New Starter

finished refeed so wont be getting weighed till i am back off hols, and agreed to give someone a lift to work so deffo cant make the chemist, feeling really bloated though
Trying to load some pics but not playing:-( xxx
Hope everyone is ok x

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Ur pic is amazing Veronica x

Ok so I know iv only been on this 2 weeks but I think there's a change in my face. What do you think? :)


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Oh and ignore my giant forehead! I really shouldn't wear my hair tied back with a fod like that but I couldn't be bothered this morning. Lol x
Deffo janine!!! U can tell n ur looking fab :) xxgonna try n load again now xxx

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No it won't load :-( x

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Lipotrim4Me said:
Ok so I know iv only been on this 2 weeks but I think there's a change in my face. What do you think? :)

Wow, I can't believe the difference in 2 weeks, well done! How much have you lost? And by the way, you have amazing eyes!
squishymcfatterson said:
Wow, I can't believe the difference in 2 weeks, well done! How much have you lost? And by the way, you have amazing eyes!

Ahhhh thank you :) iv lost 1 stone 4.5lbs upto now :) x
Lipotrim4Me said:
Ahhhh thank you :) iv lost 1 stone 4.5lbs upto now :) x

That's fantastic! I'm jealous! Well done.
Lipotrim4Me said:
Ahhhh thank you :) iv lost 1 stone 4.5lbs upto now :) x

Well done that is amazing. You must be so pleased. I m on this second time round now. I have lost 9lb already and am on my fifth day ! Weign in Monday. Cannot wait !!! I feel so much better already.

Think I am doing much better than last time. I lost 5lbs in the first week before so looks like I will top my previous loss. This diet is brilliant xx

How long u been on it? X
Wow your doing fab Kate! Im on day 16. The first week dragged but now it's just flying by :)
Morning all :)

Jannine you are looking fantastic well done :) Have a goo day all whatever you got you got planned for the day x
LadyKate25 said:
Well done. That is great what you lost so far. I'm hoping I lose more before Monday. How y feeling ? X

Thanks. I feel great, just so excited about what I will look like at Christmas! I'm the lightest now that I have been in about 5 years and if I lose another couple of stone, I will be the lightest I have been since I was about 16. Iv always been a big girl, since I was about 12 so it will be nice to know what it's like to be an average weight :)
Morning chan, iv got the day to myself today! Woohoo! I do have a photo shoot at 2:30 but it's a favour for a friend and won't take more than about half an hour so then I can clean up and chill all day :)
Morning all, I am at work today 12-8 :-( but, only 13 days till Cuba :) weighed myself this morning, not lost but not gained so really happy with that xx still not had a poo tho since tues night so think gonna have to but more dulcolax xx
Hope u r all okay, love to you all xxx

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sunshine_72 said:
Morning all, I am at work today 12-8 :-( but, only 13 days till Cuba :) weighed myself this morning, not lost but not gained so really happy with that xx still not had a poo tho since tues night so think gonna have to but more dulcolax xx
Hope u r all okay, love to you all xxx

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Morning :) ohhhhhh no long til Cuba now! Have u been out and treated urself to some new skimpy clothes? Bet u can't wait! We've got about 5 weeks I think til Majorca and I'm sooooooo excited :) x
Lipotrim4Me said:
Thanks. I feel great, just so excited about what I will look like at Christmas! I'm the lightest now that I have been in about 5 years and if I lose another couple of stone, I will be the lightest I have been since I was about 16. Iv always been a big girl, since I was about 12 so it will be nice to know what it's like to be an average weight :)

That is good. Like me I feel great also. Yeah I ve alway been chubby but never lost the puppy fat! From when I was younger. I am also the lightest since five years also!!! X