My Exante Diary

30 day shred wasn't too bad after all! 20 minutes and the exercises aren't difficult, it's just non stop no breaks and have a feeling my arms and legs will be sore.
Hope you get your days off shoebs! I like Matalan there's one not too far from me, it's really good for summery stuff at the moment and cheap as chips. Prefer it to primark as the clothes there don't seem to fit me well at all.
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! 4 more pounds gone forever this morning and HELLO 11s!!! :D
Congratulations on your loss. You're doing so well. :D
I'm also very impressed with the exercise regime, I really need to pull my finger out on that one, just always seem to find something else to do with my time. :rolleyes:
Thanks Liz! I'm exactly the same when it comes to exercise- I always find a reason not to do it. I cancelled my gym membership as it really was time consuming, not just the hour long class but getting ready, getting there, showering etc.
However! I highly recommend 30 day shred as it's only 20 minutes, in your own front room, wearing whatever you like. I couldn't find an excuse last night so did it, didn't feel silly in front of anyone and felt like I earned my dinner!
Wow wee Well done Saddlebag
Makes me wonder what weight I'd b if I'd stuck 2 it all d time like u did Very impressed!!!
Yes got days off but travel plans gone out d window as wages that I'll b payed tonight r nearly spent Feckin bills Don't ya just h8 dem
Car tax, car insurance, teachers council fee ... I'll just have 2 accessorise black maxi and make do with it! Lucky u livin near cool shops ;)

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well done Saddlebag on another great loss!!
Thanks girls! Done my 30 day shred again tonight, didn't feel like it but went for it. It's made me realise how weak my core muscles really are. I've had problems with my neck and shoulders for two years on and off so I'm hoping that this will help.
Shoebs I know how you feel about bills- I get paid then it's gone once mortgage, car insurance, phone etc all comes out the bank. Living alone is rubbish sometimes as there's nobody to share the bills with!
Dat must b SO hard Saddlebag and here's me moanin.... SOz
Fair play doin Day 2 Shred Must start it tomoro No excuse with 4 days off ;) Nitey nite Sweet dreams and if u feel Ur muscles in d morn just rem No pain no gain!!! Hee hee Only kiddin!

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Oooo nooo shoebs I live alone but have only my dog and cat to cater for, no children (not yet anyway... Plenty of time!) so although I have to pay the bils myself it's only me to pay for :) So it's not too bad!

Jillan Michaels says 'when it starts getting tough, that's when it's working'... So I'm carrying on through the aches!
Wow well done on a fab 4lbs loss saddles :hug99: xx
Ahhh Jess I'm well jel! I'd kill for a holiday... However due to stuff going on at work won't be able to take hols until probably next year now! At least I'll be able to save up!
2.5 lbs is pretty damn good on Atkins mate! I joined a gym in January but like you say it's time consuming and I certainly wasn't getting my money's worth. And after spending £6 on my shred DVD and feeling like I've done about 3 hours in the gym for 20 minutes work, I doubt I'll join a gym again... Think I'll start running properly again now, instead of dawdling and walking when I get tired. Time to push myself! I didn't set a goal date as I find them a bit stressful and have a tendency to skip meals. Just think, in 8 weeks you'll be a Mrs and might well be 10 stone! Jeeeeeez. 10 stone!!!!
Have a fab holiday, as my boss always says, "there's no such thing as bad weather, just a bad choice of clothing" so take your brolly and cagoule and have a great time :D

Thanks giggles, I was surprised as I had 3 1/2 simple solution type days so was dead chuffed! Hope you're ok :hug99:
Ur boss is very positive in der thinkin... Weather gets me down! Poor u ... No hols
U deserve a massive bonus 4 Ur dedication, devotion and commitment!! U must b every bosses dream ;)
I live 4 my hols! Hopin 2 head off for 6 wks Must trawl net doin my research Cheap and cheerful does me ;-)

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Thanks shoebs, same to you! Remember to make a little time to put your feet up you busy little bee!
Ps, I very jealous of your holiday plans, I like cheap and cheerful too. Sometimes I find it cheaper to go all inclusive than self catering when there's some good deals. But I do like the freedom of self catering. Teletext holidays is good. Also, don't know if you're in a teacher's union but some unions etc have partnerships with holiday companies set up with big discounts x
Sounds cool I'm in a union alright but only get an odd percentage off a few shops Probly better in d UK!
I book mine with travel republic Gr8 deals on hotels- 2 star ones! Like 2 move each wk 2 keep it adventurous 4d kids as go w/out OH. Did 4wks last yr and came back 2 a mth of depressin rain hence Hopin 4 six wks this yr! Bk at last min
OH says he'll come out 4 a wk this yr- time will tell!

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Good afternoon Saddles, hope you're having a fab one. I'm good thanks, just enjoying a lazy afternoon catching up with here and e-mails :hug99: xx
Hello ladies! It's been a loooooong day and I'm up at 6! My friend got kicked by her horse and her ankle and foot went black so sat from 7pm-11pm in A&E... And this dreeeeeeamy looking guy came in and sat near us... We chatted to him and he had managed to hit his thumb with a lump hammer! We ended up leaving whilst he was getting x-rayed but when I told my friend I thought he was hot she went back into A&E and gave him my number! He's texting me and wants to go for a drink!
Crazy- never thought I'd find a date in A&E!
Oh, and my friend's foot and ankle are just badly bruised, so it was a good trip after all :D
Whit woo, who would have thought a&e could be so much fun lol! Glad your friend is ok, thirsts are stronghold beasts aren't they?!
I know, best trip to A&E I've ever had!

WEIGH DAY! 3 lbs off, hooray! :D
Hello ladies! It's been a loooooong day and I'm up at 6! My friend got kicked by her horse and her ankle and foot went black so sat from 7pm-11pm in A&E... And this dreeeeeeamy looking guy came in and sat near us... We chatted to him and he had managed to hit his thumb with a lump hammer! We ended up leaving whilst he was getting x-rayed but when I told my friend I thought he was hot she went back into A&E and gave him my number! He's texting me and wants to go for a drink!
Crazy- never thought I'd find a date in A&E!
Oh, and my friend's foot and ankle are just badly bruised, so it was a good trip after all :D

Woohoo! :woohoo: Go saddles! Well done you! That's your goal 5 ticked off already then missy :D

I know, best trip to A&E I've ever had!

WEIGH DAY! 3 lbs off, hooray! :D

Woohoooo again! :woohoo: Congrats on the 3ls loss, amazing :hug99: xx