New aaah!


Hi all,

I've been trying to lose weight for a while now and have simply had the 'I'll start tomorrow' attitude!
I start university on the 14th and am approaching it as a new chapter and so would like to make some healthy life changes.
I thought this forum would encourage me to lose weight, especially by reading everybody else's success stories :)
Hope to get to know you all soon.
If anyone knows any motivation tips that have worked for them please share! :D

J x
Hi :) I'm starting back at uni soon after a year out because I had my little boy. It's pretty daunting but also exciting having new things to look forward to. Good luck with your weight loss! Are you going to do a specific diet?
Hi MartianMallow!
That's great news - really exciting and hopefully rewarding - Good luck! :D
I'm not following a specific diet as I can't actually afford to attend any meetings or follow recipes etc! I'm just trying to eat less and healthier and try and do some more exercise. If that doesn't work out I might look for a diet to follow. What about you? :)

i'm just about to start 4th year on the 12th eeepp! I find exam and assessment season a nightmare. Because I sit and eat rubbish while studying, it was a hard habit to break.

Also I get stressed thinking I have not done enough reading, or that my essay is rubbish so I feel ruff and end up drinking hot chocolate or having takeaway. But then, when I do fine I want to celebrate lol with takeaway.. noticing a pattern here?

Its a good thing to do, start off the day with a healthy breakfast, drink water in classes. Have a low fat lunch, then a low fat main meal. Sometimes there seems like not enough time in the day to cook and make things.

So I tend to plan a whole week of food, buy it, then make and freeze what I can. So there is less to do at meal times.

tips: make sure you drink your recommended daily water at least. It really dose help, I feel less hungry, and it also helps to make sure all the nasty fat and waste gets processed properly and leaves.

Really think about what you are eating and why. It is too easy to eat for other reasons than because we need to. Either boredom or emotional reasons etc. Staying busy helps, also having supportive friends helps. Its not so good when friends are like aww come on just have a whole pizza we are having a whole large pizza each.

If you can build it into a routine its easer. So you know what you are going to do and you just have to follow the plan. I always planed to walk to uni, but heavy books means its not possible. Your uni might run classes over lunch. Mine does, we have a gym. Though I use the local council gym and swimming pool some mornings.

You might find there are other people in your classes that either want to be doing more exercise or do. Maybe someone has a dog and you could go walking while talking about the homework.. or not about the homework lol

I'm sure between everyone here we can get some student friendly recipes together.
What are you guys studying?
Good luck guys :)
Hi firelass!
Thanks so much for the tips and defiantly practical and suitable for uni! I feel that my biggest weakness will be alcohol and then drunken munchies!!!
You're very close to your goal weight - well done :D How long did that take?
I'm about to study law! It's only 3 years though - what are you doing that takes 4 years!?!
Just weighed in after a late shift and lost 5lb this week so feeling very positive :) (and I managed to make myself a weight loss ticker ;))