my own bed and be home. It was Christmas eve so just felt like the best present ever :) x

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Ah wow that would have been an amazing present although I can imagine very scary. I hope you get your home birth then, but not so rushed and midwife support. I'm just glad that I live quite close to hospital, so if things move faster than planned hopefully I can get there okay and quick enough x
Yes very true, I think it's just the fact hubby isn't allowed any time of work, if I have a section I will need people round the house a lot while he's at work to help with baby. I think my mum and sister will do most days, mil on a Fri and my aunty said she can help out too but I don't like feeling like people are doing everything for me. Although it wouldn't be for long I suppose x
Get all the help u can my mum never helps me she's too engrossed in her job ! My oh is lazy too so it's all me mind u my mil is great but she lives 2 hours away !
Sparkle1978 said:
I'm sure it will all work out for you :) I've everything crossed for you it will.
My husband starts a new job on the 2nd July so won't be entitled to paternity leave either. He's going to ask for a week unpaid if they won't let him take annual leave. It's a civil service job and they are honouring peoples pre booked holidays so I'm hoping it won't be an issue with his training etc. The problem is we can't give them an exact date like you would a holiday. Nothing is ever straight forward is it? Knowing my luck now the baby will stay breech just to complicate matters further lol x

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Oh no! Get on that gym ball try move baby, I'm scared to sit on mine in case I pop it lol. I couldn't believe it when hubby lost his job I'm gutted for him as we can't afford for him to be off unpaid. Don't know how I'll manage as it is but we will work something out. How many weeks are you now? x
Sparkle1978 said:
You've had to cope with so much. I don't think I could deal with things as well as you have.
I don't have a gym ball. I did with my first baby and kept thinking I'd roll off it lol I can't tell what position the baby is in now. He's really active so hopefully will shift to the right position.
I'm just over 33 weeks. This pregnancy is going slowly now. I've no patience! I'm off to bed now as my little girl woke me up 5.45 this morning! Enjoy the rest of your evening :) Nite nite xx

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Thanks, people keep saying they don't know how I'm not breaking down, but if I get too worked up it will make it worse, I just try and remind myself I have my hubby and my gorgeous boy, soon my gorgeous girl and that's all I need. Everything else will have to wait for us to work through. Weeks 30-36 went extremely slow for me, but the last two have sped up so hopefully yours will soon. Jack had me up at 7.15 I thought that was bad enough. Night hun x
Yesterday ate loadsa rubbish, I was sfeeling so rough but at the same time couldn't get enough to eat. During the day anyway. Jack woke up at 5.20am *cringe* knew I shouldn't have let him sleep from 7pm last night, so looks like we'll both be having a nap this afternoon. Passes the time at least lol. Actually I'm enjoying these couple lazy days but I do feel like I'm being lazy like I should be doing something, housework or anything xx
Rest hun u won't b saying that next week lol Terri I gone from 10.10 too 14 stone omg !!!! Jess don't panic it will come off saying to my self lol got job interview today please pray I get it I need money when off ' x
Good luck! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
Again I'm back and forward to toilet :( tmi sorry. But it seemed to ease off tea time yesterday and now the same again today. Don't know What's up, if it was a bug it wouldn't keep coming and going. I'm having my lactose free milk so it can't be dairy. Just going to keep drinking loadsa fluids I'm sure it will pass one way or another. Jack boring me with Mickey Mouse clubhouse lol so I'm just reading at mo then I'm going to one of my programmes on for a bit, I know it sounds harsh but partly because I don't want him sitting in front of telly all day. When I put my stuff on he starts to play x
Cas3 said:
Hi Teri, how are you feeling today any more signs xx

No, just a bad belly again which eased last night but it's started up again. I can only think it somehow must be hormones. Baby moving loads again and my stomach low down is very tender and crampy when baby is moving. I got all excited last night thought I was losing some of my plug but no. I know I'm eager for her to come but I actually don't mind if she isn't early I just know if I go over and my sweep doesn't work I'll start panicking in case I have to prepare for section. I'm just telling myself either way whatever happens she should be here by 6th July at latest :) x
I had sickness just before my section its horrible when pg, hope ur feeling better, just drink loads even if it doesnt seem that its staying down some of it will, my life is micky mouse Jack and Maisie wud get on well! hopfully she arrive b4 yr sweep its just the waiting around and for you not knowing if ur going have a natural birth or another c section it can be quite worrying when trying for vbac xx
Cas3 said:
I had sickness just before my section its horrible when pg, hope ur feeling better, just drink loads even if it doesnt seem that its staying down some of it will, my life is micky mouse Jack and Maisie wud get on well! hopfully she arrive b4 yr sweep its just the waiting around and for you not knowing if ur going have a natural birth or another c section it can be quite worrying when trying for vbac xx

I think that's the problem. I would feel much better if I knew either way but it's not as simple as that, even if I go for vbac it might end up in section but at least I'll know I tried. Got midwife tomorrow hopefully she'll say fully engaged. My bump seems to feel lower again so fingers crossed. Not been sick just the other thing so drinking as much as I can at mo x
xxxjessiexxx said:
Terri ur body preparing for birth !!!! Ur having a clear out I rekon next we'd she b here !!!!

I hope so :) hubby reckons 21st she'll be here x
For the past few hours every time I'm getting up and walking about my stomach bump and back is getting really tight all the way round and heavy and cramping, I was thinking I might challenge myself to a walk a long the beach after tea. Do you think it means anythin? It doesn't feel like contractions I just wonder if it means my body's getting ready, although I know it could do this for weeks. Or if it's just general pains at this stage of pregnancy? I'll have to take my crutches incase I can't manage it but will try and walk without x