My Exante Diary

Oh Sadlebag
Dat is SO romantic- luv at first sight!!! Thrilled 4 u
U deserve lots of tlc and attention!! NJoy d whirlwind, flirting, flutters, texts etc What a friend!!!
Well done on loss Fantastic!!
Dyin 2 hear more!!

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Haha I've just read my last post on here, I'm blaming my old phone for me typing gobbledygook lol!!! Hope you're doing ok :)
Well, my hot date went something like this:

I turned up, he didn't.

I got a text saying that he'd had a really rubbish day and could we do it another time. That's not a good enough reason for me!
Luckily I'd suggested my local so my friends were on stand by and we had a good b*tch!

Having finished with my on off ex recently which has left me feeling miserable, this really did confirm to me that it is just not meant to be. I am embracing singledom and if a man ever comes anywhere near me again I'm likely to be extremely cold and unwelcoming!
Men can be right divvys at times. Someone will come along when you are really not expecting it.

Do you find you have enough energy to do Jillians dvds then saddlebag. I have a few here and don't feel like I could do it. x
Ah bummer Now if he sends flowers chocs etc I'd def give him another chance Otherwise agree 100% ... Adios loser!!!!
Chin up If it's meant 2 b it won't pass u!!!
Big hugxxxx

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I'm now on a man ban! They only seem to make me unhappy so I'm better alone, just me and the dog :)

I do have enough energy for the 30 day shred, I've not tried her others though. It's intensive but not very long and it's easy enough to simplify it. She goes on about not having breaks longer than 5 seconds but surely doing any exercise is better than none! I've felt dizzy a couple of times but just carried on and was fine.
Good afternoon Saddles, sorry bout the idiot bloke and glad you ain't giving him a second chance! You deserve better :hug99: xx

Like others have said some one will come along when you're least expecting it.
Hiya ladies! Thank you for all your niceness :) you're such a lovely lot!

Work was hard work today but the weekend's here now hooray! Off to the hairdresser tomorrow for my colour and a trim- no looking forward to it as my hair has got so thin and I know I'll get a telling off. Hopefully if I have a couple of inches off it'll look a bit thicker- it's half way down my back and looks a bit ratty at the moment...

I had a mahoooosive salad for lunch. Sort of been doing add a meal week this week as I've been tired and sleeping in, forgetting packs etc. I had a big salad from tesco with some salad light Caesar spray (has everyone seen it? It's the same company as fry light but a salad dressing spray, less than 1 cal per spray although I did have to spray a lot... They do a balsamic one too... It's called Salad Light) and 200g chicken. I ways stuffed!

Had a bouillon when I got home and burnt my mouth, ouch! Serves me right for drinking it too fast. Then I had S&S chilli with some pickles for dinner.

Jess, what have you done to your foot?!! You must be excited about your wedding though :-D

Giggles I don't want to meet a boy anymore, I'm a spinster through and through :)
That rotten selfish boy doesn't deserve you! Men really don't think do they??! Aw well I couldn't agree more about you & the dog-they're far more reliable!! ;)
You're right misspiggy and the rotten selfish boy will never get another chance so if he dares to contact me and rearrange I will not be meeting him!
Cuddled up with my favourite boy on the sofa currently... Yes he might be a 40kg German shepherd but he loves me as much as I love him :D
Agree Ya can't beat dogs!!
They never let u down!
They always look out for u!
They wag their tail to thank u for their dinner!
They help u keep fit as they luv der walks!
They're better than a door bell as alert u of visitors once der in Ur driveway!!
They're never grumpy!
etc etc
Gosh der r times I'd b fierce tempted 2 swap my OH 4 one... Hee hee

How's Ur shredding goin?

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Good morning Saddles, hope you and your man are having a fab one! :chores016: :hug99: xx

Ha ha at Shoobs, yeah very temped here too at times! :D
Hope Ur not havin a ' manic Monday' hee hee
Here's 2 another TS day hon

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Oh dear I seem to have neglected my diary over the past few days/ week?! Don't worry, I've not gone back to scoffing :D Just been busy with bits and pieces!
Not got any news I'm afraid, no excitement this week! I'm hoping for a couple of pounds off tomorrow morning, seems like it's going slowly though so here's hoping. Hope everyone's well and sticking to plan :)
Good luck for tomorrow's WI, glad you are still on track xx:)
:wow: Well done! onwards and downwards not far to go now xx:)
Well done 3lbs is ace :)