My Exante Diary

Thanks shoebs! Glad you ate the communion food, I hate to see wasted food!

I'm really tired today, I'm wondering if it's a come down after going TS again? Who knows. Hope you've all had a good day, I'm gonna have a little nap :)
Mornin Saddlebag Must have been smthg in d air yday as I too had a siesta on d couch yday evenin Was bright as a button afterwards so didnt go to bed til after midnight
Fair play gettin back on d wagon so quickly
Have a super TS day
Shoebedoo x

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Well done on the fab 3lb loss! :woohoo: Hope you're having a great 100% day :hug99: xx
Hello ladies! Went out with work last night and stuck on diet coke. Naughty citric acid I know but I couldn't face water all night. Tbh I doubt it'll effect my losses as it didn't when I was in ketosis on Atkins. They were all fab and I only got a few 'it's a shame you can't have a drink' comments, and then bought me soft drinks all night and told me how much healthier I look :D
Wedding reception to go to tonight- I've already had a lot of stick from others going. It's not a sit down meal or anything so I thought it wouldn't be rude of me not to go and not eat. But I'm getting a hard time from friends saying I should be drinking as it's our friend's wedding day etc, and I should eat all day so I can drink... They don't seem to understand no. I won't be eating or drinking, I'm just disappointed in my 'friends' as they know how miserable I am when I'm fat.

So today I'm going to try and find something to wear... I have a few bits in my wardrobe but nothing that fits properly- all too big or small! I'm going to find something cheap at TKMaxx so I'm not upset when it's too big in a few weeks time :D

Have a lovely day folks- nearly the weekend woohoo!
Hey Saddlebag
Clap on d back 2 u 4 stickin to Ur guns Shame they don't understand and support u a 100% but hey dats der problem! NJoy d celebrations Hit d dance floor and dance d nite away!!!

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Hi girls! Shoebs how's it going? Are you TS or gone onto S&S? Jess how are you enjoying S&S?

I popped along to the wedding reception last night thinking I'd sow my face then make a quick getaway... Well, I was there until 1. Had a fabulous time with old friends, we laughed and laughed all night and I was only on diet coke! I think they were worried that without booze I would be boring, I proved them wrong :D
Anyway, after all of that naughty diet coke (which I'm not convinced is actually naughty) I have terrible windy pops this morning! TMI but I do like to share.
Just tucking into first meal of the day, spicy spaghetti, yummy!
morning Saddlebag, glad you avoided the booze! Well done! hope you have a good weekend x:)
Hey fair play Im mixing Exante and S&S with protein meals but have slipped up with meals out, icing and sweets and desserts
Some of my hubby's family didn't turn up 4 son's Comm party last Sat evenin Were invited d wk b4 but didn't bother make contact This really pissed me off and feel I've been comfort Eatin this wk as they've seriously pissed me off!!! Left box of buns at inlaws 4 dem which they took but didn't acknowledge .....d . Usual family ****!!!!
Need to wash it out of my hair if ya get me!!! Wudnt mind if they lived a million miles away Only 2 mins up d rd
TG der not related to me H8 rudeness
Goin to face d scales tomoro TOTM to top it off but gotta set new goals
Shouldn't let der ignorance get to me
USERS with a capital U plus take take take and never give
Ok rant over

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Ahhh shoebs that is just bad manners! How rude of them. Everybody gets knows basic manners and how to say sorry and thank you, it's a shame that some people choose not to use them!
hopefully hubby will have a word with them and they will apologise. But if they don't, it's not up to you to look for an apology! That's their job. Family eh? Shame you can't choose them...
I can't believe it's taken me this long to catch up on your diary. I've just read it from the start and it was so weird reading about someone's VLCD journey from the start right through to week 5!!! You've really done fab. I was also really interested to see how you're aam week went as i'm meant to be starting mine a week on Tues and was still umming and ahhing about it, but after reading your opinions think I may well do it. :D
So are you now full s&sing? I've dabbled in but still have just over a week off Exante shakes left, once they're finished think I will move onto S&S.
Well congrats on your journey so far and sorry it's taken me sooo long to get around to reading about it. I'll keep up to date now.
Flutterbye, Jacqueline, Liz, thanks for stopping by! Always nice to have that little bit extra support.

