My Personal Weight Loss Journey

Thanks Angel, I hope so! I've done a proper meal plan this week and i'm going to stick to it - The more freedom and cooking for OH that I do, the more opportunity I have to cheat...

Last night we went to our friend's house for dinner - burgers and salad - there was french fries and burger buns - I must admit to having about 15 chips, but no burger buns - just salad, meat and a little coleslaw. Though i was feeling virtuous this morning, the scales haven't moved so today i've got to be REALLY good.

I was going to go running tonight, but i've left my phone at home...i'm now debating whether to drive home (about 20mins each way) to get it, or my colleague has said I can use his work phone. I might just track my run and see how far I can go without stopping - i've got a good route now, and I roughly know after the warm up bit, when to start running. I'm thinking it might be quite a good exercise to see...

Hope you're all having a good start to the week...

Morning Flick Planning is great and I'm sure it will help.

Massive well done with the willpower.
although I had a naughty weekend I didn't eat everything on my plate and the feeling of being able to choose to leave some is a great boost in itself so well done for resisting some if the more tempting bits !

Your doing fab with your running, such dedication and already doing great considering you were not a runner before,
Keep up the great work and the next drop will be yours for the taking :)
This morning we've been discussing lent, and i've decided to give up meat! This is a big deal for me since i'm a good farmer's daughter which means about 90% of my meals usually revolve around meat. CWP wise, actually - meat doesn't play a huge part which is quite good - i'll only really be cutting out the chicken/turkey options. Going to make more of the pulse option and the fish too, just do some experimenting really with meals and ideas. I've been sneaking in some lean sausages which will be out now, and me and Quorn are going to get to know each other quite well...

Is anyone else planning on giving something up for lent? For the majority - i've a clean run, but I have a "Second Christmas" at the end of this month (a belated Christmas celebration with uni friends) so will be coming up with some nut/pulse roast for that one. The other thing is my hen party at the end of march, i'll just be looking for veggie options for things - which is perfectly doable i'm sure.

Quite looking forward to this as a challenge - I just hope i'll be able to keep it up!!

I would love to give up something but as I'm planning on doing SS for the next 25 days there isn't a great deal i can drop.

Last year I tried & failed to give up Facebook :)
I did donate £100 to a teenage cancer charity for going back on my word but I just can't do without social media !

I think with you being a farmers daughter Meat is a great challenge but like you say also a great way to try other options.
I have never tried quorn but it's a option after CWP as it's far healthier than " real " meats or so I'm lead to believe .
Good luck !
Morning All,

So, I borrowed my colleague's work phone for my run last night - downloaded the same apps to it so I could track my run, ran much more of the distance than last week, and even what the program told me to run, but bloody app failed, so only logged 1/2 my run! GRR! So it's saying 2k, rather than 4k (I know it's about 4 since it's the same loop I did last week.) Really annoying, but positive in that I did more running again, and though I was massively puffed by the end of it, I still really enjoyed it!

Yesterday was a 100% on plan day! :) I had chicken last night as my "final supper" for the next 40 more meat shall pass my lips until Easter. Tonight is Tuna salad and then tomorrow, something with the chickpeas and adzuki beans that are soaking in my kitchen at the moment...might try and make bean burgers with them, or just simply make a veggie bean chilli or something. I find it really annoying that we can't have tomatoes because they so easily make a rich sauce for these sort of things, but I am really trying to stick with the allowed veggies this week and be good. Also no carbing this week in the hope of seeing a loss.

I know it's only one full day on plan, but I was a little sad that the scales didn't show ANY movement - not even 0.1lb. :( I have noticed my legs feel firmer from the running, so I am hoping it's just a matter of sticking with it and my body adjusting to the new running soon...I just don't want another Saturday of no movement, especially as CDC suggested going back to 810 for a week to get the scales moving. I'm reluctant to do this, because I don't want to rely on the fallback of the harder plans, and the even more restricted calories to loose, I am hoping to do so on this step - when I do it properly!!

I am rambling rambling this morning, feeling focussed on everything today - moving forward with the plan, running and my lent challenge!

