New Starter

What part of Ireland are you in busymom? I just remembered I've my weigh in and have to visit my friends mam today so my dream of a duvet day was short lived :(
Really looking forward to weigh in though!!
Aw love it :) the green hats me and my daughter are wearing in my pic is on paddys day :)
So miserable out have to trek into town for weigh in, times like this i wish i drove!
Im in Meath Daisyhappy and you? Its def not a day for going out. Im on maternity leave from work at the moment and was so looking forward to a good summer!!!! More fool me..... I had to go out this morning to take my little boy (he's 2 and half) to summer camp. He's in that now for the next 6 weeks so it will give me a break which will help me with this. I cant wait to hear how you get on with your weigh in - im already focusing on mine as the hightlight of my week (is that wrong!!!... Good luck with it hun
Not at all busymom weigh ins are the highlight of my LIFE Haha! Sounds like you have your hands full but aren't kids the biz :) mine has me in stitches and she's only 1, what i wouldn't give to have my maternity leave back!
Getting off the bus now eek shall update shortly x
Morning peeps! Or afternoon whatever!
I woke up with the biggest hangover ever... And I haven't touched the stuff for 24 days wtf?!!!! Still got headache now! And drinking loads of water argghhhhhhhhh!!!
GL with weigh in dais and chan..
Chub we're all in same boat and although hub is being supportive he had a dig at me last night saying we don't do anything and you don't talk to me bla bla... I'm like you have no idea how hard this is!!! Grrr! And he was like why can't I have anything nice in the shopping I'm not on a diet!!! Ffs!!! Well done on weigh in that's amazing to be in the 13's already!!
GL busymom.. It will get easier and we're all here for u x

Lost 20lbs
Sorry dizzy well done to u to!! Great loss!! Feels worth it at weigh ins doesn't it!!
And GL rach!! Xx

Lost 20lbs
My usual person wasn't there so all i know is last week i was exactly 17st and today Im 106.2kg ?
and really well done x
Well done daisy :)
Mine weighs me in kilos too - I hate it lol xx

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Its so annoying isn't it!! They usually give me a print out of all my weigh ins and losses in stones and pounds, in fairness i promptly bin in but i do enjoy looking at it for 30 seconds!x
Thats great Daisyhappy - well done.

Thanks to all for the support and "goodluck messages"...really keeping me going on this first day.
Drank my 2nd shake - why do they have to be so disgusting!!!!
Oh you'll start enjoying them eventually trust me! Mine taste like choc shakes from Eddie Rockets now :) your taste buds defo change x
I cant ever imagine comparing them to anything from Eddie Rockets but here's hoping!!!!! Im just trying to drink them and not think about it anymore....been keeping myself busy around the house cleaning out wardrobes etc!!!! Im losing it
Well done dais!! Yeh mines the same... I was 101 last week and she looked it up on the chart and said oh there isn't a 101 we'll round it up I'm like wtf!! This is Important!!!!
Busy mom you'll find being at home hard I bet! Although not much you can do with a new baby I'm sure!! Deffo keep urself busy! X

Lost 20lbs
I was on maternity this time last year busymom and i had imagined id be having the time of my life on park trips, coffee with friends etc but the reality was so different!! Weather rubbish, money tight and as she was my first i was very unsure of myself and if i was doing everything right! Id say number two is a lot different? I get bouts of extreme broodyness then the exact opposite!x
Does anyone find this diet more of an emotional/mind battle than hunger? i'm not hungry at all, the shakes more than fill me up and i really look forward to them! i'm living on choc, vanilla and strawberry!!