My exante/atkins alternate day diary!

I think the nightmare is if you are not in ketosis. I know I'm not, as I had crisps yesterday :rolleyes:
It a vicious circle eh ?
Now I feel so much worse with cravings.
I think too, all of my months are different. Some months I cry. Some months I crave. Some months no emotional side effects, just physical, sore boobs or horrendous cramps.
This month I have the whole lot !! Niiiiiice eh ?
Never mind. All will be well by Thursday for me, I hope :)
Thursdays not long at all, you can get through two days. X
Exante day 16

TOTM is here! After it being delayed by the diet and making me a hormonal grump I am glad to have it. Problem is I'm now actually hungry. I won't stray off the diet as I'm not starving but I have an empty rumbling tummy feeling. Not great. Dosed up on cocodamol, lots of peppermint tea with me and am ultra slim bar at the ready! Day 1 and 2 are always the worst.

Breakfast: chocolate shake
Lunch: raspberry ultra slim bar
Dinner: carbonara again! (Note to self: must work through the soups before that's all I have left!)
And I love my colleague...but every day she repeatedly says "what am I gonna have for lunch" and I mean at least once very 20 minutes until lunch. And when I suggest something she ums and ahs over it, then says the same thing again 20 minutes later. Discussing your jacket potato, pasta, mc Donald's, cheesy chips or other possibilities does not help my diet! And yes she is very slim as well :(
Ha Ha! God love her
Do ultra slim burgers and bars effect weight loss? Take u out of ketosis?
Burgers? Shakes lol
The ultra slim bars haven't as far as I'm aware, a lot of people use them and have been fine. But I think the shakes are a no no. X
What are the bars like? I'm a student nurse and need to eat proper food come night shift x
I really like them! Thy fill me up better then the exante bars and they don't feel like diet food at all. Also they are bigger too so psychologically I feel fuller :) x
Well today should be fun! 5am train into London to host an event that finishes at 8:30pm so won't get home till probably 11pm. Yay!!!!! Had to bring three bars with me as I spent so long making myself up (hair extensions, false eyelashes, red nails etc) I ran out of time to make a shake.

On the up side...I look hot!!
That is a long day !!!
I hope it goes well :)
3 bars are better than going off track :)
Hope your day goes well.
How did it go? Hot lady!
How did it go? Hot lady!

Lol! I just got home!

Well today was a success in my opinion. I got thought the whole day on nothing until 3pm when a migraine hit. Bought some migraleave, coke zero and had my bar. Sorted it out so it was more of a hangover type headache. Finished at 9pm and ran for the train. Met my dad at the station who hasn't eaten all day so he wanted food. There's a nandos next to euston and he's never been bless him (hilarious to sit there with a man in his fifties all suited and booted who looked like he should be eating at the Dorchester!) I had a plain side salad and plain chicken breast.

So although I went off plan all I had all day was coke zero, 1 ultra bar and a chicken salad.

Not the end of the world! I hope xx
Well Done, it would have been so easy to totally fall off the wagon, hope everything is back to normal today x
That sounds ine and on a Alaric controlled diet you would be way under 1000 looks good
Well according to my fitness pal the dinner only had about 10g carbs so I think it kept me ketosis. I'm not hungry so that's a good sign. Just absolutely shattered! X
Well done. You should still be in ketosis.