My Diary :)


Silver Member
Hey everyone ive created a diary to keep me motivated, just completed my first day on Slim and Save and im finding it quite tough atm! i feel really tired and have a headache, it says by day 3/4 it gets better and ketosis kicks in! i'm just on the shakes so thats probz why im dying lol, has anyone got any tips? im thinking of getting the soups next week, and maybe have a meal bar a day =/ :confused:
Hiya chellywelly :)

drink plenty of fluids ...that's the key to my sticking to it. I've ordered a bit of everything just for variety. Also being allowed the coke zero is a real treat ...don't over do them ...but when you need a sugar kick they are fab for helping with the craving. Once you've got past day 3 your sailing ketosis kicks in which makes it so much easier.

Good Luck with your journey and keep posting as it really helps ...distraction ....distraction....distraction ;) x x x
Awwwh thanks :) good luck to you too! distraction really is key i find lol so glad coke zero is allowed i can have that instead of alcohol lol, ive already lost 2lb and its only been 2 days! (i count it as two because i kept throwing up on sunday and ate nothing lol) first time ive been below 14st 7lb since i can remember! woop!
Hello diary, 2nd day today stuck to it very well so far! going to have my chicken and veg for dinner with my last shake, had my 2nd choc shake with ice to make it crunchy it was yummy :) i was naughty and weighted myself and am now 14st 6lb! (202lb) 3 more pounds and ill be officially out of the 200's not going to weight myself for the rest of the week now!
Welcome Chelly! You'll do fine hun...just take it day by day. My advice to anyone would be to leave off on the scale-hopping. It's so much more exciting just to stick to a weekly weigh-in and see how your hard work is paying off.
I don't want the scales to start ruling my life as it's only an inanimate object that spews back numbers at you.
Of course it is a great progress guide, but feeling how your clothes are fitting better, and how you get much less out of steam rushing for the bus or round the shops is the real teller I find. Don't dwell on the numbers too much babe!
Also, as Tru says, keep up the water intake. That's the key! Your skin and general well-being will thank you for it!
Keep the momentum going girl and you'll fly towards goal...GOOD LUCK!
Nearly at onederland ;0) thats my aim.. Fair way off that yet but creeping there slowly but surely :0) x x x

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Thanks shivie, i think i may go back to Slimming world tho or just healthy eating and exercise, i miss my zumba and cant do it with so few cals on Slim and Save i think im been obsessed with my weight tbh, i love food and i hate this diet so much! im a huge drinker and all my mates go out at the weekend and drink so its not like i cant just stand there =/ i lost a stone on slimming world so im just gunna carry on! i cant even eat fruit and tbh i never quit diets but i almost feinted today i just dont think im up to it lol, so heres to my slimming world diary :) easy peasy compared to Slim and save lol!
Hello again deided to really stick at this diet this time im on day 3 and im finding it a hell of a lot easier im not hungry and im sure im in ketosis! im just bored atm haha normally id be cooking or something im so proud of myself tho i havent snacked or picked at any food, or kiddies dinner if he didnt want it just straight in the bin, unfortunatley my hubby got so annoyed at my dieting he threw my scales out! haha so im really going to have to see what i weight at the end of the week now! cant wait to find out im TOTM atm to itll probz look like a huge loss, i hope so anyway, im only doing this for about 4-5 weeks as i truely want to enjoy the summer and have BBQ's ect :) and ill miss the booze haha so here goes to my PROPER S&S diary, i didnt start on day one again because i was scared id fail but this is a breeze now! :)
haha yep thanks got through day 3, day 4 next, im guessing the first week is the hardest =[
Day 3 complete, so proud of myself, resisted pizza wedges etc and resisted a takeaway my hubby got last night, dont feel hungry just got that funny taste in my mouth =[
Welcome back chellywelly!!

Give it a couple of weeks till you're firmly in track and you could prob pick up Zumba again x

7 lost : 60 to goal
just had a sneaky weight-in and ive lost 5lb! AND its TOTM and its only day 4 :O no more weighting till tuesday now but im so pleased! :D
Sneaky WI's are the best,

I've bought new scales today, raging ive to wait until tomoro to try them out!

8 lost : 59 to goal
haha i got weighted at my grans so i cant XD good job really, im abit obsessed tho ordered some scales with express delivery! im so impatient lol, but im only on this for 5 week, maybe abit longer depending on how i cope without drinking when i go out, i miss food so much haha :beer8:
Day 4 complete

Breakfast - Banana Shake, yummy!
Lunch - Chocolate shake, yummy!
Dinner - Vanilla cereal shake.....blergh! Chicken breast with cucumber, and some coke zero as a treat

checked my pee today im deffo in ketosis!
Chellywelly said:
Day 4 complete

Breakfast - Banana Shake, yummy!
Lunch - Chocolate shake, yummy!
Dinner - Vanilla cereal shake.....blergh! Chicken breast with cucumber, and some coke zero as a treat

checked my pee today im deffo in ketosis!

Try the cereal with about 80ml water and mix it to a thick yogurt consistency - tis lovely. I don't like it as a shake either xx

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ah thanks ill try that i thought it was abit too watery! x
I'd read somewhere that you can add water and freeze it and it makes a nice icecream dessert thing

8 lost : 59 to goal