My diary

I feel so ill since getting out the bath, think it's a combination of water too hot and fighting with myself to get shaved. Now I'm collapsed on bed til I can pull myself together to go get a drink I'm knackered x
Stomach cramps and period type pain have had me waking up the last couple hours, same as what I've been getting but worse and they've never woke me up before, so much so I've had to get up out of bed. It's not contractions though, I wish this was a sign. if I wasn't pregnant and I was getting these pains I'd be popping paracetamol. Although, my last 3 have been every 15 mins......
They're really painful, I nearly couldn't bring myself to answer hubby when he spoke to me now I feel stupid in case something is happening and I can't tell the difference? I know I'll know when I'm in proper labor, but for now all I know is they hurt like crazy and I have no explanation for it, and I don't recognise them as contractions but something must be going on. I have midwife and consultant this morning last min appointment so I'll mention it to them x
I can't reach my feet lol, still getting them every 15 minutes ish but only lasting about 10/15 seconds, mw has said I have to it checked at hospital, I've said I don't think I need checking yet, she said I'll still have to go get checked out. So I rang hospital and said that mw has told me to come up but if there proper contractions then they aren't lasting long enough or close enough but they want me to go in and get checked as mw has said but they aren't very happy mw is sending me up so early, I've explained that's why I'm ringing first because I can just wait cos I can't get there for another hour or so anyway and I don't feel it's urgent so I'll let everyone know what they say x
Cervix still closed, she says could be bh or start of labour, however my pain threshold is quite high and these hurt like hell so can't be bh. Disappointed my cervix still closed though :(
They've been every 15 mins from 5 am until 10.30 and now every 10 mins or so. They can't let me home until they've got a heart trace from baby for at least 20 mins but she won't stay still x
Oh so u could go earlier did they sweep u early ??? I really want Millie now I'm
Getting so impatient x I had p pain this morning but gone now !
No they didn't do a sweep cos my cervix closed but they had to check to see if I was in early labour or not, they've said that it's still possibly early labour, I'm definitely having contractions but as cervix closed could be hours, could be days. They've just said that any changes esp if my waters break etc I must call them straight away as I have to be monitored constant as soon as I'm in labour. I've just had some lunch, going to have a cup of tea and try relax a bit. It's been 9 hours of contractions, I won't be able to sleep through these tonight x
Yeah, contractions are getting worse and now every 6-7 minutes, I'm going to have a bath shortly, I know if it's the beginning of labour it shouldn't't stop the contractions but if I do have a bath and they stop I'll be gutted lol, just trying to hold out as long as possible but may have to take some paracetamol. I don't want to call hubby home early from work x
Eeeh good luck Oasis!! A bath didn't slow my labour down so try to relax and if you have a tens machine put that on! It's all so exciting! Xx
Had a bath it didn't make a difference lol, I just didn't realise it was possible to get contractions for so long and v painful without being in labour? My mum's got Jack today, she says even if the contractions stop they'll have Jack over night in case something happens in the night so we don't have to disturb Jack. I didn't want to go to there's this afternoon I just want to be on my own for now. Felt a bit bad saying I'd rather be by myself, I'll just do better on my own for a bit, I just can't be bothered with anyone when I'm not well (I know this is different) so we'll just see how it goes but I'll defo ring her if I need her I wouldn't sit her struggling by myself x