My Dukan Diet Diary...

Where are you??????
I was thinking about you too Tamara (whilst I was out on my lunch break actually and my ribs twinged!)... Let us know you're ok x x
Hiya girls sorry I haven't been on all week at the beginning of the week I was so ill I was literally just in bed I couldn't stand the thought of food and anything I did eat I vomited sorry tmi there, I'm feeling much better now though my ribs are a bit soar still and I'm achy but I feel amazing compared to this time last week haha, so yeah food wise I didn't eat from Sunday until thiursday but I had some much needed comfort food Friday and yesterday basically two gala meals but I'm back on the dukan wagon today and thank you all for caring :) xxx
Great your back and feeling better xxx we Do worry about our troups when they go awol xxx
So I didn't end up going to the gym on Monday instead my friend broke up with her partner of fie years and we spent the last two days comfort eating why I did I have no idea!!? Totally wasn't worth it because I feel huuggeee! I'll be honest in saying though it has made me feel better flu/chest infection wise so I am back on Dukan properly starting this second!! and I am going to have a few strict protein days lose the excess pounds :/ I have a big night out for a friends birthday a week Saturday so no gala meals until that weekend as I actually want to fit in my clothes haha!
Life happens Tamara, you will eat for pleasure/comfort from time to time- you're normal. You'll get back on it I have no doubt x x
Onwards and downwards xxx
Little star tamara xxx do you friends call you tammy? You had a bad couple of weeks with your health our Tara will be springing around again shortly , won't you xxx