New Starter

Yeah jeni!!! Another week stamped on :) xx
Well done guys

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Well done for another week everyone & I'm glad I'm back with you all :) GL for starting tomorrow Rachael, you can do it, night night all x
Night chan xx
Wide awake here - doing my head in lol

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Morning ladies. Well tomorrow has come I'm on another 12 hr shift today not brought my purse so most temptation removed got my black tea to kick start my day and 5litrea of water to make sure I have a full 3L lol. Working solidly through until Saturday including courses in Manchester where they will provide EVERYTHING from willy workers factory. Have a good day gang xx
Hi your dog in the pic...what is is? Shih tzu? I have a shih tzu...he's the love of my life x
Asal said:
Hi your dog in the pic...what is is? Shih tzu? I have a shih tzu...he's the love of my life x

Asal good morning, right let me get this right, he is a lhasa apso.... Can't spell it!!! He is my boyfriends uncles, called frazer n I love him to bits n he loves me to :) he got such a wicked personality xx

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Morning to all :)

Fraser is do handsome Veronica:). Welcome on board Rachael, I'm feeling excited to be back on it%100 how you feeling?
Hope you are all well :) x
Day 1....first shake taken. Well done to you all - your my inspiration to get through this week
Morning Chan :)
Fraser looks similiar to your beautiful dog :)
GL to you and Rachael being back on 100% xxx
Hope everyone has a good day

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BusyMom said:
Day 1....first shake taken. Well done to you all - your my inspiration to get through this week

Busy mom
Welcome aboard :) we are all here for u x GL on ur first few days xx

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Morning ladies, Im very happy to announce Im off today and tucked up in bed :) it's absolutely miserable here in Ireland!
Ugh is it just me who wakes up with the WORST breath ever on LT?? I know its ketosis but after a nights sleep its so bad i have to jump up and brush teeth!
Good luck busymom!
morning all, hope you are well, 6lb off for me today, so got to be happy with that, now to face week 3 eeuurrrgggg!!!
Well done dizzy :) keep it up xx

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Morning everyone!
Sorry i miss all the chats on sundays lol i've no internet access at home and was off yesterday! had a fab day bringing my princess into town gettin stuff for when seh starts school ! pink overload - bag, pencil case, lunchbox, cup oh and the pink converse boots i promised her!!!!
Just had my weigh in, down 4.6 lbs this week - a little dissapointed, but still, now i'm in the 13stone's, so have gone from the 15's, to 14's now 13's in only 15 days :eek:)
Lets hope we all do well this week....... really struggled yesterday, esp as when i came home from town, dh was in the pub watching the Munster final with his buddy (and his buddy's wife had been left wtih her 2 kids, plus 2 more of mine) he got pissed drunk and for some reason i got really angry, i think partly jealousy, he was late home and stuck on pizza and chips just to add insult to the injury - then, when i said how hard the diet was etc... he just said oh if it's that bad just quit i can't stand you winging for the next 5 weeks.....grrrrrrrrrrr...........
anyways, onwards and upwards (or should that be downwards lol) and when i'm skinny, me and my friend (who was left minding the kiddies yesterday) are so gonna got out dolled up to the last n get hammered lol sorry for teh rant, feel a bit better now!
Aw Chub i totally understand that, i find anyone drunk verrrry irritating while on this! I've gotten used to the food though because they have to eat but anybody even tipsy just does my head in Hahaha :) i avoid at all costs! You'll have a great night out when you're done and well make up for it!
Im dying for a night out with a few of the girls when i get back from hols.
I have my weigh in today Yippie!x
Thanks Daisyhappy - you're right about tipsy peopel lol, i guess i'm just jealous! we were at a table quiz on thurs and he got drunk there too, so twice in a week pushed me over the edge lol
Best of luck at your weigh in! if you're anythin like me they're the highlight of my week at the moment lol xxx
Thanks Sunshine_72....around the house today - want to keep it simple on my first few days and rest etc when i need to. In Ireland 2 Daisyhappy so its a perfect day for the couch!!!!! Good luck with your weigh in today...