Liz, thanks for reading! I've not read it from start to finish yet, maybe I'll have to have a look... I'm afraid in some part it's more of a 'I hate boys' diary rather than a food diary. I'm fully on S&S now, after my trial packs I didn't want to go back to Exante. I enjoy the hot meals and the bars and don't find that they make me crave other foods. I am really motivated to do this though and living alone, it's pretty easy to stick to plan. I admire people who have partners and children to feed as it must be really difficult.
I didn't know if I was going to do AAM week until a few days before. In the end I felt that there was a reason for it, and having not consulted with my doctor about doing a VLCD, I did it for health reasons. I was prepared to have a STS weigh in or even put some on, but lost so I was pleased. The meals themselves, generally a salad with chicken/ turkey/ ham or a stir fry were quite nice, although to be honest I could have give or taken them. My tummy must have been used to only the packets as I would feel really full, sometimes uncomfortably. Near the end of the week I started getting hungry- don't know whether I came out of ketosis or if my body was just expecting the new meal. So I was glad when the week was over, but also glad that I did it.
This week my skin is really clear, hair is shiny. I'm sure it's a result of AAM. I don't miss the meals. I don't think I'll get much of a loss this week, if anything, but again I think this will be a delay from the AAM week and hopefully I'll have a good loss the week after.
Anyway, enough of my nattering, weigh day for me is Wednesday so we shall see the effects of all my diet coke/ ribena plus drinking this week!
Good afternoon, you're sounding so positive and you're doing amazing. :hug99: xx
Well done hun and keep it up your doing great :) I started today have done LL nad CD in the past but htought i would try this so far ok but then it is day one lol xx
Ur absolutely right Saddlebag
Tanx 4 kind words and yes pretty pointless remaining angry as dats not goin to achieve anythg No OH pure wimp so wont say a thg!!
Feel fat today and have strayed off course again
2moro I'll weigh in and face d music
Will do it on Wed again so hopefully dat will motivate me 2 keep 100% for 3 days
Need early nite with hot water bottle
Did big shop in Lidl to fill a new freezer I got as a pressie from my mother Glad its out in d garage so def won't b tempted by ice creams/ pops
Ur doin fantastic Dyin 2 c if Ribena makes any difference Der will b a surge in sales if it doesn't ;) Hard to drink water with d chill dats in d air!!
Nitey nite

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Hi dolli welcome to Exante, I think most people enjoy it better than CD and LL. I've moved to slim and save now but my diary is staying put! Stick with Exante and yo will reap the benefits!

Shoebs, treat tomorrow as a fresh start and set a new goal date! The communion was the big day, what's the next big occasion? It's cold over the water here too, I've just stuck the heating on and put my pyjamas on the radiator :D Warming up with a cuppa too! I don't think I'll have a big loss this week, I think it's the lag from my add a meal week but I'm going to continue drinking the ribena as it helps me to drink more. My freezer was the best investment I ever made, along with my slow cooker. They are a killer combo- I would stick a casserole or curry on before work on low, then when I got home the house smelt of delicious food. I'd chuck a baking potato in the microwave then dinner would be ready, and the remainder went in the freezer for another few days dinner! Love it. Anyway, nighty night, here's to a TS Sunday :)
Mornin Saddlebag Ok WI 10 st 51/2 lbs
Syked up to get into d 9's
Son's 9th bday today Had pizza last nite
D usual feast b4 d famine hee hee what am I like??
Off 2 climb a hill d 4 of us then goin to d park so d kids can play Brought my iPod so can jog around d field while d kids play
Sure sign I'm focused when exercise on my schedule
Gettin hols from work 26th June so dats my goal
How low can I go is my challenge
Bakin gluten wheat and dairy free sponge when I get home 4 his bday Will put soya cream and strawberry jam on it
Visitors will call so must scrub d hse too so dats more exercise Rarin to go
I've never used a slow cooker Sounds fantastic
Cud make my life a lot easier!!!
Here's to a TS day no buts about it
Miles of smiles
Ta 4 encouragement
Will update weight l8r on ticker
Have a gud one
Shoebedoo x

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Shoebs that damage isn't bad at all, that'll go quickly and you'll be looking super trim for your time off! Especially with all the running around you do with the kids. Look into a slow cooker, there's some good books around too with slow cooker recipes in and loads on the Internet. You can do loads of stuff in it, even some joints of meat if you're going out for the day, chilli, that kind of thing. All you have to do when you get home is boil rice, cook potatoes etc. Make sure you get a nice big one though! Have a good Sunday, cleaning for me and a bit of time with friends, a long dog walk... Perfect Sunday :)
Ah Jess we'll be sorry to see you leave the good ship Exante/ S&S! But I'm am well jel that you'll be eating real actual food... Bacon and eggs with mayo for you tomorrow! I'll think of you whilst I'm eating my scrumptious spaghetti for breakfast :eek:
I'm quite enjoying the S&S meals. I only got hot meals and bars, no shakes or porridge as I don't like either. The praline bars are just like milky ways! I love them. Today I had spicy spaghetti for breakfast, chilli with mashed swede for lunch, a praline bar and just had macaroni cheese :)
Enjoy the time by yourself, albeit with a poorly little one...x