My juddd diet

Thank you. Well I have done 2x75cl of water and on number 2 75cl of Pepsi max. I'm going to the loo all the time!!! I shouldn't have but weighed myself after my up day and lost a pound. I think I'm just wierd! But who cares as long as sat I haven't put on. I'm working 1500-2300 today. When I get in in having my 460 calories all in one. That's ok isn't it? X
Yes you can eat the cals any way you want to, well done on upping the fluids it does help. I have been on Judd for 10 weeks now and never managed to lose after an UP day, had one or two STS but never a loss? It seems to affect every one differently but as long as the trend is downwards it really doesn't matter x
You are not supposed to offset cals on your DD s the calculator takes your activity into account. There is no harm after the first 2 weeks in seeing if you can get away with upping your cals when you exercise on a DD. I can't exercise so am no expert, hopefully someone who does exercise will give you a better answer x
Don't worry thats good x
loulabelle81 said:
Ah good. Oh and it's ok to drink diet drinks? Not just water? X

I drink both although I have cut down my Pepsi max/diet coke etc as the quantity I was drinking wasn't good for me health wise!

It's fine to drink them in low quantities :)

Well weighed myself post dd and that 5lb in total I had "put on" 4lb has shifted. Weigh in not till Monday but I'm hoping I'm on the right track again! Thanks everyone for not letting me give up!!!! X
Well done you, keep the faith x
Today has been a pat in the back day. Went to dominos with my friend had 2 diet cokes no food and pub tonight. Water only. So proud of myself. Off out to lunch tomorrow with my mum. Not seen her for ages ! And down the pub again. Drinking! Feel like I deserve it. Fingers crossed has been worth it! X
Well done you, hope you had a lovely day with your Mum yesterday x
I haven't been on for a while but still following. Thing is. I am weighing myself every day. Just seem to go up 2lb down 2lb all week. I sts last week. Will see how this week goes. Clothes feel looser tho! Hope everyone's having a good day! X
I take until thursday to see my weight return to my official weight then usually show an overall loss at the end of the week I have had 2 sts though but the same as you my clothes keep getting looser, well done for sticking with it x
Well have been really good this week. Please please let me see a loss on my weigh in tomorrow! If not I will be so disappointed!
Well done hun x