Have a good Wednesday lovelies.

Flick your dedication to the running us fab, most people would have used the app / phone as a excuse not to bother but not you !
There's no stopping you now. It's a shame it didn't track properly but you know what you achieved and that's all that matters, massive well done !

Great your feeling in control again and I'm sure you will manage with no meat until Easter,

I have to confess I've not even looked at the steps very much.
You've inspired me to start to think about a action plan.

Here's to another great day for all of us :)
I am feeling hugely motivated with it at the moment - loving the running and noticing that it's easier to do this exercise when i'm not lugging around the extra weight. I just wish my scales would start to reward me! Finally feeling back in the zone, and I now have a clear run up to Saturday's WI, so with another run tomorrow and three more days of best behaviour, hopefully it'll be a happy weekend!

I am feeling hugely motivated with it at the moment - loving the running and noticing that it's easier to do this exercise when i'm not lugging around the extra weight. I just wish my scales would start to reward me! Finally feeling back in the zone, and I now have a clear run up to Saturday's WI, so with another run tomorrow and three more days of best behaviour, hopefully it'll be a happy weekend! xx[/QUOTE

I'm sure the scales will be kind to you at the weekend :) You more than deserve the drop !

Another 100% on plan day under my belt, and another good day planned today. Run this evening and one of my very good friends is coming for dinner tonight. Her and OH are having chilli and I am having the other half of last night's dinner.

Last night's dinner was FAB! I made adzuki and chickpea bean burgers, cauli bread and had myself a little bit of salad and it was really lovely - i'm trying to make the most of the bean options in the protein section. I'm also still no carbing for this week, but might do the burgers again next week and have some sweet potato "chips" with it...mmm!

Still feeling quite motivated, and the scales showed signs of movement this morning which is even more of a boost - only a little, but lower than Sat's WI - just hope I can keep that up, and keep it lower - hoping it'll move again with two more days to go.

Hope you're all having a good Thursday. Today's run will be more of a challenge since the weather here all wet and horrible. Of course the smug factor of doing a run, in the rain is greater, so i'll have that to look forward to! Haha.

Hi Flic,

Wow you sound like you're really on form at the minute! Good luck to you, hope you get through the weekend okay.

You sound like you're doing fab with your running keep it up! I still haven't been out for a single one :(

Have fun, speak soon xx

Don't you just hate passive agressive emails?

So my friend sent me an email yesterday - we often catch up this way - and I replied and was telling her about how because OH had a bonus, we'd been able to afford to get a new sofa - our old one is knackered and so we decided that since we have people staying at the end of the month, and for the wedding, we'd go and get one in the DFS sale. It's on finance, not like we've gone and blown all our money on it, just been shrewd about paying a deposit and using the 0% finance before probably paying it off after May. Anyway, she was all "[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]Oh wow that's great that you've been able to afford to do the sofa before the wedding as you were saying about waiting till after the wedding and seeing how much you had available to be able to get one." and then as i'd mentioned my running thing, she made a point of saying how she'd been running.

Then a comment about my giving up meat for lent, like "wow" or something else that was quite derogatory. Then, so she's just started trying for a baby and I said how it'd taken my sister about 2 years and she puts it down to taking contraception for so long - I mentioned this and got a bit of a comment about "well, didn't she have problems though with it, and since she's so slim, maybe that was a factor too" again in a way that made me feel like I knew nothing.

I am probably reading way too much into it, and it was probably all meant in a nice way, but the general attitude of it was really passive aggressive. She's kind of like that in person too, and I do struggle with this attitude... ARGH.

Just needed to vent a little. I am going to get all of this out of my system on my run...

Grrr, I know what you're saying. Harsh I know but I've had a bit of a friend cull recently and kind of phased out 2 of my oldest friends who were exactly like that. As you know I work full time and have a husband and 2 small children so I decided to only make time in my life for those who I enjoy spending time with and look forward to seeing, and phase out those who I found draining or who I would always be thinking how to cancel our plans. Life's too short :)

Enjoy your run x
Do you know Clare - that's so what I would love to do. I've done something similar in the past. The problem with this friend is that she's married to my cousin, who is one of OH's best friends and in a long regretted decision, I asked her to be my bridesmaid. OH finds her really tricky - she has got worse since they got married as she doesn't have that as a focus anymore. Oh, it's so difficult.

