New Starter

How's it going? :)

hi darcy, lost 1 st 3lbs this is my third week and have stalled.... i ate potatoes friday night and have felt depressed ever since, although havent turned to food thank god lol.... started again saturday. how are u doing
i am sticking to it 100% and on total solution i will have a shake in morning bar for lunch and shake for dinner not drinking much water as i have to force it down as it is lol maybe 1 ltr per day x
You really need to try and drink around 2-3 ltrs of water per day as this will not only help with hunger but also stop you from getting dehydrated and will help with the headaches etc. I know its difficult as I'm not a big water drinker but what i did was bought a 500ml bottle of water per day over a week and then refilled these and put them in my fridge and drink them throughout the day as they look smaller and are more manageable so you get your water intake and it looks like you are being healthy lol. I also dink green tea and this helps with different factors but is great when loosing weight , it also counts towards your water intake. On a weekend buy yourself a big bottle of coke zero as a treat and it actually feels like you are having a nice sweet drink but without all the sugar, carbs and calories. Hope this helps :)
How's it going? :)
Hi Darcy it seems to be going fine and don't have anymore headaches and i feel a lot more energised so fingers crossed when i weigh myself at the end of the month i will be pleased with my weight loss results. I have had really bad craving for food so this is not helping but i remember from before i went through the same process and know it will pass , so i shall just battle through them and continue on :)
hi darcy, lost 1 st 3lbs this is my third week and have stalled.... i ate potatoes friday night and have felt depressed ever since, although havent turned to food thank god lol.... started again saturday. how are u doing
Don't get or feel depressed over it, just pick yourself up and continue on ,as you are doing great and 1st 3lb is a great loss in 3 weeks :)
Well a really disappointing day for me today as i got weighed at my doctors and i actually weigh more than i thought , so my scales at home went straight in the bloody bin when i got in, yes it is a set back but i am not going to let in phase me , i have now adjusted my tracker and weight loss deadline and i shall just push on through, i shall soon have this weight off and will be looking back at this point in my life thinking i did it :)
But you will always weigh differently on different scales. Just stick to the same ones each week.
But you will always weigh differently on different scales. Just stick to the same ones each week.

Hi Mrs N , yes i understand what you are saying and when i lost before the is exactly what i did , but there was like over a stone difference so obviously my scales where either broke or not balanced right lol but many onwards and upwards , and thank you for posting :)
Oh that's a bit of a blow biglooser, but you'll lose that stone in a month, and what is that really? Well done so far :)
Oh that's a bit of a blow biglooser, but you'll lose that stone in a month, and what is that really? Well done so far :)

Thanks for the reply Spinoza :) congrats of your weight loss so far , I'm on a challenge as well i want to try and loose 4stone in the next 16 wks in time for my birthday and then continue on until i reach my goal :) , just out of interest how much do you weigh and want to loose ? you weight loss on week one is great , are you doing a lot of exercise as well ?
Really disappointed in myself , i went out last night with friends and ended up getting drunk and we all went for food so have felt really guilty and bad about it all day so failed at the first hurdle :( but I'm going to try and stay positive and re-start tomorrow and just learn to say NO sorry guys feel such a let down :(
Have a good Exante day today and like Darcy says draw a line under yesterday none of us are perfect! X
hi lovelies, does everyone weigh themselves first thing in morning? i seem to be at least 3lbs heavier in evening xx
hi lovelies, does everyone weigh themselves first thing in morning? i seem to be at least 3lbs heavier in evening xx
Morning Kellou. You will most probably find that this is due to water retention, as we hold water throughout the day to keep our bodies hydrated. It would most probably be a good idea to keep a weekly record of your , bust/waist/hip/arm/leg measurements as you may find that some weeks your weigh loss is lower but you have lost more inches. I am a male and know from when i did Exante last time i lost 4 stone ,but some weeks my weight stayed the same but i was losing inches off of my waist and chest. Hope this helps and hope you're weight loss is going well :)
thankyou biglooser! should i go with my first morning weight though? thankyou
Your welcome Kellou , i would yes, i use to weigh myself in the afternoon once a week and as long as i was losing each week i was happy as like i say i found the inches coming off as well :)
Hi guys. Well I'm finally back, after spending the last few weeks in hospital i am having to restart so today is day 1 all over again :( I'm not phased by this but must admit am not looking forward to the first few days, so any support would be greatly appreciated and any other guys that are also doing TS let me know would be great to keep track of each others progress. Well it is my birthday at the end of August so below are my targets , a little ambitious maybe but hey its good to have ambition and goals , realistic or not lol , anyway guys that it for me just thought i would give you an update and say hi , onwards and upwards :)


week 1 - 4lbs
week 2 - 8lbs
week 3 - 5lb
week 4 - 5lb
week 5 - 5lb
week 6 - 5lb
week 7 -5lb
week 8 - 5lb
week 9 - 5lb
week 10 -5lb
week 11 - 5lb

Welcome back
I started back on TS on Monday and feeling fine up to now
I could really do with getting some excersise in and need to get the DVDs out and give them a go
Hi Anita , glad is all going well :) I'm on day three of my re-start and feeling fine, a could of headaches but that is to be expected , just go easy on the exercise in the first couple of weeks until your body adjusts , keep me posted on your progress and good luck :)