New Starter

I find I torment myself with food thoughts if thats what you mean, but then remind myself self to shut the hell up!
Well done Dizzy & Daisy :)
Jeni i have changed my weigh in day to Friday as was afraid to go on scales & have a shock lol
Hope everyone is well today x
I was thinking the same with being on maternity this time of the year Daisyhappy - walks in the park, out in the sun all day but the reality is that stuck in doors with 2 young babies!!!!!!
I know im going to find it hard at home Jeni3075 - i found today grand but all sorts of thoughts are coming into my head now!!!!! I just want to sit down with my feet up on the couch tonight which always means, tea and biscuits and jellies or chocolate!!!! Its going to be hard when my husband comes in from work and starts making his dinner...... It def is an emotional / mind battle :ignore:
So with you all on the mind battle thing. I never feel hungry - I just want to eat and taste and feel something in my mouth that isn't liquid!

Good news today - my first weigh in and I lost 6lbs! I am no longer obese! Just overweight... but hopefully that will change soon :)
Damn....I just weighed myself and I've put on 4lbs since Sat!!! Know idea how that's possible....I am due on and also usually weigh myself in the morning but today I did it about an hour ago.....better be the reason or I am soooooo coming off LT! can I put weighty on, I am 110% committed to this ****.
Sorry girls...rant over x
Ok I'm not having a good case if you didn't get that from previous message.... Forgot my shakes and didn't take my first one till 5pm. Bad news was in the middle of a meeting I felt very light headed, cole sweat came on....almost passed out......and then to see I've put on can only imagine how I'm feeling. Fed up of this torture...
Aw asal sorry your having a hard time but don't skip your shakes!!! It might be why you've put on as your body with go into starvation mode and store glyceigan or however you spell it!! Watch the lipotrim video it's really good (and wastes a bit of time!) xx

Lost 20lbs
Asal don't worry about the 4lbs as you got weighed at night it will just be fluids so all is going to be alright :)
We decided to go bingo & while my oh is endulging with a coke & a toastie, I've got water :) lets hope we win something lol
Hope you are all alright x x
Oh cheers Jeni, no winnings yet but it's still fun & something to do:)
Asal I'm feeling good after my birthday , I struggled a bit yesterday as it was my first day back on LP but I'm all good today :) & i've got 21 days to go so not too bad :)& if I'm honest the break has helped as it made me realise that it wasn't worth it if that makes any sense & made me more determined to reach my goal:). I also got on the scales today at home & I know they are not the same as the chemist but I weighed 13st 4 which meant I stayed the same from last week's weigh in & now I can carry on :) I want to reach 12st & I will be happy so let's hope I can do it & best of luck to you all :)
That doesn't sound to bad then chan!! Knowing my luck id be one of these people that puts on 10lbs in water weight!! Did u have carbs? Dunno if I could do with a couple of days off to get rid of the food demons! Feeling ok now but the weekend was hard!! Thought it was getting easier!!

Lost 20lbs
Hi Jeni, yeah in end I had some carbs but I'm just so lucky I'm able to get back into it :)
How are you all tonight? X
Good apart from keep getting dizzy spells.. 1st time I've had them but there not very nice.. Eyes go funny like I'm getting a migraine.. But it only lasts a moment don't think it's anything to worry about.. Day off work tomorrow! But busy with my dad so hopefully will be fine... Hey I've only got 2 days left until my mini goal of 26 days!!! 26 days to break any habit!! Let's hope it's easier after that huh!!

Lost 20lbs