Why isn't life just simples, eh? On the plus side, one of my very best friends is coming over tonight, and my chief bridesmaid is staying next weekend, so bright side.

Morning lovelies,

It's FRIDAY! WI tomorrow, so a good day planned for me. Had one of my friends round last night - cooked chilli for her and OH and I had the previous night's bean burgers and cauli bread. Didn't even so much as touch one of the doritoes that were on the table infront of me, and happily dished up the last of the offending cheesecake to them whilst I sipped sparkling water. I really feel back in the game after this week. It is still often a struggle, but the longer I go without cheating, the better I feel, and the more I resist. 3 100% days under my belt and a fourth planned for today.

Scale's batteries are on their way out - they said "lo" this morning, so the weekend mission is to replace the batteries...not sure I could cope without them. I am lighter, but only blooming marginally...not sure if i'm retaining water from running, or it's just my body punishing me for so many weeks off plan...not going to worry too much, as long as I can log a loss tomorrow with CDC i'll be happy.

Run last night was fabulous. GPS worked this time and my 4k route was faster than last week. I also did more running (more than the couch25k asked me to do - this week i've found it quite easy.) I ran non-stop for 11 minutes, which I am sooo chuffed about. Don't get me wrong, it was fairly slow paced and I was exhausted, but I did it, and that's what matters! Talking to my friend last night about it all and she was really encouraging.

Not going to worry about the other friend and her email - i'm just going to keep her at arms length for the moment and just catch up periodically when I need to - sorry for having a moan, you know when you just want to get it all off your chest?!

Anyway, have a fab day all.

Morning lovelies,

It's FRIDAY! WI tomorrow, so a good day planned for me. Had one of my friends round last night - cooked chilli for her and OH and I had the previous night's bean burgers and cauli bread. Didn't even so much as touch one of the doritoes that were on the table infront of me, and happily dished up the last of the offending cheesecake to them whilst I sipped sparkling water. I really feel back in the game after this week. It is still often a struggle, but the longer I go without cheating, the better I feel, and the more I resist. 3 100% days under my belt and a fourth planned for today.

Scale's batteries are on their way out - they said "lo" this morning, so the weekend mission is to replace the batteries...not sure I could cope without them. I am lighter, but only blooming marginally...not sure if i'm retaining water from running, or it's just my body punishing me for so many weeks off plan...not going to worry too much, as long as I can log a loss tomorrow with CDC i'll be happy.

Run last night was fabulous. GPS worked this time and my 4k route was faster than last week. I also did more running (more than the couch25k asked me to do - this week i've found it quite easy.) I ran non-stop for 11 minutes, which I am sooo chuffed about. Don't get me wrong, it was fairly slow paced and I was exhausted, but I did it, and that's what matters! Talking to my friend last night about it all and she was really encouraging.

Not going to worry about the other friend and her email - i'm just going to keep her at arms length for the moment and just catch up periodically when I need to - sorry for having a moan, you know when you just want to get it all off your chest?!

Anyway, have a fab day all.

Hi, Ive been following you progress and you're doing great! Not only with the weight loss but the running! Im definitely going to try to start out like you have, I cant run the length of myself at the moment but hoping to get to where you are when I start on food! Im still on SS but will be looking to move up in a few weeks! I noticed you mentioned in your post about cauli bread. Do you have a recipes that you are following for your cauli bread & bean burgers or just experimenting..... or is there a link on here for it.....I cant find it....well I can on normal recipe websites but not sure if this would be ok!
Thanks Leggi,

I was experimenting, based on a couple of recipes i'd seen. I've put them below for you:

Adzuki and chickpea burgers
49g Adzuki Beans
40g Chickpeas
20g spring onions
10g mushrooms
1 egg.
loads of spices - bit of a mixture - cumin, coriander, chilli, garlic and frech chives

I used dried beans and left them overnight soaking, then precooked them before mixing all the ingredients in a blender. Chilled and shaped - made 4 burgers, 2 per portion.

