Total Solution My Exante journey..

Hope you all enjoyed the long weekend - and some sunshine at long last!

I had a good weekend food wise, but my cat is still missing and it's been a week now so starting to lose hope a bit :(

I also had another gallbladder attack last night and haven't really slept, so exhausted. Think I'm going to call my medical insurance later today and book in to see the surgeon as the attacks seem to be escalating again... perhaps it's time i had the surgery and put an end to this once and for all. SOOO tired and struggling to face the idea of a full day at work.
Well done!!!! Any news on your cat?
Well done!!!! Any news on your cat?

Sadly no... I did get another call with another potential sighting yesterday but I honestly don't think it's her... I think if she was out she would find her way home, which means that either a) someone is keeping her in their house, b) she's trapped somewhere like a shed or c) she's no longer with us. I hope it's not c.

I'm trying to move on now.. as much as I want to hope she finds her way home, I remember how awful it was last time and think it might just be best to try and accept it now that she's not coming back. Of course, if she does find her way home that will be the most wonderful thing ever and the first thing I'm going to do is to take her to the vet and get a tracking device fitted :)
Great loss Womble - sorry about your cat. Hopefully she will just walk in like nothing happened soon x
Hello, bit late getting online today as at a conference all morning. I forget how awful the London commute is in rush hour - I had one backpack in my face and another one right behind me while standing on a packed sweaty tube for 45 mins... nice.

Anyway, food going well, although I did need a little extra something at lunchtime today. Popped into a M&S and picked up a small tub of chargrilled calamari with chilli and black pepper. A mere 67 calories and totally delicious, felt like a real treat!

Had a good zumba class last night too... it was packed and I had to stand right at the front which was mortifying at first, but I'm definitely getting better at the moves (it helped that the rest of the class were beginners, I suppose!) so wasn't as bad as I thought. Been a bit slack on the exercise recently though, so think I will hit the gym quite hard tomorrow...

Hope you're all enjoying the sunshine :)
Oh wow, just feeling so hungry at the moment. so so hungry. But going to try and distract myself with work and plod on...
Oh no just hate when the hunger strikes, stay strong you can do it x
So turning out to be quite a traumatic day... saw on a local FB page that a black and white cat had been found dead locally... matching my missing cat's description... So legged it out the office in floods of tears and a cardboard box, crying all the way there on the bus. MASSIVE relief when I got there and found it wasn't my little Bea, but feel very sad for whoever the owner is.

Felt really drained emotionally afterwards though, so for damage limitation got myself an iced coffee. Was from my local 'artisan' coffee shop, so just skimmed milk, coffee and no sugar. Was totally delicious and have just been sitting in the sunshine sipping away knowing that it's not causing massive damage to the diet but feeling like a lovely treat all the same. It's abated my hunger for the time being though anyway (as has probably the emotional rollercoaster I've just been on), and means I'll do an extra 10 minutes on the treadmill at the gym later. I just hope the air conditioning is on max at the gym today as it's certainly hot here!
OK so went a bit off plan over the weekend. In fact, quite a lot of plan. Getting myself back into Exante now, but have decided I'm not going to weigh myself tomorrow as I know it's going to be a gain and that's not going to do a whole lot for my motivation.

On good news, my cat is home!!! She wandered in the cat flap on Saturday without a care in the world. Someone has obviously been looking after her, but she was really relieved to be home and won't leave our sides. It's very sweet. We're so happy :)
Glad to hear about your cat, they are always a worry aren't they.

Think we all come off plan occasionally but well done for getting back on track, its easier to just give up entirely. x
Omg how wonderful! X
OK, so did decide to weigh myself this morning. I thought there was no use hiding from my incredibly cheat-laden weekend, and to face up to it. But....massive surprise, I still managed to lose 1.5 pounds last week! That's incredible given the amount of naughty items I stuffed in my face at the weekend, so super pleased. Still, no excuse to carry on cheating, as I know it would have been a much bigger loss if I hadn't of gone off course.

It's my weekend away at Centre Parcs this weekend so I will be having another weekend off plan. But I'm going to stick to a shake at breakfast, and perhaps a bar at lunch OR a Exante meal at dinner. But I'm not going to kid myself, it's going to be really hard to stick to that. Luckily we are going away with my brother and his wife who know I'm doing this diet and are fully supportive, so I'm going to ask them to make sure that if I do eat 'real' food, I eat the RIGHT real food (i.e. proteins, and lay off the sugar). So while I won't be 100% TS, I shouldn't be facing a disastrous weigh in next week. That's the plan anyway.

Just finished my PT session for this week. It's SOOO clammy in London right now though, that it felt like working out in a sauna. And I really struggled with my run in the gym last night too, but I did push myself through and do the full 30 minute pod cast I was running to. Felt like agony at the time, but was very satisfied afterwards. Now looking forward to Zumba tonight, although I hope the humidity abates a bit, as otherwise I'm going to be a real sweaty betty!!
Forgot to mention that I am now firmly in the 15s (15.8 stone to be exact)!!! I must have missed that milestone last week :)
Well done you! The next stone down is always a great barrier to break isn't it! What is your ultimate goal weight? x
11 stone takes me to a normal BMI, so I have a way to go yet! But thinking about trying to get pregnant again this year, so as long as I am 13 stone by the end of the summer I will give that a try and put the remaining few stones on hold for a bit. Sadly as I have a very underactive thyroid and have had lots of autoimmune issues over the past year, I don't know whether I will successfully fall pregnant again. I'm also not getting any younger (I'm 35). And I feel that one kid is hard enough work as it is!!!! But I don't want to look back on my life and regret not trying again when I'm older, so that's my motivation.

How about you - what's your goal?