Cauli/brocolli Bread
40g cauliflower
40g brocolli
1 egg
50g quark
Loads of spices again!

I used frozen brocolli and cauli, defrosted in the microwave and then whizzed in the blender with the other ingredients - it was quite a wet mix but I spread it on non-stick parchment and baked slow in the oven. It's more wrap like than bread like, but good! 2 portions.

Hope that helps!

Thanks Leggi,

I was experimenting, based on a couple of recipes i'd seen. I've put them below for you:

Adzuki and chickpea burgers
49g Adzuki Beans
40g Chickpeas
20g spring onions
10g mushrooms
1 egg.
loads of spices - bit of a mixture - cumin, coriander, chilli, garlic and frech chives

I used dried beans and left them overnight soaking, then precooked them before mixing all the ingredients in a blender. Chilled and shaped - made 4 burgers, 2 per portion.

Cauli/brocolli Bread
40g cauliflower
40g brocolli
1 egg
50g quark
Loads of spices again!

I used frozen brocolli and cauli, defrosted in the microwave and then whizzed in the blender with the other ingredients - it was quite a wet mix but I spread it on non-stick parchment and baked slow in the oven. It's more wrap like than bread like, but good! 2 portions.

Hope that helps!


That's a great help! Thanks very much Flic, Im definitely going to try them.....sound amazing!! But then any food does when you're not having any!! Ha ha ha Have a good weekend!
Morning my lovelies,

Busy old start today, which is always good in my books as the day goes quicker. WI sat was great - 2lb down! :) Finally a bit of movement. I was 80-90% good over the weekend...I know I could have been better...the scales are seriously punishing me this morning...

Another week of step 3 with no evening carbs...except last night's brown rice - possibly why the scales are having a fit this morning.

Did my first week 4 run yesterday - blooming knackering! Very good though and starting to feel a real benefit. I asked OH and he says he can notice my figure starting to change - just firm up a bit I think, but all good.

Done my meal plan for the week and I will remain well behaved - nothing this week until Saturday.

I've got 2 weeks worth of products because on Sat, my uni friends are coming for our "second Christmas" - basically a belated Christmas celebration involving lots of food. I am hosting, but i'm just going to enjoy the meal and spending time with my friends, i've then got another week of best behaviour before seeing CDC again, so hopefully i'll be back on track and lower again...hope so.

Hope you all had good weekends - i'm coming to "see" you now.

Hi Flic,

Yay on your 2lb loss well done!! Must be such a big boost after all your running especially :) Only 3lbs until back at top target!

Thanks Clare.

Yes, WI was great - just shows what happens when I stick to the plan...which is something I need to do more. Despite best laid plans and thoughts, I still wasn't very good at the weekend. Both days went like this:
- Breakfast: on plan. Drinking plenty of water.
- Lunch: mostly on plan - homemade soup, but with a slice of cheese on toast... followed by some fruit/bar.
- 3pm: Pick at a couple of things...
- Cooking dinner - a bit more picking. Drink more water and tell myself off.
- Dinner: Mostly on plan, but with perhaps a little bit extra, like some cheese ontop of my veggie chilli, or rice with my lentil stew last night.
- Pudding - instead of shake/yoghurt/fruit, throwing caution to the wind and having cake/apple crumble.

I feel like i'm in limbo at the moment - i'm not ready to say goodbye to CWP and my journey, and i'm still trying to follow the steps through, but i'm also bored of it and thus, at weekends, struggle to stick with it. I want to be in maintenance so I can enjoy weekends and treats without the horrible guilty feeling. I also struggle scales wise because cheats tend to be worse I think because the rest of the time is restrictive...I don't know.

I'm not feeling fab today - I think i'm getting OH's cold. I was awake on and off all through last night, and work is very tense at the moment.

Part of me just wants a week off CWP, just doing maintenance, but I know that i'm not at that point yet, so I need to stick with it - it's just frigging hard when it's so close.

Sorry for being such a moaner, i'm just not really feeling it today.
